

時間:2020-10-14 10:22:34 主持詞 我要投稿


  Opening remark: Good morning, our honorable principal, teachers, dear parents, and grandparents, uncle, aunt and the lovely kids, thank you for all your present.


  The sun of New Century is ours; the flower of New Century is ours. Let’s hold our hope, shinning at the gate of our future and step on the earth. Let the children fly into the sky; let them grow in the arms of our motherland happily.

  Growing up in the sunshine of the Communist Party, we are full of youthful spirit. We are the spring of our country; we are the hope of our country.

  Sincerely thanks to the party and the government in pre-school education career care and attention, sincerely thanks to the social from all walks of life to the cause of education support and help, sincerely thanks to the teacher and parents to our education and training.

  June is the cradle of childhood, and is the home of childhood. It has fertile land of childhood; it has the sunshine of childhood. In this belongs to our own happy moment, although we are young, we can proudly live in the arms of our parents, although we are little star, we can happily accompany our teachers.

  In this wonderful moment, let us obsessed with gratitude to say- thank you to our parents; thank you to our teachers. We’ll use wisdom and passion of seeds, with the young hands and colorful brush, to describe better tomorrow of SheQu bilingual kindergarten.

  Lovely kids, Let us set the pace of joy to happiness and walk into our own grand ceremony. The ceremony of SheQu bilingual kindergarten “sun dew flower” begins.

  1. dance

  Today is a happy day, let happy strikes drums, let the fire ballad of the fire to sing it out, let the dance of joy jumped up. Let’s appreciate the dance

  2. Dance < The night of cat-and-mouse>.

  Mouse and cat is a pair of natural enemies, but today, what performance will the mouse and the cat bring to us? Let’s appreciate the dance < The night of cat-and-mouse>. It won the second prize theatrical performances in 2015.

  3. Dance .

  In a far distant place there is a country-India. There is a beautiful Indian girl brings us a beautiful dance. It won the first prize theatrical performances in 2015. Let’s appreciate Feng Xiyi bringing to us the dance.

  4. Dance

  Eyes are the windows of the soul, we are all in someone’s eyes, and so is the world. But what is in the eyes of the desert? It surly is a handful of flame. Let’s appreciate the dance. It also won the first prize theatrical performances in 2015.

  5. Dance .

  Red heart, green seed. We are sweethearts of our teachers. The kindhearted teachers care for us, let’s appreciate dance , from our beautiful teachers.

  6. Dance

  If you love me, kiss me, if you love me, praise me, if you love me, hug me. Let’s appreciate dance

  7. Parent-child gym

  Dear, you are my angle, and you are the whole of SheQu bilingual kindergarten. Because of you, our world is dazzling glorious. In order to promote the development of the preschool education in our homeland, we bring in the most advanced pre-school theory; we set the first Development center “Idea”. Through the parent-child education, we make the world of the children warmer, and make the educational theory in the parents’ mind develop. Let’s appreciate the gym “angle” from “meng qin” class.

  8. Sign language dance

  Our motherland has endless mountains and rivers. Our motherland is abundant in resources. Our people are industrious. Homeland, mother, you are our hope forever, you are evergreen, motherland, we are proud of you. We want to sing to you, and shout for you. Let’s appreciate the sign language dance .

  9. Dance

  Let’s welcome the happy angle, they will bring to us the dance . Let’s appreciate.

  10. Speech of the representative of a student’s mother

  The kindergarten is a fertile land, the principal; teachers and all the aunts are industrious gardener. But now the healthily growing children are going to leave here. It not only their will to say thank you to our teacher, but also the parents, with their gratitude attitude. Now let’s welcome the representative of a student’s mother.

  11. Shequ bilingual kindergarten developed so well is because we have a beautiful principal who has advanced educational theory. She treats all the children as her own life; she had been worked in this special pre-school education for more than 10 years. She has been given her most beautiful time to her most loved pre-school education. At this happiest moment, let’s welcome her to give us a short speech.

  Thank you very much for what the principal said, what she said encourages us to get higher goal. We believe, in the near future, we will be proud of you, and your names will be in the memory of our principal Luo

  12. Speech of the representative of a student

  Hearing the praises principal and your father, aren’t you happy? In this special time, facing to your parents and the teachers, I think you surely have much to say. So let’s all welcome the student to say something as he is about to leave here.

  Thank you very much, although his expressions are common, it’s the hope of the child. Life just should be a set of blessings, we hope our children can walk steadily in their lifetime, so that they can go further to see and to experience the wonderful life with full happy.

  Ending: Childhood is a song, jumping with wonderful notes. Childhood is a poem, full of fantasy and longing. Childhood is a painting, drawing the beautiful world in their sights. Childhood is colorful clothes, smiling to us behind it. Today is beautiful, today is wonderful. We are going to step on the life road, accompanied with the happy memory. Let the music start to influence us, in our body, in our mind, with the most beautiful memory and blessing.

  Dear children, your smile leave in our heart, your songs, and your words leave in our ear. Please take our sincerely blessing, go to your future confidently. At the end of this moment, let give our best wishes to the parents and the children, happy and healthy. Wish all of our children can fly in the beautiful world. Wish all of you can use your own industry and wisdom to build a better future. The ceremony of SheQu bilingual kindergarten “sun dew flower” ends, see you next year.






  衷心感謝黨和政府對教育事業(yè)的關(guān)心和重視;衷心感謝社會各界對教育事業(yè)的支持和幫助。衷心感謝老師和爸爸媽媽對我們的辛勤教育和培養(yǎng)。六月是童年的搖籃,是童年的故鄉(xiāng),六月有童年的沃土,有童年的太陽,在這個屬于我們自己的快樂時刻!盡管,我們只是一棵幼苗 ,但我們驕傲地生活在父母的懷抱。盡管我們只是一顆小星星,但我們幸福地閃亮在老師的身邊。







  一、 舞蹈《女孩的`渴望》在遙遠的地方有一個國度,叫印度,印度有一個美麗的女孩給我們帶來了一個美麗的舞蹈,此舞蹈榮獲2015年全縣幼兒才藝大賽第一名!掌聲由請美麗的女孩封昕怡為我們帶來精彩的舞蹈!

  二、 舞蹈《沙漠里的大眼睛》


  三、 舞蹈《紅是紅啊綠是綠》紅紅的心、綠綠的苗,我們是老師手心的寶,我們祖國的苗,老師的心會永遠呵護我們這些嫩綠的幼苗,請欣賞由我們美麗的老師們帶來的舞蹈《紅是紅啊綠是綠》

  四、 舞蹈《愛我你就抱抱我》如果你愛我,就親親我,如果你愛我就夸夸我,如果你愛我,就抱抱我,請欣賞舞蹈《愛我你就抱抱我》

  五、 親子操《天使》親愛的寶貝,你是我的天使,更是社區(qū)幼兒園的全部,因為有了你們我們的世界才光彩奪目,為了更好的推進我縣幼教事業(yè)的發(fā)展,給孩子帶來最先進的最前沿的幼教理驗我園首家成立南豐縣艾迪兒早教中心,通過親子教育使孩子的世界更溫暖,讓家長的教育理念更上一層樓,請欣賞蒙親班小朋友帶來的親子操《天使》

  六、 手語舞蹈《國家》



  十、 家長代表發(fā)言:幼兒園是一片沃土,園長、老師和阿姨是辛勤的園丁。 如今茁壯成長的小苗苗就要離開這塊土地,不僅是咱們想對老師說聲謝謝,家長心中也充滿了感激和敬意。下面請家長代表 班 小朋友 的 講話。




  聽了園長和爸爸的表揚,你的心里是不是很高興呀? 在這特殊的日子里,面對著對自己養(yǎng)育之恩的父母,面對著培育自己的老師和阿姨,我想你們一定也有很多話想說!讓我們一起來傾聽孩子臨別前的心聲吧!請小朋友代表**小朋友講話。大家歡迎!














