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《童話鎮(zhèn)》是愛德華·凱特西斯、亞當·霍洛維茨 編劇、奧黛特·比奈等人所著的書籍,由漓江出版社出版。下面是小編為大家整理收集的關于童話鎮(zhèn)的經(jīng)典語錄,歡迎大家的閱讀。
1.我會傾盡一生來摧毀你的幸福。I shall destory your happiness if it the last thing I do.
2.你們的苦難將奠定我的成功。Out of your suffering will rise my victory.
3.向內(nèi)心黑暗的一面妥協(xié)并不能解決任何事情。Giving in to one's dark side never accomeplishes ansthing.
4.即使只是相信有幸福結局的可能也會給人很多力量。Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing.
5.魔力是很誘人,但愛也一樣。Power is seductive,but so is love.
6.愛使人軟弱。Love is weakness.
7.假如真愛如此容易,我們早就擁有了。Guess if true love was easy,we'd all have it.
8.得不到幸福結局已經(jīng)夠讓人痛苦了,而給他們無法實現(xiàn)的希望比那還要糟。Not having a happy endling is painful enough,but giving someone unrelistic hope is far worse.
9.世界上沒有一見鐘情或一吻定情這種事。That there's no such thing as love at first sight or first kiss.
10.所有的魔法都必須付出代價的。All magic comes with a price.
11.人是不會變的,他們只是欺騙自己去相信他們可以。What I want is something you don't ye possess,but something I know is coming.
12.也許是魔法讓我們相遇,但魔法無法創(chuàng)造真愛。Magic may have brought us together,but it didn't create this love.
13.我祈禱又祈禱,但什么也沒有改變,我祈禱我能更會祈禱。I wish,I wish.But nothing changes.I wish I was better at wishing.
14.“好人”是“軟弱”的代名詞。"Good" is another word of for "Weak".
15.你就是你,無法改變。You are who you are,and there's no chaning it.
16.做一個損人利己的人總比任人宰割強。It's better to the kind of people that take instead of those that get taken from.
17.如果你認為你自己要做的事是錯的,那就確實不對。If you think something you wanna do is wrong,it is.
18.你不能擁有一切。You can't have everything.
19.有時候說話不考慮別人的感受會更好。Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone when you don't give a crap what they think.
20.你的心墻也許能讓你免受傷害但也讓你遠離真愛。That wall of yours it may keep out pain,but it also may keep out love.
21.你不能喝詛咒作對。You don't play with a curse.
22.永遠不要低估為了自己孩子挺身而出的人。Never underestimate someone who's acting for their child.
23.家庭成員之間總是要能夠找到彼此。A family always needs to be able to find one another.
24.真相會讓人痛苦但也會讓人認清事實。The truth can be painful,but it can also be cathartic.
25.愛是最有力的魔法,所以解藥也得極端一些。Love is the most powerful magic,so cure must be extreme.
26.愛讓我們患病,縈繞我們的夢境,摧毀我們的生活。Love makes us sick,haunts our dreame,destroys our days.
27.愛造成的死亡比任何疾病都多。Love has killed more than any disease.
28.熱忱不是交易的一部分。Enthusiasm wasn't part of the deal.
29.愛情是一種疾病,而正如所有疾病一樣,它可以被戰(zhàn)勝。Love is a disease,and like all diseases,it can be vanquished.
30.不管多難過,我需要我的痛苦。As wretched as it is,I need my pain.
31.愿望的實現(xiàn)伴隨著代價。Making a wish comes with a price.
32.愛讓人做出傻事。Love makes people do foolish things.
33.感情用事可是很危險的。Emotional entanglements can lead us down very dangerous paths.
34.只要做些需要勇氣的事,勇氣自會隨之增長。Do the brave thing and bravery would follow.
35.你應該為有人愛你而感到幸運。You're fortunate you have someone that loves you.
36.愛情就像一簇易熄的火焰,一旦熄滅,便不復燃。Love.It's like a delicate flame.And once it's gone,it's gone forever.
37.任何詛咒都有破解之道。And all curses can be broken.
38.真愛之吻能破解任何詛咒。True love's kiss will break any curse.
39.當兩個人都想得到彼此的某個東西時交易隨之產(chǎn)生。Now when two people both want something the other has,a deal can always be struck.
40.有時幻想比現(xiàn)實更美好。Sometimes illsuions are better then truth.
41.變化總令人恐懼。Change is always frightening.
42.真愛不易得到,但必須爭取。True love isn't easy,but it must be fought for.
43.有些人就會這樣不斷毀掉別人的幸福。Some people will stop at nothing to destory the happiness of others.
44.只要有夢想,一切都能實現(xiàn)。You can do anything as long as you can dream it.
45.愛是希望它點亮我們的夢想。Love is hope,it fuels our dreams.
46.命運是自己掌控的。You control what changes in your life.
47.I'm a dwarf.I can't love.我是屌絲,與愛無緣。
48.每個都有陰暗面。Eveyone has a dark side.
49.邪惡通?雌饋聿幌裥皭骸vil doesn't always look evil.
50.沒有哪劑藥能帶回真愛。No potion can bring back true love.
51.如果你能駕馭真愛,那你就能駕馭一切。If you can bottle love you can do anything.
53.Words.Words.Words.That's all that love is.
54.艱難的生計使你意志堅定。Hard living has strengthened your resolve.
55.沒什么比家庭更重要了。There's nothing more important than family.
56.還有什么比不相信“不眼見為實”更瘋狂的呢?What's crazier than seeing and not believing?
57.歷史書是以歷史為依據(jù)的。History books are based on history.
58.每個人都希望魔法能解決自己的問題,但沒有人真正相信魔法。Everyone wants a magical solution for their problem,and everyone refuses to belive in magic.
59.想使人痛苦就得制造磨難。If you want to inflict pain than you must inflict pain.
60.真愛是世上最強大的魔法。True love is the most powerful magic of all.