1. Each bird loves to hear himself sing.鳥兒都愛聽自己唱歌。
2. Each day brings its own bread.天無絕人之路。
3. Each man is the architect of his own fate.命運(yùn)掌握在自己手中。
4. Eagles catch no flies.大人物不計(jì)較小事情。
5. Eagles fly alone, but sheep flock together.鷹單飛,羊群集。
6. Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble.早期的錯(cuò)誤可以釀成日后的麻煩。
7. Early sow, early mow.播種早的收獲早。
8. Early start makes easy stages.早開始是成功的保證。
9. Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起,令人健康、富有而且聰明。
10. Early wed, early dead.早婚早夭。
11. Easier said than done.說話容易做事難。
12. East or west, home is best.在家千日好,出門時(shí)時(shí)難。
13. Easy come, easy go.易得易失。
14. Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.隨意吃飯,適度飲酒。
15. Eat one's cake and have it.又要馬兒好,又要馬兒不吃草。
16. Eat to live, but not live to eat.吃飯是為了生存,但生存不是為了吃飯。
17. Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others.吃是使自己受用,穿是使別人受用。
18. Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him.人的教養(yǎng)始于教育,成于社交。
19. Education has for its object the formation of character.教育的目的在于培養(yǎng)品德。
20. Elbow grease gives the best polish.只要功夫深,鐵杵磨成針。
21. Empty vessels make the greatest sound.空桶響聲大。
22. Enough is as good as a feast.知足常樂。
23. Envy assails the noblest, the winds howl around the highest peak.高位遭人妒,高峰招風(fēng)吹。
24. Equivocation is first cousin to a lie.支支吾吾,其言必詐。
25. Errors, like straws, upon the surface flow; he who would search for pearls must dive below.錯(cuò)誤像稻草,漂浮在水面。欲覓珍珠者,須往水下潛。
26. Even Homer sometimes nods.人非圣賢,孰能無過。
27. Even the walls have ears.隔墻有耳。
28. Every advantage has its disadvantage.有利必有弊。
29. Every bean has its black.人人有其缺點(diǎn)。
30. Every bird likes its own nest.人愛其家。
31. Every brave man is a man of his word.勇敢的人都是信守諾言的人。
32. Every bullet has its billet.無風(fēng)不起浪。
33. Every cloud has a silver lining.山窮水盡疑無路,柳暗花明又一村。
34. Every cock crows on its own dunghill.夜郎自大。
35. Every cook praises his own broth.自吹自擂。
36. Every country has its customs.鄉(xiāng)有鄉(xiāng)俗。
37. Every couple is not a pair.同床異夢,貌合神離。
38. Every day is not Sunday.好景不常在,好花不常開。
39. Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history.生命中的一天就是你歷史上的一頁。
40. Every dog has his day, and every man his hour.人人都有得意的日子。
41. Every dog has his day.凡人都有得意之日。
42. Every dog is a lion at home.夜郎自大。
43. Every dog is valiant at his won door.狗在家門前條條都兇悍。
44. Every door may be shut but death's door.除了死門外,每門都可關(guān)。
45. Every extremity is a fault.萬事過分都差誤。
46. Every fool can find faults that wise man cannot remedy.蠢人也能找出聰明人無法彌補(bǔ)的岔子來的。
47. Every heart has its own sorrow.人人都有傷心處。
48. Every horse thinks his sack heaviest.每疋馬認(rèn)為自己馱的袋子重。
49. Every Jack has his Jill.有情人終成眷屬。
50. Every little makes a mickle.積少成多。
51. Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.情人眼里出西施。
52. Every man has a fool in his sleeve.聰明一世,糊涂一時(shí)。
53. Every man has his faults.人孰無過。
54. Every man has his hobby-horse.人各有所好。
55. Every man has his liking.人各有所好。
56. Every man has his weak side.人人都有自己的弱點(diǎn)。
57. Every man has the defects of his qualities.一個(gè)人的好品質(zhì)上也有不足之處。
58. Every man is best know to himself.自己最了解自己。
59. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.每個(gè)人都是他自己命運(yùn)的建誅師。
60. Every man is the master of his own fortune.每個(gè)人都是他自己的命運(yùn)的主宰。
61. Every man is the son of his own works.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。
62. Every man thinks his own geese swans.每個(gè)人都以為自己的東西了不起。
63. Every medal has its reverse.事物都有它的'反面。
64. Every mother's child is handsome.老王賣瓜,自賣自夸。
65. Every one's faults are not written in their foreheads.知人知面不知心。
66. Every pleasure has a pain.樂中必有苦。
67. Every potter praises his own pot.老王賣瓜,自賣自夸。
68. Every salesman boasts of his own wares.老王賣瓜,自賣自夸。
69. Every shoe fits not every foot.不能以己度人。
70. Every tide hath its ebb.興盛之日必有衰退之時(shí)。
71. Every tree is known by its own fruit.觀其言行,知其為人。
72. Every why has a wherefore.事出有因。
73. Everybody's business is nobody's business.人人都管,大家不管。
74. Everyone is dissatisfied with his own fortune.人對自己的命運(yùn)總不感滿足。
75. Everything comes to him who waits.安心等待必有好處。
76. Everything has its seed.無風(fēng)不起浪。
77. Everything has its time and that time must be watched.任何事情都有好的時(shí)機(jī),不要隨意放過。
78. Everything hath an end.任何事物都有它的結(jié)果。
79. Everything is good in its season.萬物逢時(shí)皆美好。
80. Everything is good when new, but friend when old.東西新的好,朋友老的好。
81. Everything is nice in your garden.老王賣瓜,自賣自夸。
82. Everything must have a beginning.凡是都有起源。
83. Everything new is fine.新事物總是美好的。
84. Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches.罪惡來時(shí),尺進(jìn)寸退。
85. Evil communications corrupt good manners.交往惡劣,有損風(fēng)度。
86. Evil gotten, evil spent.悖入悖出。
87. Example is better than precept.言教不如身教。
88. Exchange is no robbery.公平交易并非強(qiáng)行奪取。
89. Exercise, temperance, fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.鍛鏈、節(jié)制、新鮮空氣和必要的休息是最好的醫(yī)生。
90. Experience is a school from which one can never graduate.經(jīng)驗(yàn)無止境。
91. Experience is the best teacher.經(jīng)驗(yàn)是良師。
92. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.經(jīng)驗(yàn)是知識之父,記憶是知識之母。
93. Experience is the mother of wisdom.智慧來自經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
94. Experience keeps a dear school, but fools learn in no other.吃虧學(xué)乖代價(jià)高,笨漢非此學(xué)不好。
95. Experience keeps no school, she teaches her pupils singly.親身經(jīng)驗(yàn),才是經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
96. Experience must be bought.若要得經(jīng)驗(yàn),必須化代價(jià)。
97. Experience teaches.經(jīng)驗(yàn)給人教訓(xùn)。
98. Experience without learning is better than learning without experience.有經(jīng)驗(yàn)而無學(xué)問,勝于有學(xué)問而無經(jīng)驗(yàn)。
99. Extremes are dangerous.物極必反。
100. Extremes meet.否極泰來。