

時(shí)間:2020-07-21 14:05:01 諺語(yǔ) 我要投稿




  一、All things will come round to him who will but wait 只要肯等待,一切都會(huì)按時(shí)來(lái)。

  二、Where there is life, there is hope 生命不息,希望長(zhǎng)在。

  三、Misfortunes tell us what fortune is 惡運(yùn)臨頭后,才知幸運(yùn)貴。

  四、Adversity makes a man wise, not rich 患難能使人聰明,但不能使人富有。

  五、A man becomes learned by asking questions 要長(zhǎng)學(xué)問,就得多問。

  六、Bend the willow while it is still young 修樹要趁早,育人要趁小。

  七、Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue 勇敢和堅(jiān)決是美德的靈魂。

  八、Act fairly by all men 一視同仁。

  九、Actions speak louder than words 事實(shí)勝于雄辯。

  十、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try 世上無(wú)難事,只要人肯試。

  十一、The fire is the test of gold; adversity of strong man 烈火試真金,困苦煉壯士。

  十二、Great hopes make great man 遠(yuǎn)大的希望造就偉大的人物 。

  十三、No way is impossible to courage 勇士面前無(wú)險(xiǎn)路。

  十四、Fortune often rewards with interest those that have patience to wait for her 做事只要有耐心,到頭總會(huì)有好運(yùn);耐心候好運(yùn),好運(yùn)常會(huì)來(lái)。

  十五、There is no royal road to learning 學(xué)問無(wú)坦途。

  十六、A life without a friend is a life without a sun 人生沒有朋友,猶如生活沒有陽(yáng)光。

  十七、A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner 平靜的大海決不能造就出熟練的`水手。

  十八、We must not lie down, and cry “God help us” 求神不如求己。

  十九、The path to glory is always rugged 光榮之路?部馈

  二十、The loss outweighs the gain 得不償失。

  二十一、No sweet without sweat 苦盡甘來(lái)。

  二十二、Rome wasn’t built in a day 羅馬不是一天建成的。

  二十三、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart 有志者事竟成。

  二十四、A little help is worth a deal of pity 一次行動(dòng)勝過(guò)一筐空話。

  二十五、A little is better than none 有一點(diǎn)總比沒有好。

  二十六、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing 一知半解,害已誤人。

  二十七、A picture is a poem without words 畫為無(wú)言詩(shī)。

  二十八、Step by step the ladder is ascended 登梯需要逐級(jí)登。

  二十九、It is good to learn at another man’s cost 前車之鑒。

  三十、The specter sees most clearly 旁觀者清。

  三十一、Prevention is better than cure 預(yù)防勝于治療。

  三十二、The older, the wiser 年歲增長(zhǎng)智慧。

  三十三、A pet lamp makes a cross ram 寵壞的羔羊會(huì)變成惡羊。

  三十四、Adversity leads to prosperity 困苦通向昌盛。

  三十五、Patience and application will carry us through 忍耐和專心會(huì)使我們渡過(guò)難關(guān) 。


  A famous saying goes "Haste makes waste", which means that one should do everything step by step. Even simple operations can easily be spoiled if we rush to complete them, neglecting important stages in the process. One should make full preparations before beginning any task.

  Taking a look around, we can find examples too numerous to list. The best illustration might be English study. Without a good command of pronunciation, we can never hope to speak in an understandable way. Similarly, if we do not learn to spell properly and to acquire a basic grasp of grammar, we will never succeed in writing good compositions.

  (或Actually, history abounds with examples of haste making waste. A well-known Chinese fable goes that a farm tried to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward, only to find that they died soon. Another case in point is the so-called Great Leap Forward movement in China in 1950''s and 1960''s. At that time, the Chinese people were so eager to develop their economy that they took some improper measures, only to hinder the expansion of economy.)

  (或Here I can think of no better illustration of the proverb than the experience of my own. At the age of 11 or 12, I began to learn to ride. Eager to ride as well as others, I started by sitting on the saddle at the very beginning. Predictably, I often fell from over the bike. Lots of time had been wasted before I realized that I should do it step by step. I tried to slide by standing on one pedal. Then I began to ride the bike from under the cross bar. Finally, I succeeded. )

  In short, laying a solid foundation is essential if we want to make achievements in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. At every step, review what has been achieved and assess the problems ahead before moving to the next step. And remember, Rome was not built in a day.










