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THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! (Applause.) Can everybody please give Lisbeth a biground of applause? That was a great introduction. (Applause.)
Happy Halloween, everybody. I see a lot of you came as college students. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: I love you, too. Those of you who have seats, feel free to sit down. Those ofyou who don’t, don’t. (Laughter.) I am not going to be too long. I’ve got to get back and trick-or-treat tonight with Michelle. Although, Malia and Sasha are a little old --
THE PRESIDENT: It’s so sad. (Laughter.) I used to be able to -- we’d dress them up, and westill have the pictures. They’ll resent them later, but at the time they were fine with it. Theywere so cute.
A good thing about being President is we never run out of Presidential M&Ms -- (laughter) -- so we’re going to be giving those out.
AUDIENCE: (Inaudible.) (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: You want some? Is that what you said? Only to kids. (Laughter.)
We’re so proud of Lisbeth, not just for the wonderful introduction but for being so determinedabout her education. And she’s a really remarkable young lady. I had a chance to speak to herbefore we came out. It turns out she went to school with my niece and nephew --
THE PRESIDENT: That’s right. At Classical, is that right? So that was neat.
I have also brought some Halloween characters with me: Our Secretary of Labor, Tom Perez. (Applause.) They are all dressed up as really outstanding public servants. (Laughter.) AndTom has just been doing extraordinary work. His lovely daughter is there, who’s a freshman atBrown. Your great senators, Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse. (Applause.) Your outstandingCongressman, David Cicilline, is here. (Applause.) Jim Langevin is here. (Applause.) And we’reproud of both of them.
But despite how much I love all the folks I just mentioned, the people I really came to see isyou. (Applause.) Because every decision I make every single day -- all the policies I pursue asPresident -- are all aimed at making sure we restore the promise of this country for yourgeneration and for every generation that comes after.
Now, the good news is we’ve made a lot of progress since the worst economic crisis of ourlifetimes. So when I first came into office, the economy was in a freefall, the auto industry wasin a freefall. Banks were frozen up. We were losing 800,000 jobs a month. Over the past 55months, our businesses have now added 10.3 million new jobs. (Applause.) For the first time inmore than six years, the unemployment rate is below 6 percent. Over the past six months,our economy has grown at its fastest pace in more than 10 years.
And in education, dropout rates are down, the national graduation rate is the highest on record,more young people are earning their college degrees than ever before. (Applause.) Good job,young people.
In energy, we’re less dependent on foreign oil than any time in nearly three decades.Manufacturing -- the quintessential producer of middle-class jobs, the heart of Rhode Island’seconomy for decades -- manufacturing has now created 700,000 new jobs since early 2010. Tenmillion Americans have gained the peace of mind that comes with having health insurance. (Applause.)
THE PRESIDENT: You’re welcome.
Deficits have come down. Health care inflation has come down. There’s almost no economicmeasure by which we haven’t made substantial progress over this period of time. We’rebetter off than we were. (Applause.)
So, look, the progress has been hard. It’s sometimes been challenging in particular states.But it’s been steady and it’s been real. Now, the thing is, though, what’s also true is thatmillions of Americans don’t yet feel the benefits of a growing economy where it matters most --and that’s in their own lives. There are still a lot of folks who are working hard, but havingtrouble making ends meet.
I know that many of you are working while you go to school. Some of you are helping supportyour parents or siblings. Here in Rhode Island, and across the country, there are still too manypeople who are working too many hours and don’t have enough to show for it. And this isn’tjust the hangover from the Great Recession; some of this has to do with trends that date back20, 30 years. And I’ve always said that recovering from the crisis of 2008 was the first thing wehad to do, but our economy won’t be healthy until we reverse some of these longer-termtrends, this erosion of middle-class jobs and income.
And here in Rhode Island, my administration recently announced a grant to help more long-term unemployed folks get the training and mentoring they need to get back to work. (Applause.) And all across the country, we’re taking similar actions, community bycommunity, to keep making progress.
We’ve got to harness the momentum that we’re seeing in the broader economy and makesure the economy is working for every single American. We’ve got to keep making smartchoices. And today, here at RIC, I want to focus on some common-sense steps we can take tohelp working families right now. In particular, I want to zero in on the choices we need tomake to ensure that women are full and equal participants in the economy. (Applause.)
Now, men, I don’t want you to feel neglected. I like men just fine. (Laughter.) But part of thereason that I want this focus is because I was raised by a single mom, and know what it was likefor her to raise two kids and go to work at the same time, and try to piece things togetherwithout a lot of support. And my grandmother, who never graduated from college but workedher way up to become vice president of a bank, I know what it was like for her to hit the glassceiling, and to see herself passed over for promotions by people that she had trained. And sosome of this is personal, but some of it is also what we know about our economy, which is it’schanging in profound ways, and in many ways for the better because of the participation ofwomen more fully in our economy.
So earlier today, I met with a group of women business owners and working moms, and Lisbethand your president here, and they were sharing stories that probably sound familiar to a lot ofpeople -- studying for finals after working a full shift; searching for childcare when thebabysitter cancels at the last minute; using every penny of their savings so they can afford tostay home with their new baby.
And so I kept on hearing my own story. I kept on hearing about my mom struggling to putherself through school, or my grandmother hitting that glass ceiling. And I thought aboutMichelle, and I told some stories about when Michelle and I were younger and getting starting,and we were struggling to balance two careers while raising a family. And my job forced me totravel a lot, which made it harder on Michelle, and we would feel some of the guilt that somany people feel -- we’re working, we’re thinking about the kids, we’re wondering whetherwe’re bad parents, we’re wondering whether we were doing what we need to do on the job. Andas the catch-22 of working parents, we wanted to spend time with our kids, but we also wantedto make sure that we gave them the opportunities that our hard work was providing.
And then, of course, I think about my daughters. And the idea that my daughters wouldn’thave the same opportunities as somebody’s sons -- well, that’s unacceptable. That’s notacceptable. (Applause.)
So I say all this because -- to the men here, we all have a stake in choosing policies that helpwomen succeed. Women make up about half of America’s workforce. (Applause.) For more thantwo decades, women have earned over half of the higher education degrees awarded in thiscountry. And you look at the RIC student body, almost 70 percent women. (Applause.) Incolleges nationwide, there are more women graduating than men -- which means that for thefirst time, America’s highly educated workforce will be made up of more women than men. (Applause.)
But here’s the challenge -- that’s all good news -- the challenge is, our economy and some ofthe laws and rules governing our workplaces haven’t caught up with that reality. A lot ofworkplaces haven’t caught up with that reality. So while many women are working hard tosupport themselves and their families, they’re still facing unfair choices, outdated workplacepolicies. That holds them back, but it also holds all of us back. We have to do better, becausewomen deserve better. And, by the way, when women do well, everybody does well. (Applause.)
So women deserve a day off to care for a sick child or sick parent without running intohardship. And Rhode Island has got the right idea. You’re one of just three states where paidfamily leave is the law of the land. (Applause.) More states should choose to follow your lead.
It was interesting talking to some of the small business owners in the meeting. They weresaying how the Rhode Island law actually helped them do a better job recruiting and retainingoutstanding employees. And so that shows you something -- that this is not just a nice thingto do; it’s good policy. It’s good for business. It’s good for the economy. (Applause.)
Without paid leave, when a baby arrives or an aging parent needs help, workers have to makepainful decisions about whether they can afford to be there when their families need themmost. Many women can’t even get a paid day off to give birth to their child. I mean, there are alot of companies that still don’t provide maternity leave. Of course, dads should be there, too.So let’s make this happen for women and for men, and make our economy stronger. (Applause.) We’ve got to broaden our laws for family leave.
Moms and dads deserve a great place to drop their kids off every day that doesn’t cost theman arm and a leg. We need better childcare, daycare, early childhood education policies. (Applause.) In many states, sending your child to daycare costs more than sending them to apublic university.
THE PRESIDENT: True. (Laughter.) And too often, parents have no choice but to put theirkids in cheaper daycare that maybe doesn’t have the kinds of programming that makes a bigdifference in a child’s development. And sometimes there may just not be any slots, or the bestprograms may be too far away. And sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace tostay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as aresult. And that’s not a choice we want Americans to make.
So let’s make this happen. By the end of this decade, let’s enroll 6 million children in high-quality preschool, and let’s make sure that we are making America stronger. That is good forfamilies; it’s also good for the children, because we know investing in high-quality earlychildhood education makes all the difference in the world, and those kids will do better. So weneed family leave, we need better child care policies, and we need to make sure that women getan honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. (Applause.)
About 28 million Americans would benefit if we raised the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour -- (applause) -- like Sheldon Whitehouse and Jack Reed support. And let me say this: Minimumwage -- those aren’t just teenage jobs that are impacted. We’re not just talking about youngpeople. My first job was at Baskin Robbins. And I got paid the minimum wage and it was okay.Wearing that hat and the apron was -- (laughter) -- yeah.
But the truth is, the average worker who would benefit from an increase in the minimum wageis 35 years old -- 35. A majority of low-wage workers are women. A lot of them have kids.Right now, somebody working full-time on the minimum wage makes $14,500 a year -- $14,500. If they’re a parent, that means they’re below the poverty line. Nobody who worksfull-time in America should be below the poverty line. (Applause.) They should not be raisingtheir kids below the poverty line. I am not going to give up this fight. And we needRepublicans in Congress to stop blocking a minimum wage increase and give America a raise. (Applause.)
And if a woman is doing the same work as a man, she deserves to get paid just like the mandoes. (Applause.) Even though it’s 2014, there are women still earning less than men for doingthe same work. And women of color face an even greater wage gap. (Applause.) And at a timewhen women are the primary breadwinners in more households than ever, that hurts the wholefamily if they’re not getting paid fairly. Again, men, I just want you to pay attention. WhenMichelle and I were starting off, there were stretches of time where Michelle was making moremoney than me, and I wanted to make sure she was making every dime that she deserved. (Laughter.) Right? I don’t know how I benefit by her getting paid less than a man. Right?
THE PRESIDENT: Okay! Men, I just want you to be clear. (Laughter.)
And it starts with recent college graduates. Women often start their careers with lower pay, andthen the gap grows over time -- especially if they get passed over for promotions and then theyget fewer raises, or they take time off to care for family members. So you get a situation wherewomen are doing the same work as men, but the structure, the expectations somehow is, well,they’ll take time off for family, and once they take time off that means that it’s okay to paythem a little bit less. And that builds up over time.
And we’ve got to have a reversal of those kinds of policies and that kind of mindset. We’ve gotto catch up to the 21st century. We need to pass a fair pay law, make our economy stronger. Itwill be good for America, and it will be good for our families and good for our kids. (Applause.)
While we’re on the topic, women deserve to make their own health care choices -- notpoliticians or insurance companies. (Applause.) And that’s why the Affordable Care Act is soimportant. (Applause.) Insurance plans -- because we passed the Affordable Care Act,insurance plans now have to cover the basics, including contraceptive care, and prenatal care,and maternity care. (Applause.)
That means a working mom doesn’t have to put off the care she needs just so she can pay herbills on time. Tens of millions of women have new access to preventive care like mammogramswith no co-pays, no out-of-pocket expenses. (Applause.) It means that a cash-strapped studentdoesn’t have to choose between the care that she needs and the cost of textbooks. (Applause.)
And because of the Affordable Care Act, because of Obamacare -- (applause) -- because of thatlaw, no insurance company can deny you coverage based on a preexisting condition like breastcancer, or charge you more for the same care just because you’re a woman. (Applause.) That’sthe right thing to do.
So no matter how many times Republicans threaten to repeal this law, we’re going to keep itin place -- because it’s working. (Applause.) Not only is it covering more people, not only is itprotecting women and people with preexisting conditions from discrimination, but it’s actuallybeen part of the trend that’s lowering health care inflation. We’re actually saving moneybecause the system is getting smarter and there’s more preventive care instead of emergencycare, and we’re changing how health care is delivered. (Applause.) Which is why I’m pretty surethat in 10 years they’re not going to call it Obamacare anymore. (Laughter.) Republicans will belike, oh, I was for that, yes. (Laughter.) That’s how that works.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: We’ll remember.
THE PRESIDENT: You’ll remember though. You’ll remind them. (Applause.)
Now, to really make sure that women are full and equal participants in our economy, we can dosome of this administratively. But it requires not just changing laws; it requires changingattitudes. And more and more companies are changing attitudes. And this is really good news.
JetBlue, for example, has a flexible work-from-home plan for its customer service reps. They’vefound it’s led to happier, more productive employees and lower costs. Google increased paidleave for new parents -- moms and dads -- to five months -- five months -- and that helped cutthe rate of women leaving the company by half. And when I was having a conversation withsome of the women business owners before I came out here, they were saying it’s really costlywhen you lose a good employee and you’ve got to train somebody all over again. It’s muchmore sensible from a business perspective to invest in them and make them feel like you’vegot their backs, and they’ll stay with you.
And it’s not just these big corporations that are embracing these policies. So Cheryl Snead, whois the CEO of Banneker Industries -- where’s Cheryl? She was here just a second. There she isback there. So Banneker Industries, a supply chain management firm, is based in NorthSmithfield. And when Cheryl was in college, she studied mechanical engineering. At the time,there weren’t that many African American women in mechanical engineering. There stillaren’t. (Laughter.) We’re working to change that.
Cheryl wants to do something about that. Her company has made it a priority to find talentedyoung women and minority students, encourage them to study science and math in college,hire them once they graduate. (Applause.) And what Cheryl was explaining was that having adiverse workforce, having more women in the workforce, all that makes her a strongercompany. And it’s not just good for the workers -- it’s good for business.
So if large businesses like Google, small businesses like Cheryl’s all see the wisdom of this, let’sjoin them. Let’s encourage more women and more girls into fields like science and technologyand engineering and math. And let’s work with those companies to ensure that family-friendlypolicies can support more women in that workforce. (Applause.)
Ann-Marie Harrington -- where is Ann? Ann-Marie is right here. So Ann-Marie, she’s thepresident of a company called Embolden, based in Pawtucket. And it provides web services tocommunity foundations and non-profits. A small business -- about 20 employees; 21 I thinkshe said. She just hired somebody, must have been. (Laughter.) But she lets them work fromhome and keep a flexible schedule when they need to. And she says that’s increased hercompany’s productivity.
So I’m taking a page from these companies’ playbooks. This summer I directed the federalagencies in the executive branch to put flexible workplace policies in wherever possible;make it clear that all federal employees have the right to request them. We want the besttalent to serve our country, and that means making it a little bit easier for them to maintainthat work-family balance.
But these are issues that are too important to hinge on whether or not your boss isenlightened. We have to raise our voices to demand that women get paid fairly. We’ve got toraise our voices to make sure women can take time off to care for a loved one, and that momsand dads can spend time with a new baby. We’ve got to raise our voices to make sure that ourwomen maintain and keep their own health care choices. We’ve got to raise our voices tobasically do away with policies and politicians that belong in a “Mad Men” episode. “Mad Men”is a good show, but that’s not who we want making decisions about our workplaces these days.When women succeed, America succeeds. And we need leaders who understand that. That’swhat we need. (Applause.)
So if you care about these policies, you got to keep pushing for them. This shouldn’t bepartisan. Republicans and Democrats should be supportive of all these issues.
I was talking to Tom Perez; he had just come back from Europe. He was talking to chambers ofcommerce and conservative politicians. They were all supportive of family leave, supportiveof childcare, because they understood it actually made the economy more productive. Thisisn’t a liberal or conservative agenda.
When I talk to women, like the ones I spoke to earlier, when I hear folks’ stories from acrossthe country, and when I think about my own mom and how she made it all work, or mygrandmother, nobody is looking at these issues through partisan lenses. We’re not Democratsfirst or Republicans first, we are Americans first. And as Americans, it’s up to us to protect andrestore the ideals that made this country great. (Applause.)
And that is, that in this country, no matter who you are, what you look like, where you comefrom, whether you are male or you are female -- here in America, you can make it if you try.That’s the promise of America. That’s the future I’m going to fight for. (Applause.) I want youto fight there with me.
Thank you, everybody. God bless you.