

時間:2024-05-23 08:36:59 英語演講稿 我要投稿





  A Word Has That Change the World ——Smile and the World Smiles With You Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I am very happy to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of “A Word has that Change the World——Smile and the World Smiles With You “. First, please look at my face. Do you know what I’m doing? Yes, quite right, I’m smiling. I like smiling, because it makes me more confident and more popular. Don’t you think it important? Can you imagine a world without smiles? Can you bear seeing sad faces here and there? What a gloomy world it would without smiles!

  Smile is so important of the world; it also can change the world! Smile and the world smiles with you!

  Do you still remember the smiles from someone in your mind? What’s your feeling about that? The majority of people are trying to pursue happiness through their lifetime, but what is the root of happiness? I take the strong position that one of the secrets is smile. Smile makes the world go around.

  It’s easier to make new friends through charming and friendly smiles. Smile always creates a good impression. Maybe we cannot remember someone’s name after meeting each other for the first time; however, his

  or her smile impressed us. But people sometimes overlook the importance of smiling since it is so simple. It seems that people are always in such a hurry for their own business that they complain a lot about the lack of happiness in life and some people even want to be Harry Porter to learn the magic spell of happiness.

  Ladies and gentlemen, every one of us want to know exactly well what the spell actually is and the spell is can change the world. What is it? so simple and just at hand. That’s smile.

  Smile is such a magic spell. It is a kind of emotional contact. It makes strangers becomes friends. It makes parents and children understand each other better and it makes the love between lovers deeper.

  Smile is such a magic spell. It’s also a kind of encouragement. It makes people feel warm in ice and snow. It gives thirsty people power to walk on in a dessert. It makes cowards become brave and it makes people see hope in desperate situations.

  So please remember smile make your life brighter. Smile and the world smiles with you. Every time you smile you give yourself a perfect chance to enjoy life. Every time you smile, you bring the brilliant sunshine to the whole world around you as well as to yourself.

  A smile is the common language of the world, is the perfect way to communicate. Smile to the world's stability and peace is hard to imagine that role. A smile can change the world , can change the way we live and


  So please smile, it will not only make your life happiness, will let others feel happy, still can let the whole world is filled with the taste of happiness!!!!!

  My speech is over, thank you very much!












  到了高中,還是很迷茫。可能男生都不喜歡背書,實在不是背逼的萬不得已,都不會去背書。好在我有看書,看報紙,看雜志的習(xí)慣,每天放學(xué),只要一有時間,就到縣圖書館的閱覽室去看報紙,雜志。記不得是在高一還是高二,突然在報紙上看到一個正版,都是一個叫扶忠汗的臺灣人寫的英語學(xué)習(xí)的文章,他說,英語學(xué)習(xí)就是用英語。比如說,你學(xué)了一個THIS IS A的句型,那你就要馬上把它用起來,THIS IS A BOOK。 THIS IS A DESK。 THIS IS A ROOM。 THIS IS A CHAIR。等等。用多了,用了一千遍,THIS IS A的這個句型也就會了。





  大一的時候,借書證一辦下來,就去借了幾本原版英文名著,但生詞太多,實在看不懂,放在手里幾個月,又還回去了。郁悶了一段時間,再一看,自己手里才發(fā)的《大學(xué)英語泛讀教程》不也很好看,而且不難,不就很好嗎?我就一口氣把《泛讀教程》看完了,再回頭找?guī)妆竞唵蔚脑嬗⑽淖x物,看起來非常吃力,但拼命查英語詞典,開始一天就看兩頁,還行,就繼續(xù)往下看,慢慢地也就把一本JACK LONDON的WHITE FANG看完了?赐炅说谝槐居⑽脑,長吁了一口氣,哎,終于把一本真正的英文書看完了。








  Dear Mr. Li dear my schoolmates good morning!

  Entrusted by the first group of schoolmates the topic of my speech is Necessity for lifelong learning.

  About lifelong learning there is the famous proverb in Chinese: never too old to learn. Confucius the famous educator in ancient China also said: if I learn the Classical literature "Yi" from the age of 50 I would never make so many mistakes.

  To sum up Necessity of lifelong learning is mainly based on the following reasons: First of all the knowledge of modern society changes so quickly if not to learn new knowledge in time you will soon fall behind the times. For example using the mobile Internet technology we can using a mobile phone to book a taxi pay various fees buy all kinds of goods etc. if a person may not grasp the knowledge especially senior people they will not use the convenience brought by Internet.

  Secondly diligent in thinking can effectively prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. This conclusion has been verified in medicine. Finally a person who maintains the habit of lifelong learning can have a stronger advantage in occupation choice. This is not only good for the person but also for the country and the society. Some people complain that they have too much work and have no time to read a book usually. But In fact lifelong learning is not only reading or having a class we can browse the web read e-books receiving distance courses through the Internet conveniently. We can learn not only knowledge but also skills.

  Age cannot be a barrier to our lifelong learning. Chu Shijian once the king of China's tobacco industry had suffered a great setback before retirement. He was even put into prison. But at the age of 75 he began to study orange planting technology seriously and finally have a huge success in this area ten years late. Harland Sandoz of America began learning the fast-food lethal at his age of 83. When he was 88 years old his fast food chain often Kentucky had distributed each corner of the world.

  Therefore lifelong learning is never too late to start let's start our plan today. Thank you.














  上課要認(rèn)真聽講,不走思或盡量少走思。不要自以為是,要虛心向老師學(xué)習(xí)。不要以為老師講得簡單而放棄聽講,如果真出現(xiàn)這種情況可以當(dāng)成是復(fù)習(xí)、鞏固。盡量與老師保持一致、同步,不能自搞一套,否則就等于是完全自學(xué)了。入門以后,有了一定的基礎(chǔ),則允許有自己一定的活動空間,也就是說允許有一些自己的東西,學(xué)得越多,自己的東西越多 。




  My Pledge My Oath 我的誓言

  I can’t stand my poor English!

  I can’t stand my ten years of wasted time!

  I can’t stand being looked down upon!

  I can’t stand being laughed at!





  I want to improve my situation!

  I want to change my life!

  I want to be successful!

  I want to be international!





  I don’t want to let my parents down!

  Idon’t ever want to let my country down!

  Most important, I don’t want to let myself down 我不想讓我的父母失望!



  I want to speak perfect English!

  Iwant to understand all kinds of accents!

  I want to write beautiful articles!

  I want to read thousands of books!

  I want to translate freely between Chinese and English.

  I want to be the master of the world’s two most important languages: Chinese and English







  I must act at once!

  I must open my mouth to practice!

  I must surprise them with my excellent English! I must realize my dream!

  I must succeed!



  我必須用我出色的英語令眾人驚嘆! 我必須實現(xiàn)我的夢想!














  Hello, everyone. I'm Yu Xiaojun from Class 3, grade 6. I'm running for the position of learning Commissar.


  You know what? In fact, it's my dream when I was a kid to be a team member. I've seen many people running for the team member on the stage before. At that time, I envy them very much. At the same time, I also hope to be a team member myself. When my classmates are sad, I will act as an angel to bring happiness to them; when my classmates encounter difficulties in learning, I will act as a teacher to teach them patiently; when they make mistakes, I will patiently guide them to correct their mistakes, so I feel very honored to run for the brigade this time.


  If I was elected to the brigade Committee this time, I would organize some study groups to let some students with good academic performance become "little teachers" to help some students with poor academic performance, improve their academic performance, and help them review at the same time, which is really a double kill. I will also ask every student to move out a manual newspaper about learning every week and paste it on the blackboard of the school, so as to increase the extracurricular knowledge of the students, and improve their practical ability and thinking ability. I will also organize more knowledge competitions so that students can learn more knowledge in the competitions


  Remember the teacher said: "a person with self-confidence is not necessarily successful, but without self-confidence will not succeed." This sentence often reminds me. Today, I stand here with my self-confidence to run for the brigade Committee, so I hope you will vote for me. Remember, I'm Yu Xiaojun on the 4th, a very confident girl.


  Weve all been taught that we should help people.

  It is the right thing to do and will make us popular with others.

  It may even win us favors in return.

  however, we must be realistic.

  We cant say yes to every request.

  If we did, we would fail or go crazy for sure.

  sometimes we simply dont have the time to help.

  In this case, we must know how to say no politely.

  When we need to say no, here is one method we can try.

  First, we should tell the truth.

  If we really cant do something, we should just say so.

  Second, we should remember to refuse requests politely.

  We must communicate clearly, but must also be sincere and sympathetic.

  A true friend will understand.

  Finally, we must not feel guilty about saying no.

  Sometimes refusing others is the right thing to do.

  It can save ourselves, and them, a lot of trouble.

  In short, we cannot please everyone all the time.

  Refusing favors is a part of life.














  我是分在三級班,班里的同學(xué)一般英語都很強。讀寫課還行,聽說課曾讓我郁悶了很長時間,幾乎每次上聽說就很緊張。因為我課上比較沉默,不愛發(fā)言,正好跟聽說課的主旨相悖。我的口語發(fā)音還行,就是感覺英式思維不是很敏捷,總擔(dān)心對話時答不上來,腦子一片空白怎么辦。記得當(dāng)時對比挺明顯的,班上很多同學(xué)課上表現(xiàn)非常積極,給我壓力很大。但是,壓力歸根結(jié)底還是要化為動力嘛。我就每天起很早,去操場晨讀。有句話叫笨鳥先飛,我基本上就是這種類型的,我把上課要討論的話題先自己說一遍,上課的時候就反應(yīng)比較快了。有一點好處,應(yīng)對老師突然點名很有效。不過有的人說這樣是不是有點假。但是我覺得,還是在于你怎么看這個問題。你花了時間,自己開動了腦筋,鍛煉了自己的英式思維和邏輯思維,這個過程是在課堂還是課下,應(yīng)該沒有多大的區(qū)別吧,最重要的不還是你自己的speaking得到提高了嗎。 說到晨讀,我必須要告訴你們一個好消息,習(xí)慣晨讀的同學(xué)加了英協(xié)可算是找對組織了。每天都有集體晨讀還有權(quán)威人士領(lǐng)讀呢,這一點真的很好。大部分同學(xué)應(yīng)該跟我差不多,英語學(xué)了六年,幾乎不放假的話每天早晨都有至少半個小時的晨讀時間吧。你看現(xiàn)在,晨讀的人很少,大家也會慢慢的丟了這個對英語學(xué)習(xí)非常有益的好習(xí)慣,真的很可惜。我的英語基本上是讀出來的,我從來不去抄什么單詞,或者大量的做英語題,我就是讀。讀的過程中,培養(yǎng)語感是肯定的,還有單詞啊,在語境中記單詞我認(rèn)為是最好的方法。就這樣一直堅持著,自己課下多下一點功夫,課上老師要求怎么做就很認(rèn)真的去做,也很好的利用了網(wǎng)上的`學(xué)習(xí)資源。不知道你們現(xiàn)在英語課上過機了沒有。個人認(rèn)為視聽說教程的outside view, listening in還有unit test質(zhì)量是相當(dāng)高的。你們可以去聽課外的BBC,VOA,聽地道英語,但一定不要忽視了我們已經(jīng)有的學(xué)習(xí)資源,一定要好好利用。我雖然偶爾也會偷個懶,尤其是天冷了以后就不怎么晨讀了,但是英語學(xué)習(xí)也沒有忽視。這樣,我的大一上學(xué)期就在對聽說課的緊張和恐懼中度過了,不過期末考試包括口語考試成績還挺好。應(yīng)該是有一定收效吧。






  12月23日 出國英語頻道特為大家準(zhǔn)備相關(guān)的學(xué)習(xí)資料,希望對大家有用。

  Mere exposure to English will not enable you to speak English. If you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive, if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance, if you want to swim you have to jump in the water and swim. In fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning English.

  You can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills. In order to be a swimmer you’ve got to conquer you fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it. But, to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again. To be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.

  Let’s do it! Let’s yell together! Speaking English is a piece of cake! Make your Chinese muscle international!




  原文 英語演講:關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)英語的演講致辭



  thesis: government officials should post their financial information to the public

  do you know “wristwatches brother” and “smile director”? yes! it’s named by netizens. because there were many pictures of him wearing at least 11 expensive wristwatches, and later he said that he had bought the watches with his salary. his real name is yang dacai, a former senior work safety official in shaanxi province. on sept 1st, liu yanfeng, a student at china three gorges university in yichang, hubei province, filed an application with the shaanxi provincial department of finance and the shaanxi provincial administration for work safety, asking for yang dacai's annual salary information. on sept 21st,both departments declined to provide the information.

  do you think it is legal for the two departments to reject liu’s application?

  i don’t think so. and, government officials should post their financial information voluntarily.

  argument 1#, according to chinese government information publicity regulations, government officials should disclose their financial information. the regulations stipulate that all the government information, which relate to the immediate interest of citizen, corporation or other organization and need to make the public know and participate, should be disclosed. but why liu’s application is rejected? because the authorities said that such a disclosure was "beyond the scope of voluntary information disclosure." i don’t think so. all the state agency and state functionaries must depend on the support of citizens and should keep good relationship with them. they need to listen to the suggestions and receive the supervision from people so as to serve the people better. now their financial information disclosure is the officials’ obligation but not right. on the other hand, government officials are paid by the citizens; their salaries are a matter of public interest. so i think the government public information should include the official’s financial information.

  argument 2#, citizens’ rights of knowing and overseeing government affairs should be protected.because we are socialist country, people’s right to know and right to supervise are part of socialist democracy. if the public know the truth of the government affairs, they can know what should do and what can do with reasonable judgment and behavior. furthermore, it is hollow to talk of supervision without basic fact and truth.

  argument 3#, achievements have been obtained abroad by disclosing government officials’ financial information. government officials’ assets publicity system is named “sunshine law” or “terminal anti-corruption” abroad. at present, there are nearly one hundred countries and districts having legislated officials’ assets publicity system. since 1993, japan has executed congressman assets publicity law. the assets include real estate, savings, even golf membership card. in 1993, korean congress passed official assets publicity system. it stipulates that the officials must declare their assets in a given time, even their spouse’s and children’s. and now, assets publicity has become the daily routine of korean officials.

  argument 4#, disclosing the government officials’ financial information will result in many positive effects, such as tackling corruption, building up the social credit system, and establishing a harmonious society. mr medvedev, the russian president, said, corruption is one of the most sharp-pointed and most actual problems. it used to be. the future is also. anti-corruption must begin with official’s assets publication. it can satisfy the public and maintain the solemnity of the law.

  so, i hope our government could publish government officials’ assets publicity system and anti-corruption law immediately. furthermore, i hope our government officials could make their financial information public voluntarily. thanks for your attention!


Dear students and teachers ,respected judgers:

  Good afternoon.It’s my great honor to be here and give a speech about reading and learning English .

  As we all know ,English is an international language. If we want to keep up with the world , we must learn the language well. How to learn Englishwell ?In my opinion the best way to learn English is to read Englisheveryday. Reading some world famous books is really a good way to learn not only the languagebut also western history and culture as well. So we can understand the language better. FromShakespear to Mark Twain, fromNewton to SharlockHolmes , from Tom Sawyer to Alice, these famous writer and their characters are all my friends.Reading newspapersand magazines are also helpful for us to know some new words and different ways of expressions. From newspapers, we can quickly widen our vocabulary and learn about the world. Poems are also good choices. From poems, we can learn lots of graceful words in English .All these will make our articles colorful and help us to learn English better. Surfing the internet you can also find some good English-learning websites. You can find millions of E-books on line. It’s a time of free reading. So, why not enjoy reading and learning English ?

  “A good book is like a good friend.” “Books are the ladder of human progress.”By reading I can learn so much about the world .Reading is not only beneficial to widen your horizon but also

  helpful to master the language.By reading I made so many famous friends. While reading ,it’s just like communicating with many great minds through time and space. By reading I learn to find the truth of life . I learn to think aboutlife .I learn to understand and love.By reading some world

  famous English booksI gain both strength and courage to overcome all the difficulty I met. Reading makes me laugh. I can’t help laughing when I read the stories by Mark Twain. Reading makes me think. While reading Holmes,I myself has become the famous detective . My heart goes up and down with the development of the story. It’s really exciting,right ? Reading makes me cry. So , do you think it’s really important to read English books everyday? By reading, my English is

  improving all the time . I know how to express myself in a better way because I learn so much form books. Books to our minds are just like food to our bodies. They nourish our minds.

  Here is some advice for you to read and learn English . First, read out loudly. This can help you remember the new words better. Second, guess the meaning of new words instead of looking it up in a dictionary. This will exercise your brain, so you will be able to understand it better. At last, if you don’t like the book, just close it. You’ll remember nothing unless you really like reading it. So , it’s really important to choose some good books to read.

  Above all ,Let’senjoy the happiness of reading and learning English . Let our thoughts travel through time and space to discover the true beauty of our lives.

  Thank you !

  Questions asked by the judgers:

  1. In your opinion , what’s the connection between English learning and reading ?

  2. Do you often read English books, what’s your favourite English book ?(what Enlgish books are you

  interested in ? What do you learn from the story ?

  3. I am a foreigner now ,I live in Shenzhen now . There are many traditional festivals in china ?can you

  introduce one for me ?

  4. Do you like watching English movies ? Do you think it’s helpful in learning English ?why ?

  5. What’s your opinion on learning English with computers ? Introduce one of your favourite website to us ?

  6. How do you learn Englishwell ? Can you give us some suggestions ?

  I have read many good English books, such as《One Million Pound Bank-Note》,《Childhood》. The stories really moved me a lot.

  You can learn about every subject if you use the websites properly.


  The importance of learning Englishi With the progress and development of society . The importance of English has become increasingly increased . As the most important carrier of information English has become the most widely used language in our daily life . English is the most popular language in the world and it is also most widely spoken of all the language. Many people speak English as a second language .

  If you don't understand English how can you know more about the world how can you get more knowledge . At international conferences English is also used as the official language . In China English is spoken as an important and useful foreign language . Without good English you cannot express your ideas well at such conferences neither can you introduce China to the outside world . English becomes one of your advantage .

  learnning english well make you feel just like a fish in water . At the same time you will be more Confident and have more opportunities to contact with more knowledge .


  The ideal teacher may be young or old, tall or short, fat or thin. He should know his subject, but he can make mistakes if he is willing to learn. His personality is as important as his scholarship.

  The ideal teacher must be enthusiastic. He must never teach anything he himself is not interested in. HE should be a bit of anactor and he should not be afraid t express his feelings and express his likes and dislikes. He must like his students and respect them. But he must also respect himself and take pride in his work. Otherwise, he cannot respect his students and win respect from them.

  The ideal teacher should have an understanding of his students and be able tp relate to them. HE needs students’ understanding, too. The ideal teacher should be kind, encouraging, and helpful and he should motivate his students to seek knowledge. The ideal teacher should see his students as individuals and acknowledge their differences. He must know how to encourage the self-development and growth of each of his students. The ideal teacher is one who grows, learns, and improves himself along with his students.

  So what about the teachers around you?




















