

時間:2023-06-13 08:55:51 英語演講稿 我要投稿
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Dear every leader teacher dear students:

  Everybody is good! I'm from 09 level (8) class.

  Today our country's lecture on the topic of "safe with me. Happy summer vacation coming soon at this time of the year will reiterate swimming safety knowledge. But this is still... Dear every leader teacher dear students: everyone! I'm from 09 level (8) class. Today our country's lecture on the topic of "safe with me. Happy summer vacation coming soon at this time of the year will reiterate swimming safety knowledge. But there are a lot of students is still drowning deaths. Recently with temperatures rising the other students (pond) to the river swimming bathing or paddle to the river play phenomenon gradually increased causing students drowning deaths occurred in succession. The classmates: "life" what a lively words; What a old topic; "safe" "Happiness" a wonderful realm. Life can only keep vigor forever in security happiness only in a safe and attractive. As everybody knows the most basic human needs - in addition to the demand for air water food is safe. Life is how precious! To have the life to have happiness and sorrow; There is a life just have hope and ideals; There is a life just have competition and struggle... The world's most precious than life and life for everyone only once. So someone says: "life is a treasure!" life is gold! "And I said:" life is a flower! "Is like colorful flowers in spring. However some people are easily let the flower of life prematurely faded. Last year there are two schools in Harbin has two malignant accidents killing two students; a student has to a high school to attend the activities accidentally hit the glass cut the ear; ning an mudslides killed more than one hundred children... the accident brought great threat to the campus security. In addition due to the crowded corridor by student injury recess play piercing or fracture the classroom was a pencil tip injury accident harm and so on in the process of physical exercise also happen from time to tome. Facing a gruesome example the tragedy of the face and tears interweave one by one can not to regret we sigh saddened with? Because only ignored the security problems one by one the life like flowers wither a heavy blow to family members and friends. Frequently occur on campus injury case more cause our attention and thinking. As a student most of the time of the year is spent on campus. In the densely populated narrow area of the special environment the campus safety and we are closely related to each of the teachers and students and we have been the focus problem. We should deeply recognize that security is not principal and support teachers more not do a hand out the newspaper and have a class meeting was held once activity can be completed. Therefore we must do a good job in security education to learn how to protect themselves safety education is not only the activity education but also habit education; Safety education work is not only a principal and support teachers but also the duty of each and every one of us in the school student! On the basis of these I think: first of all we all the teachers and students should have a high degree of safety consciousness fully realize the importance of safety work and urgency; Second pay attention to the movement security in various sports. In sports class to prepare activities; Movement when not to dramatic collision so as not to hurt; And pay attention to food safety and so on; In the school must be careful when you use scissors pencil sharpener and etc. With sharp things; Don't stay around the school after school everyone has to comply with the requirements of the school.


Dear every leader teacher dear students:

  The classmates happy holiday life has begun! Wish you have a full and meaningful holiday to finish the homework carefully and take rests. Of course more important is our safety! Now the teacher remind you the following aspects must remember oh!

  A traffic safety

  1 walk or ride a bike on the road must consciously abide by traffic regulations. Walk to go the sidewalk ride a bike to go non-motor vehicle lanes crossing the road to see light green light red light stop yellow lights vehicles and pedestrians are not allowed to be but more than stop line of vehicles and pedestrians can continue to pass. Elementary school students under the age of 2 and 12 are not allowed to ride a bike on the road. Take parents bike don't stand in the back seat. 3 don't chase scenes on the road not on the road roller skating don't chase taking off forced lanche. 4 bus must after the car stopped then get on the bus get off the bus. Don't take no card no operation certificate and overloading of vehicles. 5 the front seats taking a taxi to fasten your seat belt. Vehicle don't turn your head hands body out of the window. Second the security

  1 not prohibited near the place to play games don't do dangerous game. 2 go out to play to inform parents and who to play play what where to play when to go home. 3 the collective activities crowded want to calm protect the good

  start chest abdomen squeezed.

  4 watch sports pay attention to their own position is safe avoid fly in basketball football volleyball and so on hurt yourself. Third fire prevention safety

  1 not matches and lighters is treated as a toy don't burn things to play. 2 mosquito-repellent incense pay attention to keep away from combustible material such as curtains bed nets sheet in order to avoid when the wind blows at night make these float to the mosquito-repellent incense HuoTouShang fuel. 3 household electrical appliances have to long at home under the guidance of correct use. Junior student to ban the use of these appliances alone don't overload electricity not disorderly wiring don't touch electrical switch socket. 4 do not set off firecrackers people set off firecrackers to stay away from don't pick up firecrackers. 5 common extinguishing method: put out the fire with water; Cover fire with something;

  Put out the fire with sand. Not to control the fire to escape in time and report to the police.

  Four electric safety

  1 need not hand metal or pencil lead things go off switch also do not put them into the hole in the socket. Drink water or drink don't drink in the vicinity of the socket so as not to spray water or drink to jack cause electrical short circuit fire. 2 when outdoors stay away from high voltage transmission equipment

  and the place like the transformer room. Don't fly kites near the high tension line don't near to the transformer room to play. 3 don't above wire buckwheat air basks in clothings lest produce risk. 4 find someone to get an electric shock in the electric shock first of all to cut off power supply. Cut off the power before don't use hand to pull to get an electric shock rescuers can also get an electric shock. If you can't cut off the power and rescuers to wear insulating rubber or wear insulating gloves or standing on the dry wood use dry wood bamboo etc to carry opening shock upon the wires. 5 meet to get an electric shock should be called as early as possible to deal with the adult and "120" emergency call let the doctor to help. Five swimming safety

  1 should swim in a swimming pool with security. It is strictly prohibited to swim in the swimming area. 2 for swimmers must be in good health one of the following diseases classmates can't go to swimming: heart disease high blood pressure epilepsy severe arthritis etc. 3 elementary school students to participate in swimming should be in collective activity led by an adult not swimming alone. Swimming time shoulds not be too long every 20-30 minutes should go ashore to rest for a while every swimming time should not be more than 2 hours. 4 primary school students should not be in too cold water swimming such as feeling water temperature and the temperature difference is bigger should slowly into the water walking and rub your body get used to that. 5 the whole body movement should be obtained before launching fully active joints muscle relaxation in order to avoid cramps sprain accident after launching.

  6 someone drowning to shout for help the alarm as soon as possible. Six diet security

  1 buy less than a market stall "3 without" food do not eat expired deterioration of food. 2 do not drink alcoholic beverages Seven to protect themselves

  1 meet strangers at home don't open the door. As a visitor to identify first then open the door. If you can't determine the identity make a phone call to ask parents or neighbors for help. 2 do not accept any stranger food do not accept the stranger's invitation to go to the exhibition film advertising etc. more can't play to a stranger's house. 3 in case of the way can let us know about the direction but it can't take it to its. Once found that a stranger is following or kept pestering should quickly go to anywhere there are a lot of people or looking for street with the help of the police. 4 if by the bad man robbed on the way don't recklessly boldly with him can be the first to take the money to him and try to keep the bad body face accent and dress features for safety and to report quickly. 5 if have bad kidnapping to be calm. To play to their talents to protect themselves from harm think of another way to family members or the police certify can also along the way behind bag stationery books and had to wear shoes caps etc. to family members or the police clues. Parents let us act together more care for children more education and strive for child safety healthy growth.


Dear every leader teacher dear students:

  The classmates holiday is coming in order to make the students on holiday in holiday can safely asked the students pay attention to safety consciously abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Security is a heavy topic. According to the information provided by the Chinese ministry of education 20 years because of the traffic accidents caused by the primary and secondary school students the number of casualties more than twenty-five thousand people nearly a day on average 12 primary and middle school students were killed under the wheels and in case of any accident harm accident the average daily has about 50 students suffer accident harm accident. Which account for more than 30% drowning in first. In terms of other safety accidents about 1 each year. An unnatural death of an 60000 primary and middle school students there are more than 40 people a day on average. This is a set of how shocking Numbers!

  Our youth should not be filled by the bloody Numbers! We always pay

  attention to safety problem everywhere in the summer vacation fight all kinds of accidents. And actively participate in beneficial social practice activities do a good student at school do a good boy at home do a good little citizen in society. Each of our students have to improve safety awareness learn to self-protection. Today I am here to remind you again: safety is the water of life culture is the source of happiness! Here I will give you offer some vacation request hope that we should not only in mind to implement in action. The first on the one hand: safety first prevent accident. 1 prevent drowning accident:

  Is summer drowning accident in safety biggest hidden danger because in this season every year will happen around us many many a tragic accident and lessons and these lessons are often at the cost of the loss of life and as; For a family children lose often means a happy family life or even destroy the breakdown. So school definitely require everyone shall not without authorization or the edge of the canal without permission to play water catch fish in the river. This one as the school holidays in a code of conduct and discipline requirements. 2 pay attention to traffic safety:

  On the evening of May 22 at eight o 'clock 40 minutes or so a white mitsubishi off-road vehicles in front of the red chamber hotel renmin road rapidly moving from west to east hit 8 people finally hit the roadside green belts car accident range up to more than 50 m four people died on the spot and four other people were injured. Killed four people it is for a family of four mother and grandma and grandpa. The other people for their immediate family members. So it is important to note that not only pay attention to your behavior you must be aware of these dangerous vehicles. To obey the traffic rules obey the traffic rules. Walk the zebra crossing. Don't climb the vehicle not on unlicensed operation of the car not allowed to play on the road. Ban has not reached the age of 12 students ride a bike on the road. 3 pay attention to diet health security:

  Summer is the season of all kinds of infectious diseases is used in the hope that the students do a variety of infectious diseases prevention and control work the good hygienic habit fight "illness". Pay attention to diet health do not eat the melon and fruit rot food to prevent food poisoning. Though the need for reasonable nutrition during the holidays but also should prevent overeating eat less snacks eat less cold drinks. Use of this holiday season to regulate your diet develop healthy eating habits. 4 and other safety precautions: not to play to the construction site bridge road hide and seek playing a game. Barred from the abandoned free house to play stay. Out should parents confessed to in order to facilitate contact without the consent of the parents don't go out secretly accommodation and travel outside. At any time it is prohibited to carry kindling play with fire. Carrying and not play with inflammable explosive easy to corrosion items. Don't carry play with knives spears clubs and other dangerous goods. Don't touch the power supply wire don't mess with electric appliances away from power lines and transformer room. To study flood earthquake typhoon prevent the disaster prevention knowledge such as electric enhance disaster prevention consciousness and ability. Not allowed to climb the pole trees buildings railings do not climb over the fence do not play on the roof; No unsafe grandkids bounce such as throwing stones soil particles and sundry take evasive wood iron tool etc. Chase was playing. 5 pay attention to the lightning protection: indoor lightning protection: if there is thunder lightning when you just at home the doors and Windows closed not to venture out. Don't use no lightning protection lightning protection measures or lack of electrical appliances such as TV acoustics best unplug the power cord telephone lines and television closed route external antennas; Don't touch antenna water pipes faucets barbed wire metal doors and Windows facades wire and other electric equipment or other similar metal device; Reduce use the telephone and mobile phone; Don't use the solar energy water heater shower; Don't go out to receive air basks in the metal line of clothing washing with wire don't pull into indoor; Don't stand in front of the door or under the roof not stand under the light bulb the best away from Windows and doors electric light bulb indoor rest outside of 1 meter. Outdoor lightning protection: the thunderstorm weather should be to enter indoor with lightning protection devices don't use metal skeleton umbrella don't shovel golf clubs his shoulder; Seedlings not big run when the best local drop away from the high chimney tower pole can in no way under the big tree to avoid the thunderstorm such as can not find a suitable place for lightning protection should try to lower the center of gravity and reduce the contact area of humanism and the ground don't lie on the ground trenches or pit such as wearing a raincoat lightning protection effect is better; The thunderstorm day miss engaging in the operations in which water don't swimming fishing; Don't go to the top of the mountain slope the roof when it thunders; Go out when it's best to wear insulated shoes don't drive a motorcycle ride a bike in the field should be opened for a few meters distance between people don't crowded together in the car don't stick out your hands and head out of the window. 6 please do not fool around without permission to the school are not allowed to break public property. The second aspect: strict with myself seriously finish holiday homework 1 bear in mind that he is a middle school student always keep in mind the rules of middle school students "and" daily behavior standards of middle school students "requirement our school has been advocated has also been asked the students" do a good boy at home do a good student at school in the society to be a good boy " hope everyone keep in mind the teacher to inculcate out of the school gate still have to discipline yourself don't indulge. 2 using a certain amount of time every day homework finish the homework;

  3 weekly reading a beneficial reference books;

  4 copies out the newspaper do a safety knowledge; Schools to comparison (mainly collect the law and safety knowledge). 5 do one thing at least once a day to help home chores; 6 more beneficial activities enrich their vision exercise their various aspects ability. Participated in the activities of the students must do safety protection such as security problems the school does not undertake any responsibility. The classmates life only have once I wish peace with you life! Last hope students to "cherish life safety first" in mind in the summer happy back to school!









