

時間:2024-08-02 18:11:22 禧雯 英語演講稿 我要投稿





  青春英語演講稿 1


Dear leaders, guests, and students


  Hello everyone! Today, as a young person, I stand here to deliver a speech on youth. Youth is a beautiful time, as well as a stage of life full of challenges and opportunities. How to make a name for oneself on the path of youth, and how to achieve success in ones youth, is the most important issue of our time. Today, I will express my opinions and share my understanding with everyone.


  Youth is the hope of society. Replacing the old with a new generation has a historical mission and also faces the pressure of the times. As young people, we should have a long-term vision and firm confidence to embrace the changes and challenges of society.


  Youth should have a broad mind and noble sentiments. We should actively learn and broaden our horizons and minds. We should hold a grateful heart, pay attention to society, others, and our own growth. We should grasp our strengths, cultivate our talents, unleash our potential, and promote social progress and our own development.


  Youth should also have the spirit of self-reliance and the courage to take on responsibilities. We should get rid of impatience, bad habits, and unhealthy habits, and establish a correct outlook on life and values. We should have requirements for ourselves, respect for others, and responsibility for life and ecology. We should stand on the standpoint of the people, adhere to the correct direction, actively play our role, and make contributions to the motherland and the people.


  Youth should have a passion for patriotism and love for the people, as well as a childlike heart. We should strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, promote national strength and ethnic unity through practical actions and enterprising spirit, and contribute our own strength to social progress and harmonious development. We should use our hearts to perceive society, feel life, experience human nature, and appreciate the beauty of the universe, so as to have true cultural confidence and innovative spirit in many fields of nature, humanities, and society.


  Time flies, time flies like a shuttle. Youth only comes once, we should cherish time, create our own glory, and achieve our own dreams. Let us shoulder the responsibility of the times in our youth, devote ourselves to the cause of reform, innovation, and hard work, and use the spirit of diligence, wisdom, and courage to build a better future!


  Thank you all.

  青春英語演講稿 2


Dear teachers and classmates


  Hello everyone!


  Youth is a thought-provoking term, it is the beautiful scenery of life, and on the road of youth, we have too many dreams. Like flowers just blooming in the morning sun, we have not yet grown and matured, like eagles soaring at dusk, we have shed our childishness. In this confused age, I have dreams.


  In my youth, I had rebellion. I am no longer the child who cried to my parents when I was a child, but as an adolescent, I prefer to write my worries in my own diary. Sometimes, facing the scolding of parents, one may even want to leave this confined home. In the eyes of this stubborn young man, education is rigid. But every time I see my mothers busy figure in the kitchen, or my fathers tired hair growing on his temples, my heart swells and even feels guilty. Youth taught me that when I make mistakes, I must bow my head and acknowledge them. This is not a loss of self-esteem, even if my parents are strict, there is still a heart of great love hidden behind them. So, learning to be grateful is my dream.


  In my youth, I had fashion. I dont like a monotonous life. I enjoy traveling and experiencing the charm of the blue sea and sky, as well as the breath of the wind. I feel youth in the colorful nature; I like music, I like classical lyrics and moving vocals, understanding youth in the beating melody. So, the taste of beauty is my dream.


  In my youth, I have more passion. In this youthful season, dreams are like beautiful and enchanting roses with thorns. If you want to pick them, you must be careful and put in effort. I have a passion for my dreams, and I will gradually build the castle that belongs to my dreams, never stopping.


  Youth, dreams are on the road.


  Thank you everyone!

  青春英語演講稿 3


Dear teachers and classmates


  Hello everyone!


  Youth is the most beautiful time in life, ideals are the brightest sunshine in life, and the youth of striving for ideals is the most beautiful scenery. It is the millions of hearts that strive in youth, and the millions of pairs of wings that soar in the sky, that adorn the most beautiful, beautiful, and precious seasons of life, turning youth into the starting point of the most beautiful life in life.


  Youth gives the most powerful wings to our ideals. With youth and ideals, you and I should not hesitate or shrink back. We should bravely face the challenges of the future and ourselves, strive for the realization of our ideals, and let our youth compose a song without regrets. Dont say, you dont have ideals. Because we, as young people, have the most brilliant years and the most formidable weapons, why waste our youth? What reason do you have to give up your ideals?


  I used to not know what I wanted to do, so besides studying step by step, I always remained silent about my ideals and held a natural and straightforward attitude towards the bridge. Now that I have chosen the path of learning, I will work hard to continue on the path I have chosen, no matter how difficult it is, even if it is climbing, I will climb to the finish line. The most wonderful part of life is not the moment of realizing ones ideals, but the process of persevering with them. I believe that as long as you persist, you will succeed.

  “恰同學少年,風華正茂,書生意氣,揮斥方遒!闭咽局淮鷤ト藠^斗的青春。他們的青春因充滿奮斗和激情而洋溢著美好,而今,青春正我在我們手中, 理想就在我們心中,命運就在我們手上,我們不能容忍青春在我們手中白白流逝,我們不能在嘆息聲中頹廢了青春,我們不能在嘆息聲中了結(jié)生命,那么就讓我們在青春時節(jié)發(fā)奮吧!

  Just as a young student, in the prime of his life, with the spirit of a scholar and the vigor of a vigorous and powerful figure. This symbolizes the youthful struggle of a generation of great men. Their youth is filled with beauty due to struggle and passion. Now, youth is in our hands, ideals are in our hearts, and fate is in our hands. We cannot tolerate youth passing away in our hands, we cannot let our youth decay in sighs, and we cannot end our lives in sighs. So let us work hard in our youth!


  Thank you everyone!

  青春英語演講稿 4


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Good morning everyone!


  I am xx from Class 4 of Grade 2. Today, I will give a speech under the national flag for everyone. The title of my speech is No Regrets in Spring .


  The youth of struggle has no regrets or grievances.


  Youth is not only about a beautiful face and a strong physique, but also about an open mind and active thoughts. Having youth means having a lot of wealth, but the wealth of youth is limited. If you dont cherish and grasp it well, it will disappear silently. Mr. Guo Moruo once said, "There is nothing more precious than the wealth of youth in this world, but youth is also the easiest to disappear." Yes, youth only comes once, and if we want to preserve it without regrets, we must seize the present.


  We have dreams when we have youth, so we should not waste our time. Mr. Hugo once said, "Whoever wastes their youth will fade away, and life will abandon them." Dreams may be big or small, but everyones interpretation of them is different. But as long as you work hard, put in effort, and stay grounded, you will achieve your dreams and make your youth shine!


  If we have dreams, we have blue skies. For our dreams, for our youth, we are determined to move forward without hesitation. On the way to pursue our dreams, there are storms, sunshine and rain. In any case, we should let go and move forward boldly. The vastness of the sea allows fish to leap, and the height of the sky allows birds to fly. Youth requires us to have a pair of resilient wings to fly continuously and sincerely.


  The ancient saying goes, "I advise you not to cherish the golden thread of clothing, and to cherish your youth." We must seize the golden age of life and savor it carefully. Youth only comes once, why dont we take advantage of our youth, passion, and dreams to prove with our indomitable spirit and unremitting efforts: I can do it, I will definitely do it!


  Ideals are like stones, igniting the flames of stars; Ideal is fire, igniting the lamp of youth; Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the path of youth; Ideal is the road; Lead us towards dawn. We are the flower sea of May, embracing the times with youth, we are the rising sun, igniting the future with life! Students! Grasp youth, pursue dreams, only then can we live up to the times and have no regrets about our youth!


  My speech is over, thank you everyone!

  青春英語演講稿 5


Dear teacher


  Good afternoon everyone! The theme of my speech today is Youth Shines through Struggle .


  If life is a colorful field, then youth is the most brilliant bouquet of sunflowers among them; If life is a dance that blends movement and stillness, then youth is a tango full of vitality. Youth is beautiful and fleeting. It may be a station in your life, but please remember that even if it is like a shooting star, we must strive to make it a brilliant flash, not afraid of difficulties and dangers, daring to strive, and aiming higher than the clouds.


  Many peoples lives are spent aimlessly. Why do those people behave like this? Its because they lacked passion and struggle during their youth. To make youth shine and have value in life, one should strive hard, never give up, and bravely move forward in the face of setbacks. So how should we strive? For the sake of ideals, you are pragmatic and enterprising, which is a struggle; For the sake of your familys expectations, you strive to study hard and live up to their high expectations, which is also a struggle; Instead of letting it slip away in vain, its better to seize it and make good use of it. Believe that success always favors those who strive in this way.


  Youth is beautiful, and it is even more fleeting. Xianzis young and righteous path is like the rising sun of a Fusang tree. "" Have you not seen that the tall mirror is filled with white hair, and the morning is like green silk and the evening is like snow? "We cannot waste our time in the most glorious moments of life, doing nothing. The enchanting rainbow comes from the baptism of heavy rain, and the abundant fruits come from hard work. We should seize our youth well and learn from the Haiyan that fights against wind and rain to spread our wings and soar; Learn from the tall and upright green pine trees to overcome the snow and frost. I firmly believe that youth with a great sense of mission will be a brilliant and magnificent article.


  Years later, you can confidently say to yourself, My youth has not been wasted, and my life has finally achieved something. In fact, many people often feel lost and helpless when they get old. Qingchun Wuhui is a lie to them. They have never achieved anything in their lifetime and did not strive hard during their youth, which makes them regret it deeply. There is no medicine for regret in this world, and a loss can lead to eternal hatred. There is no regret in life greater than this.


  Youth is gone forever, and career is lost forever. In order to make life more fulfilling and make youth shine brighter in life, let us work together in this beautiful youth to strive towards our dreams.


  My speech is over, thank you everyone!

  青春英語演講稿 6


Dear teacher


  What is youth? Youth is a fiery passion, a steel will; Youth is the impulse of "a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers", and the elegance of "the vast sea and the sky depend on communication"; Youth is the heroic spirit of sailing straight through the clouds and sailing across the vast sea, and the persistence of never stopping to die without astonishing words; Youth is the most magnificent melody in the symphony of life, and the most precious time in the years of life. How can we not love it? How can we not cherish it? Youth should have no regrets!


  Youth is the most beautiful golden age. People say childhood is golden, as if every day is filled with golden sunshine, but I dont think so. Childhood is not familiar with the world, with no distractions in the heart, and should be pure and transparent; And youth is like entering the flower garden of life, colorful, fresh, romantic, vibrant, and sunny. This is the most beautiful golden age. People say that the prime of life is like a tiger, but the days ahead are much more difficult; People say the sunset is the reddest, but its almost dusk. Only youth is the bravest, richest, and youngest, and you can resist the teachings of "flexibility and extension" with an unyielding spirit, avoiding indulging in worldly wisdom; Because of your youth, you can observe the colorful world with your unique perspective and exclaim with youthful admiration that the sun is new every day. What a magnificent life, what a beautiful youth! Qingchun has no regrets!


  Youth is the most creative period of life. Scientific research shows that physical strength and creativity reach their peak around the age of 20, and gradually decline after the age of 35. Throughout history, how many people have held onto their youth, studied diligently, worked hard, and created brilliant achievements. Confucius established Confucianism with the motto "Five out of ten are devoted to learning, and thirty are dedicated to standing up", which will shine on future generations; Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Bei from the age of 27, guiding the country and dominating the world; Bill Gates founded Microsoft in his twenties and became the worlds richest man, renowned throughout the world; Lermontov passed away at the young age of 27, but left behind the legendary "Contemporary Heroes" in the Russian literary world, which has been passed down through the ages. Youth is so beautiful, youth is so brilliant! Youth is promising, spring has no regrets!

  誠然,青春也不可能十全十美。麗日有黑斑,皓月有陰影,人生多挫折。然而,受點兒挫折何所懼,我們有火一樣的激情和鋼一般的意志;走點兒彎路怕什么,我們有堅定的目標和輸?shù)闷鸬臅r間!正如一首歌在唱:“在身體沒問題的年齡,在輸贏對我們都不壞的年齡,讓我們無悔地迎接每一輪新的太陽。” 跨世紀的青年,熱愛青春、珍惜青春、努力奮斗吧!

  Indeed, youth cannot be perfect. Li Ri has black spots, the bright moon has shadows, and life is full of setbacks. However, what are we afraid of when faced with setbacks? We have a passion like fire and a will like steel; What are we afraid of taking a detour? We have a firm goal and the time we can afford to lose! As a song sings: "At an age when our health is not a problem, at an age where winning or losing is not bad for us, let us welcome every new sun without regret." Cross century youth, love youth, cherish youth, and strive hard!


  Qingchun has no regrets!


  Dot by dot laughter, faint sadness, soaring youth, singing loudly of youth. My youth is up to me.


  愛國英語演講稿 1


  Teachers, classmates:


  The topic of my speech today is Patriotism starts from the side .


  Every time we stand under the solemn five starred red flag, accompanied by the majestic national anthem, we will be immensely proud, never too proud! Because we are all Chinese, we all love our motherland! We salute the national flag and sing the national anthem, which is a strong patriotic sentiment from the bottom of our hearts.


  Some students may wonder: How can I contribute to the country at such a young age? Actually, classmates, patriotism is all around us. Patriotism is silent and does not care about any form; Patriotism is ubiquitous, permeating every detail of life; Patriotic behavior is a deeply ingrained and conscious act!


  Patriotism knows no size, it is everywhere. Revolutionary martyrs who sacrifice their lives and shed their blood for the revolutionary cause are patriotic; Leading cadres at all levels of the Party and the state, who strategize, work hard to govern, enrich the people and strengthen the country, are patriotic; It is patriotic for the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army to guard the border defense and coastal areas of the motherland with high vigilance and safeguard the life and property of the country and people; Sports athletes are brave, tenacious, and strive hard to bring glory to the country, allowing the five-star red flag of the great motherland to fly over the international sports arena time and time again, which is also patriotic; Our parents, who abide by laws and regulations, cultivate and work diligently in the fields, fields, and positions, create wealth, and pay taxes, are patriotic; Our teachers, indifferent to fame and fortune, devote themselves wholeheartedly, tirelessly teach people, and cultivate batches of qualified successors for our country, which is also patriotism.


  Classmates, patriotism has never been an abstract concept. As students, to love our country, we must first start with loving learning, attending every class with dedication, and doing every homework seriously. Only by mastering rich cultural knowledge can we better serve our country in the future.


  As students, we should start loving our country by loving our loved ones and classmates. We should extend our loving hands to those in need and send sincere blessings to those who have achieved success. Because the strength of our motherland requires us to work together and advance hand in hand.


  As students, patriotism should start with loving the campus, loving our home, and loving our environment. We should take the initiative to pick up a piece of garbage, turn off the running faucet, and stop acts of damaging public property. Develop good civilized habits, be civilized students, control our mouths, and not spit everywhere; Control our hands and do not litter; Control our feet and do not trample on flowers and plants. Jointly build a peaceful, orderly, and conducive learning environment on campus.


  As students, patriotism also requires us to have a correct understanding of our motherland, not to mention our Great Wall, not to mention our the Four Great Inventions, not to mention our long history and culture of the Chinese nation. After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the explosion of the hydrogen bomb shocked the world, and the construction of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station attracted the attention of the world. All these are showing to the world that the great China will always be an oriental dragon standing in the forest of the world!


  Classmates, we must always remember: to be proud of loving our motherland and ashamed of harming it. Lets take active action, cultivate good behavior and study habits, and integrate patriotism into our daily lives. Starting from now on, starting from small things, starting from the people around us, love the school, love parents, respect teachers, unite classmates, regulate personal words and deeds, promote campus integrity, do not spit everywhere, do not litter, take the initiative to pick up stained paper, do not use foul language, do not fight, take care of public property, study hard, be civilized, and establish a new style. This is the most direct manifestation and practical action of patriotism.


  Let us truly turn our patriotic aspirations into a journey of serving our country, and strive to repay our teachers, our loved ones, and our motherland with outstanding achievements. Today we study diligently to revitalize China, and tomorrow we contribute our strength to create a brilliant future for our motherland!


  My speech ends here, thank you everyone!

  愛國英語演講稿 2


Respected leaders, teachers, and dear students:


  Good afternoon everyone!


  The topic of my speech today is I Love My Motherland .


  I love you China, I love you the rolling blue ocean, I love you the snowy north, I love you the flourishing seedlings in spring, I love you the bountiful harvest in autumn!


  As the successor of the Chinese nation, I love our motherland and our country, and I am duty bound and responsible. I love my motherland no matter when and where!


  Sprinkle a patriotic heart, and you will reap an ideal. How many role models are silently dedicating themselves like candles around us: before dawn, hardworking cleaners start decorating our homes; At night, when the night is quiet, only the teacher is still busy in the room, dedicating their beautiful youth to cultivating the next generation of our country; At noon, the scorching sun shone in the sky, but the police officer stood in the middle of the road like steel, orderly directing traffic and so on. The spirit of these silently dedicated candles is a good example for us to learn from! However, in our campus, there are phenomena such as wasting food and resources, not studying well, doing nothing all day long, causing trouble in class, and going crazy after class. Is this a manifestation of patriotism?


  If you are a small grass, add a touch of greenery; If you are a star, adorn a corner of the sky; If you are a big tree, sprinkle a shade; If you are a clear spring, nourish the land. From now on, we must set a goal for ourselves and move towards it. I firmly believe that as long as we work hard and persevere, one day a sea will appear in front of you, and beyond this sea, there will be a brand new world that will illuminate your eyes in an instant!


  Classmates, we must always remind ourselves that we are great, come on! After experiencing storms, what awaits us will be a beautiful rainbow!


  I want to dedicate beautiful songs to you, I want to dedicate beautiful youth to you, my mother, my motherland!


  Thank you all for listening, my speech is over.

  愛國英語演講稿 3


Dear teachers and classmates


  Hello everyone!


  Today, I would like to talk to you about the topic of patriotism. Now we are in a new era, our motherland is developing rapidly, the economy is rising, and its international influence is increasing. As Chinese citizens, we have an immensely glorious mission, which is to love our country. Patriotism is a moral quality that everyone should possess, and it is the core of the spirit of patriotism.


  So, what is patriotism? Patriotism is the consciousness and emotion of loving the motherland, respecting leaders, supporting the leadership of the Party, and safeguarding national interests. As students, we should actively study, work hard, and make our own contributions to the development of our country in the future. At the same time, we should also demonstrate our patriotism through practical actions, such as protecting the environment, complying with laws, and cherishing resources.


  As Chinese people, we should deeply feel the happiness brought by the prosperity and flourishing of our motherland. As young people of the new era, we should always maintain a clear mind, not be influenced by external interference, and remember that the interests of our motherland are our ultimate goal.


  Finally, let us work together to strive for the prosperity and strength of our motherland! Patriotism is not only an emotion, but also an action. Let everyone contribute their own strength to the development of our country in their own positions!


  Thank you everyone!

  愛國英語演講稿 4


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone! Today, I am honored to give a speech for everyone.


  The Chinese nation is a great nation, and the spirit of patriotism is the most beautiful flower of our nation. Patriotism is a sacred word. In the tortuous process of historical development, patriotism has always been advocated by our people.


  Looking back at the long history of the Chinese nation, many national heroes still live in our hearts today. In ancient times, there were Yue Fei from the Southern Song Dynasty, Qi Jiguang from the Ming Dynasty, Zheng Chenggong... After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, people like Deng Jiaxian, Hua Luogeng, Qian Xuesen, and others gave up their luxurious lives abroad and returned to their impoverished homeland to contribute to the modernization of the country.


  Patriotic spirit knows no borders. Not only in China, but also in many countries around the world, patriotic education is highly valued.


  A rural teacher in the United States once said, "Students who do not know how to love the flag, no matter how outstanding they are, are not good students." In the United States, loving the flag is an extremely common and honorable thing. In Poland, every school has dedicated patriotic education courses that are integrated into subjects such as politics and history. In Thailand, patriotism education is an essential course for every student, and the government attaches great importance to educating young people about ethnic traditions and patriotism.


  Patriotism is the supreme virtue and the soul of a nation. Dear classmates, for the honor of our school, for the heavy responsibility on our shoulders, and for the takeoff of the Chinese nation, let us work hard to study and become patriotic students who are worthy of the people and have a patriotic sentiment!


  Thank you all.

  愛國英語演講稿 5


Dear host, leaders, and fellow citizens:


  Hello everyone!


  Today, I want to talk about a very important thing - patriotism. I believe that patriotism is always a very important thing. However, young people nowadays are facing increasing difficulties in patriotism, and many find it difficult to imagine or understand what patriotism is, let alone raise the banner of "patriotism" to contribute to the country and the nation. As a new generation, we should reflect on the profound meaning of patriotism and make it our ideological belief and spiritual strength.


  Firstly, what is patriotism? Patriotism means loving ones own country, respecting ones own history, and cherishing ones own culture. Patriotism requires a patriotic heart that encompasses elements such as patriotic education, patriotic blood ties, patriotic cause, patriotic love, and patriotic responsibility. Patriotism is not blind imitation, but rational patriotism. It requires ones own independent thinking ability, a clear understanding of ones own history, culture, system, and national conditions, and a deeper expression of this patriotic heart.


  Secondly, how to be a patriot? As a patriot, first of all, you should have integrity and firm patriotism. We need to study harder, improve our overall quality, and strive to achieve our own life values, making ourselves more fulfilled, our families happier, and our country stronger; Secondly, we should also have a correct and clear sense of patriotism, resolutely resist all actions that are detrimental to the development of the country and the nation, cherish the great achievements of Chinas reform and opening up, actively unite around the Party, practice the core socialist values, and strive to achieve the Chinese Dream. In addition, we should integrate the concept and behavior of patriotism into our lives, actively participate in volunteer services and various patriotic themed activities, call on people around us to unite and work together for the rise of the Chinese nation.


  In conclusion, as a speaker, I would like to tell everyone that in our own country, we can see hope and a bright future. We should strengthen our cultural self-confidence, take pride in our identity as a Chinese, raise the banner of patriotism, and let patriotism flourish in the new era. Everyone must understand how to cherish the hard won history, bravely shoulder the responsibility of history, and together we can elevate the righteousness of the world to a higher level and build a more prosperous society. On the path of life, no matter where we are, we must always remember our mission and use our practical actions to turn patriotism into patriotic actions, jointly creating a prosperous motherland, happy families, and a fulfilling life.


  Thank you everyone!


  誠信英語演講稿 1


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  Receive people with letters, and the world will believe in them; Not accepting letters, my wife doubts.


  We should be honest and trustworthy when dealing with people and interacting with them. Sincerity "means being sincere to oneself, honest without deception, honest in being a person, honest in doing things, and seeking truth from facts; Trust means to have external trust in others, to have credibility, to maintain credibility, and to uphold trustworthiness.


  There is an old saying that goes, A gentlemans word is hard to catch up with, but four horses cannot be pursued. This tells us that once we make a promise, we must faithfully fulfill it.


  The meaning of this sentence in the Analects of Confucius is: If a person does not keep their word, how can they stand up and deal with the world. Life experience tells us that dishonest people can deceive others for a while, but they cannot deceive others for a lifetime. Once exposed, they will find it difficult to establish themselves in society, resulting in harm to both others and themselves. Keeping promises to others and being responsible for things are the basic requirements of integrity. The code of conduct that people admire is being practical and doing honest things, and being practical in doing things is the guarantee for a person to establish themselves and succeed in their career.


  Fulfillment is a virtue. Not being easy is also a virtue. Once made, it must be implemented. Life is made up of small things, and being honest is reflected in every little thing.


  The basic principle of interpersonal communication is to treat people with sincerity and make friends with trust. When there is a conflict between immediate and long-term interests, honesty and trustworthiness require us to stand on the side of long-term interests.


  Honesty and lying are incompatible, and those who are honest should not lie. However, "well intentioned lies" do not violate the morality of honesty.


  Honesty is like a cup of water in the desert, which can bring a hint of coolness to thirsty people; Honesty is like a lighthouse in the distance, which can guide people who get lost on the vast sea; Honesty is like a beneficial book that can broaden the horizons of people without knowledge.


  The core of integrity is goodness. But as long as we are sincere, honest, and trustworthy in dealing with people, we will have wisdom and become honest people.


  Thank you.

  誠信英語演講稿 2


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  Have you all heard of this sentence? Sincerity is not wisdom, but it often radiates a more tempting light than wisdom. "In the vast sea of people and the multitude of beings, where can we lack integrity in our lives. What is integrity, that is, honesty and trustworthiness, the so-called "sincerity" means sincerity, sincerity, and truthfulness; The so-called trust means keeping promises, keeping promises, and avoiding fraud. Confucius said, "If a person lacks trust, they do not know what is right." Mencius said, "Sincerity is the way of heaven; Those who are sincere in their thoughts are the way of people


  Sincerity in heart, trust in action, integrity is a powerful passport for us financial and trade professionals to enter society; Honesty is the most beautiful coat of life and the most sacred flower of the soul; Knowledge is wealth, and integrity is also a kind of wealth. Having knowledge can make you more fulfilled, and having integrity can make life better.


  He Zhiyong said, "Credit is an indispensable personal intangible asset in modern society. The constraint of integrity not only comes from the outside world, but also from our self-discipline and our own moral strength


  As students of a finance and business school, integrity will be our most basic, universal, and important moral requirement. Integrity is the quality of our finance and trade personnel, and the college provides us with a stage for integrity education. We should cherish the opportunity and strictly discipline ourselves with integrity in every detail


  1. Establish an honest and trustworthy attitude towards oneself, be honest in life and work, not exaggerate or embellish mistakes.


  2. Be honest with classmates and teachers, make promises carefully, keep promises, and achieve the goal of "keeping promises and acting with results".


  3. Integrity in learning, integrity in borrowing books, and integrity in exams.


  4. Save electricity, save water, protect the environment, be sincere and trustworthy in practicing energy conservation and emission reduction.


  Sincerity in heart, trust in action, when embarking on the journey again, let us carry integrity on the road, and let us always walk with integrity on this journey.

  誠信英語演講稿 3


Dear teachers and fellow students


  What is integrity? Honesty is a clear spring flowing on the barren land; Honesty is a plum blossom blooming proudly in the winter and winter months; Honesty is an eternal light ahead like beans when walking at night; Integrity is a lighthouse that navigates through the ever-changing sea of people.


  In my life, there have also been incidents related to integrity.


  It was a sunny afternoon, and I went to Rizhi Bookstore to buy things as usual. After selecting the products and settling the bill, I happily went home. When I got home, I suddenly found a transparent adhesive on my wrist. Oh, I didnt even count the money! I immediately grabbed the transparent adhesive and wanted to go back and pay, but at that moment, I hesitated and said, "Just these two or three yuan, its not a big deal, forget it


  One minute, two minutes, three minutes... Time flows awkwardly, like an hourglass falling into my restless heart. I took out a book that I love to read and asked it to dispel my anxiety, but I couldnt bear to read it at all, and my mind was always full of wild thoughts. Suddenly, I saw every word in the book stand up and point at me, cursing loudly, "Youre such a person, we look down on you!" I quickly covered my ears, threw down the book, and ran into the living room. I turned on the TV, oh my god! The people inside seem to be discussing me, even my favorite cartoon characters "Cassius" and "Black" are no exception. Some of them look at me with strange eyes, as if blaming me; Some of them showed strange smiles, as if mocking me. I quickly turned off the TV, my heart was beating fast, no way! I cant lose my integrity just because of two or three yuan. Lets go pay and not be greedy for this small advantage. I have made up my mind to go to Rizhi Bookstore to pay.


  At the Rizhi Bookstore, I handed over the transparent adhesive and took out the money, saying sincerely, "Auntie, I forgot to pay for the transparent adhesive when I just bought something. Now Ill pay you." Auntie took the money and said to me, "Okay, kid!" Hearing these words, I felt relieved and relieved, as if a big stone had been lifted from my heart.


  Classmates, pick up our honest backpack! Overcome storms with our integrity, and create a better life with our integrity!


  My speech is over, thank you all for listening.

  誠信英語演講稿 4


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  The topic of our speech under the national flag today is Lets sow the seeds of integrity .


  First of all, let me ask everyone: What is integrity? The answer is actually very simple. Honesty is a moral category, which means being sincere in dealing with people and things, maintaining credibility, and ensuring that words are kept and actions are carried out with results. One word is worth nine thousand, and one promise is worth a thousand gold. Although this may seem like a short sentence, the philosophy it contains has become a fundamental moral standard in the history of Chinese thought.


  Confucius, the most famous philosopher and educator in Chinese history, once said, "When making friends, one must keep their words." "If a person is untrustworthy, they may not know what to do." This illustrates the importance of integrity. Only by being honest and trustworthy can a person gain the respect and trust of everyone.


  What is honesty and integrity? In fact, in school, students are surrounded by integrity. For example, borrowing someone elses belongings and returning them in a timely manner; Assist classmates in their daily studies and keep their promises; Take responsibility proactively when making mistakes, without making excuses. This is all a manifestation of integrity. With integrity, students can help each other, collaborate together, and gain happiness while working hard. It has the power to move peoples hearts.


  China is an ancient civilization with a long history of five thousand years. Honesty and trustworthiness have always been a virtue that we Chinese people are proud of. Throughout the history of Chinas civilization, from the "no joking words" of the emperor to the "words must be kept and actions must be carried out" of the people. All are radiating with the radiance of reason. Because of his integrity, Lin Xiangru was impressed by General Lian Po and achieved the timeless legend of "generals and ministers"; Because of integrity, Song Jiang, who believed that "literature cannot maintain peace, and martial arts cannot conquer the masses," was able to sit at the top of the Hall of Unity and raise the banner of upholding justice in the wind; Due to human integrity, the eight years of arduous resistance against Japan have written a magnificent poem of world military history.


  Many years ago, a new student at Peking University entered the campus, carrying big and small bags, feeling lost and at a loss. In a moment of desperation, he saw an elderly man wearing a cloth shirt and placed his luggage next to him, saying, "Master, could you please keep an eye on it for me?" After more than an hour, the new student returned after completing all the procedures and found that the elderly man was still guarding his luggage, not leaving a single step. At the new student enrollment conference the next day, he found that the elderly person who had been guarding his luggage for him yesterday was sitting in the center of the podium. He is Mr. Ji Xianlin, a contemporary Oriental linguist, educator, and essayist who is the Vice President of Peking University.


  Afterwards, the student said, The personality charm emanating from Mr. Ji will change his life..


  Yeah, thats how integrity conquers peoples hearts.


  Integrity is right beside us, it has always been buried in our hearts, and it cries out in our ears at all times. So, let us strive to cultivate the virtue of honesty and trustworthiness, and let integrity make our personality shine!


  Thank you everyone!

  誠信英語演講稿 5


Dear teachers and fellow students

  大家早上好! 我是來自高二(31)班的姚xx,今天我在國旗下講話的題目是《唯有誠信活水來》。

  Good morning everyone! I am Yao XX from Class 31, Grade 2. Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is Only Integrity Can Live in Water .


  If life is compared to a tree, integrity is the root on which it relies for survival, nourishing and supporting it. If a tree loses its roots, it will have no place to stand. It will decay and decay, losing all its former greenery and spirituality, and become a soulless decaying tree. So, its not enough for a person to have this life, they should also have a world of integrity.


  China has always been renowned as an ancient civilization and a country of etiquette. The Chinese nation has a long history and a rich cultural heritage. China can be said to be the homeland of integrity, and "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness" have been the dominant Confucian Five Constants in China for over two thousand years. "Faith" is the essence of Confucianism and the fine tradition of the Chinese nation. The "Shuowen Jiezi" states: "Sincerity and trustworthiness are formed by words and sound." "Faith and trustworthiness are formed by peoples words." The two words "sincerity" and "trustworthiness" have similar meanings, and their basic connotations are honesty, not deception, and trustworthiness. Confucius once said, "Without faith, the people cannot stand." He also said, "Without faith, one does not know what is right." Zengzis daily reflection is also closely related to integrity. He said, Do you trust your friends instead of making friends? Nowadays, the 24 character socialist core value system also includes the requirement of integrity in the personal values of citizens. Honesty is a mysterious force in ordinary life, which can purify the air, warm the soul, and ignite the fire of love.


  Once a person leaves integrity, they become a rootless orchid, a floating duckweed chasing the waves, a fluttering autumn canopy, and a dandelion scattered by the wind. But the dream of integrity will always follow!


  I strongly agree with Goethes statement: "As long as one works hard, mistakes are inevitable." Perhaps on our path of growth, we may occasionally go astray and make small dishonest mistakes. For example, claiming to be sick and skipping physical education classes, not returning things to their rightful owners when found, not returning borrowed books, not admitting mistakes and making excuses, cheating in exams, and so on. A big soup must have a light taste, a big skill must have a small clumsiness, and a white wall must have a slight flaw. Making mistakes is not scary, whats scary is not being willing to correct them in a timely manner after making them. Knowing oneself means knowing that only mistakes can be corrected, and there is no greater good. As long as you are willing to correct your mistakes in a timely manner, take the initiative to reconcile and continue being friends after arguing with integrity, you can win the trust of others, make good teachers and friends, and receive more blessings.


  Honesty is the flower of spring, because when it blooms, it bears perfect fruit; Honesty is the seed of plants, because of its sowing, it grows strong green plants; Honesty is the lifeblood of life, because it injects vitality into our lives. So, lets be friends with integrity and walk together with it for a lifetime!

  誠信英語演講稿 6


Dear teacher, classmates:


  Hello everyone!


  The saying Integrity is gold has always been imprinted in my heart. Because I keep my word, everyone loves to play with me. In fact, I have also wavered on the issue of integrity.


  One morning, I went to Temeng School to learn how to write. I arrived at the handwriting classroom and the teacher said to me, "Xiaoting, whoever writes the most beautiful and fastest today, I will give them 10 small red flowers. The teacher has extraordinary confidence in you." I was very happy when I heard this. Where are the 10 small red flowers! You can switch to my favorite Jungle Adventure. Ill start writing right away. After writing for a while, my desk mate touched me and I called out. He kept saying to me, "Im sorry!" I immediately wiped the line with a rubber, and soon after, I made a series of mistakes. Time flies by quickly, and school ends in the blink of an eye. But Im not the first one to finish writing it. I lowered my head in frustration. Just as I was about to pack my backpack and go home, the teacher placed 10 small red flowers on my desk. Immediately, a few words came to my mind: Teacher sent the wrong message!! But I didnt say it out loud, thinking to myself: Haha! It wont take any effort to get it! I immediately ran over to exchange the gift. I was lucky today and only had one book left, which happened to be taken away by me.


  When I got home, my mother saw me holding "Jungle Book" and happily said, "You finally got the prize." I didnt answer. Because I felt uneasy, I couldnt sleep at night for some reason. My mother seemed to see through my heart and said earnestly, Child, whats wrong? What happened? I explained the whole story to my mother. My mother said kindly, "Honesty is an excellent quality. How can you throw it away? Ill accompany you to the special cute school to return your book after school tomorrow." I nodded hard after listening to my mothers words.


  The next day, I returned the book to the teacher and explained the situation to the teacher. The teacher excitedly said, "Xiaoting, your qualities are very valuable. Let me have the books first, and when you have saved enough, come find me to exchange them." After listening to the teachers words, the big stone in my heart finally fell.


  Since then, I began to understand what it means to keep a promise; I understand what Mr. Lu Xun said, Honesty is the foundation of human beings. Life is like wine, whether fragrant or strong, because honesty makes it sweet; Life is like a painting, either bright or elegant, because of integrity, it becomes beautiful. Our lives need integrity to care for them!


  My speech is over.


  Thank you everyone!

  誠信英語演講稿 7


Dear teachers and classmates


  In this world, those who rob and steal are not the only bad people and scammers. I think people who lack integrity are also very unpopular. Shakespeare once said, If you lose your integrity, you will be destroyed by your enemies..


  There is a student in our class who is very dishonest. Once I took the bus home and forgot to bring my bus IC card. He brought the card and helped me swipe it. I will repay him by treating him to ice cream next time, as agreed. The agreed time has arrived, and I have been waiting for him at the school gate for a long time, but he has not come yet. I asked other classmates, but he didnt leave as agreed. I am extremely angry and will never talk to him again. This is the price of dishonesty.


  Friends cannot be bought no matter how much money is spent. Losing a friend means losing a lot of wealth. Have you heard of it? There is a story called Zengzi Kills a Pig. In the story, it is said that Zengzis wife went to the market to buy groceries, and the children had to go with her. The wife advised the child not to go with her and even deceived the child into going home to kill pigs for him. As a result, when his wife came home and saw Zengzi killing pigs, she quickly stopped him. Zengzi said that parents lie to their children, and when they grow up, they lie to their parents. This is also a story about integrity.


  I still remember when I came home from school, I promised my parents to do my homework. As a result, I turned on the radio and lay on the sofa listening to a story. I heard the sound of the key. I quickly turned off the radio and ran back. Unfortunately, its too late. My parents saw me and harshly criticized me. Punish me for not watching TV for a week. Because of this, I will never do it again.


  If everyone is honest and trustworthy, the world will be more harmonious and beautiful. We all strive to be honest and trustworthy people.


  讀書英語演講稿 1


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Good morning everyone!


  The bright sunshine once again shone into xxx Middle School, and around us, the sound of reading echoed loudly! Thats right, the topic of my speech today is also related to reading. I am xxx, and I hope everyone can listen quietly next - The joy of reading.


  When it comes to "reading", I believe the first scene that comes to mind for many students is the scene of us in a bright classroom, with the teacher lecturing incessantly and us tirelessly studying below. Indeed, this scene is beautiful and fantastic. However, what I am going to talk about today as reading refers to our personal reading of books!


  In this busy stage of learning, I believe everyone has already gone through the textbooks in their hands no less than ten times. In order to remember the texts and knowledge inside, we are desperately trying to understand and memorize them. I want to learn these new knowledge that are somewhat unfamiliar and difficult for us to understand. This kind of reading, although it makes us progress and grow, inevitably produces some dull and boring feelings after a long time. As students, we should know that at this time, we should find some free time to adjust ourselves and restore our state!


  Many students should have tried it, and everyone has their own way of recovering their own state. For example, "playing ball, listening to music, taking a short break..." These are all very good methods and worth trying when feeling bored. However, the method I recommend to everyone today is reading !


  Thats right, even after feeling bored with reading, the relaxation method I recommend is still reading! In our studies, we have been delving into textbooks and problems, pushing our direction towards the same direction! This does indeed help improve our grades and enable us to make greater progress. But on the contrary, because we only focus on one point, we overlook the joy of reading!


  Among numerous books, not only educational books exist! When we feel unmotivated, its better to find motivation to continue reading in some interesting books!


  Here, I recommend the book I have been reading recently - "Dream of the Red Chamber", which is one of the Four Great Classical Novels. I believe everyone should have some understanding of it. But I also know that probably not many people have read the content in detail. The stories recorded in classics like this can bring us a different post reading experience, and also enhance our reading and writing abilities. And other good books can also bring us countless improvements. And most importantly, they are all very interesting! I believe that after reading these interesting books, they can also bring relaxation to your mind!


  Classmates, reading is joyful, but we need to find a way to read! Just sticking to studying without being flexible can easily lead us into a dead end! Try walking a few more paths, I believe you can also find happiness in reading!


  My speech ends here, thank you everyone!

  讀書英語演講稿 2


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  The topic of my speech today is The Joy of Reading .


  Some people believe that having money is happiness, and they can enjoy wealth and prosperity; Some people think that being free and easy is happiness; And I think reading is joyful!


  As the saying goes, There is a golden house in books, and a beautiful face in books. Books are the nourishment of the world. If there are no books in life, its like a flower without sunshine; Without books in wisdom, its like a bird without wings.


  When I was a child, I didnt love reading because I thought it was dull and boring. But when I really put my heart into reading, I found that reading is really enjoyable! Every semester, my mother buys me a lot of extracurricular books. The books at home have piled up like mountains, and my favorite is "Water Margin". The "wise star" Wu Yong in it, although his name is useless, has great abilities; I also like Robinson Crusoe because it made me understand that when faced with difficulties, one cannot give up and must bravely face them; I also like Sophies World because it tells me to be observant, diligent in thinking, and brave in exploring!


  Reading a good book is talking to many noble people. Books have introduced us to many writers and literary figures. When we read their books with our hearts, its like communicating with them, understanding their thoughts, and empathizing with their emotions; Reading a good book is like a book taking you on a journey. Every book brings me joy in reading.


  In daily life, as long as you are good at discovering, you can experience a lot of fun, such as our favorite skipping rope, swimming, playing table tennis, watching movies... It not only entertains our body and mind, but also strengthens our physique. In fact, in addition to these, there is another pleasure in our lives that can only be appreciated with our hearts to make people feel happy, which is reading.


  Once, after dinner, I went to the library to read a book. As soon as I entered, I was attracted by an interesting riddle book. I couldnt help but hold it in my hand and read it with relish: there were seven or eight brothers sitting around a pillar. I heard they were going to split up, and their clothes were torn apart (fighting for food). What kind of food was this? I had never heard of it before. I racked my brains and couldnt come up with an answer. Hey, go home and ask my dad. I put down my book and plan to browse through other books. Suddenly, I saw a customer next to me talking and peeling sweet and sour oranges, so I pondered and said, "Oranges, they must be oranges." I ran home excitedly and said to my dad, "Dad, Ill tell you a riddle. I learned it from the riddle book in the bookstore just now." Dad smiled and said, "Dont worry, tell me." I told my dad the riddle, and he smiled and said, "Its very simple. We eat it almost every day." "" No, we didnt eat it today. "Dad was stunned for a moment and said," Mom put it in the vegetables just now. "How could oranges be put in the vegetables? In the dish? Did I guess wrong? I read the riddle again in my mind. Yes, oranges dont have a small cylinder in the middle. What is that? Child, when reading, one should not only read the literal meaning, but also deeply understand and appreciate its meaning. Finally, with my fathers guidance, I truly found the answer - garlic.


  Yes, reading is a pleasure. It can develop our intelligence and help us understand profound truths. Without books in life, its like without sunshine. Without books, wisdom is like birds without wings. Lets fly happily in the world of books!


  My speech is over, thank you everyone!

  讀書英語演講稿 3


Dear teachers and classmates


  I love reading. My bookshelf at home is filled with my big and small books, such as "One Hundred Thousand Whys" and "Idiom Stories". Whenever I have time, I pick up any book to read, and I will never stop until I finish reading. Whether its eating or sleeping, I always finish reading my books!


  I love browsing bookstores very much. I remember last time my mom and I went to the bookstore to read a book. As I watched, my mom asked me to go home, and I thought to myself: Time flies like water! I said, Lets leave later!!


  Its already 12 oclock. I have to eat when I go home!


  Wait a little longer!


  My mother had no choice but to agree to my request.


  In the blink of an eye, its already 2:00 pm. Its already past dinner time, but I dont feel hungry at all. A good book can also satisfy my hunger!


  Later, my mother found out that I had read a lot of books, so she gave me a library card. In this way, I can read different books every day, just like stepping into a sea of books.


  Grandpa Gorky said: Books are the ladder of human progress! Life is tasteless without books, and learning cannot be happy without books. In short, a person without books is like a bird without wings. Therefore, each of us should develop good reading habits.


  I believe that in my future life, books will bring me greater rewards and happiness!

  讀書英語演講稿 4


Dear teachers and friendly classmates


  Hello everyone!


  Our school is known for its bookish culture, and an annual book festival is an essential part of it. Now, our school is also preparing to welcome the xx Reading Festival.


  Gorky said, "Books are the ladder of human progress." Shakespeare said, "Books are the nourishment of all mankind." Yes, books can indeed cure ignorance. But perhaps few people have thought about it - are there people who write books, so are there people who read books? I once made a small newspaper called Reading in my computer class. If books were a ladder, then humans would be a body on this ladder, and the instinct to read is the soul that drives the body to walk on this ladder of progress. If you dont have a heart for independent reading, then even if you put up more books in your familys study to show off, it will only be useless as a military adviser to Song Jiang. This is like using the example above, its like introducing someone to how high and long the ladder of progress is, but without a fun soul to walk on it.


  Books are essential. People need to be healthy and healthy. Reading is about tasting it. But some books may not be the ladder of progress, but rather the abyss of regression. You have been crawling on the stairs for a long time, and perhaps you cannot resist falling into the abyss once. Reading is about reading good books, not bad ones. The soul is the driving force for upward movement, not the primary evil that falls into the abyss.


  My speech is over, thank you all.

  讀書英語演講稿 5


Respected leaders, teachers, and dear students:


  Hello everyone!


  Since ancient times, books have been the good friends of humanity. As early as Confucius, accompanied by books, full of knowledge and wisdom, leaving a lasting impression... I seem to have a special affection for good books and consider them my best friends.


  I love reading, and life is wonderful because of reading. When I feel discouraged, it is the book that teaches me, There will be times when the wind breaks through the waves, and when the clouds sail straight, I sail across the vast sea.; When I bid farewell to my friends, it was the book that told me, In the sea lies a confidant, and in the sky is a neighbor.; When I want to indulge myself, it is books that make me understand that every man has a responsibility for the rise and fall of the world. The book told me that Li Bai had the proud spirit of "my talents are meant to be useful, even if a thousand pieces of gold are scattered, they will come back again!" The book made me feel the leisurely and tranquil atmosphere of "the bright moon shining among the pine trees, the clear spring flowing on the rocks". Follow Du Fu and listen to him talk about his concern for the country and the people, as he says, The country is broken, the mountains and rivers are here, and the spring in the city is deep with grass and trees. Appreciate Xin Qijis lofty aspirations that are difficult to worry about, and sympathize with Li Qingzhaos sentimentality that people are thinner than yellow flowers..


  I love reading. People are beautiful because of reading. People who love reading are very beautiful. Reading can take you on a black boat, in the quiet and peaceful town of Jiangnan, along the narrow waterway, swaying leisurely with the breeze; Reading allows you to walk slowly through a golden rapeseed field on a warm afternoon, holding your mothers hand; Reading also allows me to watch a classic movie, using words as a screen to watch thrilling and exciting scenes... In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," Zhuge Liang was able to strategize because he had a wide range of knowledge and was willing to use his brain. He had a certain degree of certainty in doing anything. In "How Steel Was Tempered," the spirit of Paul Kochakin encouraged me to overcome difficulties and pursue a wonderful future


  Books are like fireworks, adorning the starry sky of my life. It has made my life less mundane and more fulfilling and exciting. The sea of learning knows no bounds, and the journey is long. Let us all take books as companions and forge our intellectual lives!


  My speech is over, thank you all.

  讀書英語演講稿 6


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone! The British playwright Shakespeare once said, Books are the nourishment of all mankind.. Hes right, books can enrich your knowledge and turn you from a hungry person into a vibrant and radiant child.


  Walking into a book, you will feel the lifelike characters right beside you; Entering a book, you can travel to all corners of the world without leaving your home; Entering a book, you can travel through history, go back to ancient times, explore the future... Everyone has their own way of reading, and I often use the skip reading method invented by Mr. Lu Xun. His method is: if you encounter a new word that you dont know, you first skip over, read the entire article through it, then make a judgment based on the context, and finally look it up in the dictionary to see if your guess is correct. Let me tell you a reading tip. Every time you read a book, keep a pen by your side. When you come across the exciting parts, pick up the strokes and write them out, focusing on memorization as a foundation for future writing. As the saying goes, reading a hundred times reveals its meaning.


  Reading is not only about accumulating knowledge, but also about finding a lot of fun from it. Let me tell you a little interesting story about reading: Once, while reading "We Love Science" with great interest on my desk, I read, "Believe it or not," that the average persons heart beats about 75 times per minute, outputting about 70 milliliters of blood each time. A heart can output a total of about 28 million liters of blood, or 2800 cubic meters, in a year. My eyes suddenly lit up and I thought to myself: Why do I feel that something is wrong? I read it carefully and became suspicious of a few numbers. Could it be that the unit conversion was wrong? So I thought of the "volume and volume unit" that Teacher Luo talked about in math class recently. How many cubic meters is 28 million liters of blood equal to?


  1 cubic meter is equal to 1000 liters, and 28 million liters should be equal to 28000 cubic meters. What went wrong? After precise calculations, I discovered a hilarious problem in We Love Science - they miscalculated that a heart can output approximately 2.8 million liters of blood in a year. Later, I wrote a letter to We Love Science asking them to correct their mistakes. I feel really amazing to be able to nitpick for a famous magazine. Its really satisfying! Classmates, when reading, it is important to read carefully and not to learn the method of reading by looking at things at a glance, in order to achieve the desired reading effect.


  We should read good books, read well, and read well, so that we can grow into a well-rounded and knowledgeable young man.

  讀書英語演講稿 7


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  The topic of my speech today is Reading and Life .


  As is well known, books are the ladder of human progress. Books play an extremely important role in our lives. The reason why it is important is because it is constantly present around us, permeating our surroundings, and everyone is learning and using knowledge.


  However, some people do not know what reading is for. I think one of the benefits of reading is to adjust ones mindset. No matter what joys and sorrows we encounter in life, we can maintain a calm and composed attitude, and be fully mentally prepared to face them. When you are happy, dont get carried away; When feeling down, dont be overly sad. If you cant avoid sadness, find a way to ease it yourself. Gorky said: Books have turned me into a happy person. In our leisure time, we might as well read a book. Through reading, we experience universal love and genuine emotions; We learn from books about the changes in history and society; We learn to think, ask valuable questions, and grow from books.


  The century old Bing Xin once said: Good reading, good reading, good reading. This is a wise saying. Reading a good book is like conversing with a wise person, which can enrich ones soul and help them distinguish right from wrong. Bi Shumin also said that books are not rouge, but they can make peoples faces stay forever. Books are not sticks, but they can make people strong and powerful.


  Books are not feathers, but they can make people fly. Books are not omnipotent, but they can make people versatile. Books are our most loyal companions, as the saying goes: travel the world with books as companions. Time keeps passing, but reading allows us to gain knowledge. Dont you want to increase your knowledge?


  If you are willing, please pick up a book that is meaningful to our lives, step into the world of books, and swim in the ocean of knowledge. It will fill you with thoughts, wisdom, and change your destiny and life, and help us regain the confidence that truly belongs to us!


  Thank you everyone, finished speaking!


  感恩英語演講稿 1


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  On the path of growth, we must not forget to be grateful. Helping others brings joy, and being grateful to others also brings happiness.


  One day, I went on a bus and there were a lot of people in the car today. Fortunately, I managed to grab a seat. This is a boy who came up with a heavy backpack and squeezed through the crowd. I saw the English notes in his hand, and I guessed he must be a student who is about to take the high school entrance exam and will face a test of life. The car was shaking so much that he couldnt continue reading, so he had to put the book in his backpack. After a while, an old man patted the boy, who looked over eighty years old. The old man asked the boy to sit here, but the boy didnt think much and sat there. He saw the old man squeeze to the door.


  As the sky gradually darkened, the little boy fell asleep leaning against the window. I was really happy for him to have some rest time. Suddenly, the car shook, waking the boy up. He got up and walked to the door. When I walked over, I found him looking at someone in surprise. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the old man who had been standing at the door all along. The boy got off the car and turned around to look at the old man. The old man smiled and nodded at the boy. The boy got off the bus and turned back to look at it. He bowed deeply to the bus. This action left a deep impression on me, and taught me that those who have helped us must give back, even if we have only met once.


  Gratitude is something that every one of us must know. Lets start from small things now, be grateful to those who have helped us, and let the harmony between people spread further and further.

  感恩英語演講稿 2


Respected leaders, teachers, and classmates:


  Hello everyone!


  The topic of my speech today is Learning to Be Grateful .


  How would you feel if you were the only one in the world? I think this must be a terrible thing.


  So, we need to learn to be grateful. Thank you, teacher. Without you, I would be an ignorant person; Thank you, my friend. Without you, I would be an unhappy person. Yes, there are many people worth thanking, among whom are our parents.


  When we say the first word, take the first step, put on the first piece of clothing and the first pair of shoes, it is our parents who patiently teach us. This time and time again, my parents have spent a lot of time and energy.


  When we encounter difficulties in our growth process, it is our parents who do their best to help us. When we achieve success, we celebrate to the fullest, its our parents who share happiness with us.


  My parents have always cared about us. We should always remember their kindness and pay tribute to them with gratitude.


  Learn to dress up, tidy up the room... do your own thing well, dont let your parents get tired. This is gratitude!


  When parents finish work, they will give them a pair of slippers and a cup of hot tea to let them know that we also care about them. This is gratitude!


  Beating their parents backs, singing, chatting about what happened between classmates at school... Let the cheerful laughter take them into sweet dreams. This is also gratitude!


  Yes, its not difficult to be grateful to parents.


  Flowers can wither, the sea can change, but our grateful heart cannot change. Lets thank our parents and everyone around us.


  My speech is over, thank you!

  感恩英語演講稿 3


Dear teachers and classmates


  Hello everyone!


  In our lives, we should learn to be grateful and have a grateful heart.


  Because our school has just relocated and we are living on campus with over 3000 students, the teachers must be very tired. The school has put in so much effort for us to grow up in a harmonious and orderly environment!


  I think we should thank three types of people in this new school relocation.


  The first category is the school leaders, who have been busy every day during this weeks relocation, creating a good learning environment for us. Even on weekends, they are still in their respective positions, conscientiously doing what they should do. They are worthy of our gratitude, and we should be grateful to them. It is because of them that we can have a good learning environment; It is precisely because of them that our parents can confidently send us to school; It is precisely because of them that we have a guarantee of life. We should have a grateful heart and repay them with excellent results.


  The second type is to thank the chefs and staff of the cafeteria. According to the teacher, the chefs and staff in the cafeteria come every morning at 3am to cook for 3000 people in our school. Most of them are uncles and aunts in their thirties or forties who also have their own children and a home that they need to take care of. However, they have abandoned their children for us. It is precisely because of their hard work every day that we are guaranteed to have delicious meals every day. They are also worthy of our gratitude, and we should respect them and their labor.


  The third category is our mothers, who are our teachers. They spend 24 hours a day with us, have their own homes and children to take care of, and treat us like their own children. They give us kind motherly love and serious fatherly love, like a big tree that shelters us from wind and rain; She is like a big umbrella, a harbor for us to rest when we are tired. They are also worthy of our gratitude.


  In fact, in life, there are many people who deserve our gratitude. We are grateful to our parents for giving us life, grateful to our teachers for teaching us knowledge... We should approach things around us with a grateful heart. At this moment, the song "Grateful Heart" came to my mind: Grateful Heart. Thank you for accompanying me throughout my life, giving me the courage to be myself. With a grateful heart and a grateful fate, I will cherish the flowers as they bloom and fall


  Learn to be grateful. Lets broaden our hearts!


  My speech ends here, thank you everyone!

  感恩英語演講稿 4


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone! I am xxx from class xx (x). First of all, I would like to thank everyone who allowed me to stand here and participate in this event today. The topic of my speech today is Learning to Be Grateful .


  Some people say that gratitude is human nature. The Chinese nation has many traditional virtues, such as loyalty to the country, diligence and bravery, respect for the elderly and love for the young, unity and cooperation... But I feel that gratitude is also a virtue. Thank you to our parents for giving us birth, nurturing us, and giving us love; Thank you, teacher, for imparting knowledge to us and teaching us the principles of being a good person; Thank you, friend, for accompanying us through storms and giving us the most sincere friendship.


  Thank you, teacher. At the crossroads of life, it is the teacher who extends his warm hands to us, so we remain steadfast in confusion and clear headed in contemplation. It was the teacher who showed us the vast and boundless sky, and it was the teacher who showed us the rippling blue sea. In the journey of life, it is teachers who enrich our hearts and develop our intelligence; Igniting the light of hope for us, giving us wings of ideals, and allowing us to explore the ocean of knowledge. When we become eagles swimming in the sky, when we become dragons swimming in the sea, it is all thanks to the teachers efforts, silently nurturing peach and plum trees that fill the world, and with determination to create pillars and promote China. We will remember your kindness in our hearts, so we want to thank you with our hearts, my most respected teacher.


  Grateful to parents, their love is the most selfless. They allowed their mothers milk to leave the cradle, held their hearts, and took the first step in life. Growing up strong in the meticulous care of our parents, who have put in countless efforts and sweat for us. I will always remember how warm the hands on my shoulders were when the wind blew; I will always remember the back that accompanied me as I grew up, exchanging your weathered years for the happiness and joy of my life. The love of parents is as soft as water, as gentle as smoke, as deep as the sea, and as heavy as mountains of gratitude. How much can we appreciate this kind of kindness that is higher than heaven and thicker than earth? How much can we repay?


  Grateful friends, people often say that the affection between comrades and classmates is the most sincere and eternal friendship in the world. We have one of them, shouldnt we feel happy? The years of life are a string of pearls; The long years are a set of music, and friendship among classmates is the most brilliant pearl and the most wonderful movement among them. In a few years, although it was only a short moment, we sang together about friendship, hope, hard work, and deep affection. In the morning glow, we enter the school hand in hand; In the sunset, we walk home side by side; In the classroom, there are our figures helping each other, on the playground, there are our joyful footprints... How many days and nights have settled us.


  The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a gushing spring!


  I am grateful to my parents, teachers, classmates, and everyone around me for giving me a warm and grateful heart.


  Gratitude, starting from you and me! Starting from the heart!


  珍惜時間英語演講稿 1


Dear judges and audience


  Hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is Time Management .


  Time is a precious asset that everyone possesses, but the allocation and utilization of time cannot be done well by everyone. Therefore, time management is crucial for each and every one of us.


  Firstly, we need to learn how to develop a reasonable time plan. In daily life, we often waste a lot of valuable time due to a lack of time planning. So, the primary task is to plan your time, create a schedule that can complete your tasks, and then execute according to the schedule.


  Secondly, we need to arrange the time priority of tasks reasonably. The time priority of different tasks is different, and the priority of tasks is set according to their importance and urgency. Nowadays, there are many important tasks to be completed in the workplace, and if we cannot prioritize them properly, it will be difficult to successfully complete them. Setting time priority can help us avoid the embarrassment of not being able to complete tasks when time is tight.


  Again, we need to master the improvement of focus and efficiency. The pace of life is very fast now, and we need to improve our efficiency well. In order to improve our efficiency, we need to master some methods and techniques to enhance it. Concentration is one of the important factors in improving efficiency. When working or studying, we need to maintain focus and avoid distractions in order to better complete tasks in a short amount of time. In addition, we also need to improve our learning and work efficiency, and try to complete the most work in the shortest possible time.


  Finally, we need to learn to refuse and relax. When we are too busy, we need to learn to reject some unimportant things. If we put everything on ourselves, we are easily affected by stress and fatigue, which can affect our learning and work efficiency. Relaxation is an important means of relieving stress and relaxing the body and mind. We can enjoy our emotions through sports, travel, watching movies, and other means.


  In todays speech, I introduced several key points of time management: planning time, setting time priorities, mastering focus and efficiency, learning to refuse and relax. In modern society, time management is particularly important because it can help us improve our efficiency and achieve higher accomplishments. Therefore, we must learn how to effectively manage time in order to achieve better life and work efficiency.


  Thank you all for listening!

  珍惜時間英語演講稿 2


Dear leaders and colleagues


  Hello everyone! Today Im going to talk about an eternal topic - cherishing time. Everyone has the same amount of time, whether its the president or an ordinary person, only 24 hours a day. However, some people can accomplish more in these 24 hours, while others feel that time is never enough. Why is this? Its simple. People who make effective use of time cherish it, while those who cant make effective use of time waste it.


  For us speakers, cherishing time is even more crucial. Our speech time is only a short three minutes, but whether these three minutes can make people remember us and be touched by us depends on whether we can seize and cherish time. We need to express our ideas and viewpoints clearly and concisely in just three minutes, so that people can understand and feel our enthusiasm and sincerity.


  Cherishing time is not just in speeches, it runs through every aspect of our lives. Time is an eternal and unchanging resource, but our lives are short, and every wasted time is a loss of our lives. If we dont cherish time, we will regret losing many precious opportunities and time in our lives.


  How should we cherish time? Firstly, we should recognize the preciousness of time. Time is a magical and wonderful existence that educates and cultivates people, and we cannot easily waste it. Secondly, we should clarify our goals. Clear goals and taking action according to them are the key to targeted and efficient work. Finally, we should master our own time, strictly plan our time, and efficiently utilize it. Seizing every moment is like grasping every wealth in your hand, not wasting and quantifying its use.


  We all understand the importance of cherishing time, but it is not an easy task to do so. We need to base ourselves on practice and deliberately train ourselves to cherish time. We can use time management tools, create schedules, and firmly eliminate procrastination to exercise our ability to cherish time. Over time, cherishing time will become a habit and way of life.


  Thank you everyone!

  珍惜時間英語演講稿 3


Dear teachers, dear students:


  Hello everyone! I am honored to speak under this bright five-star red flag. The theme of my speech today is to cherish time and study hard.


  Do you love life? Because life is the substance that makes up time. Classmates, human life is limited, but we can add infinite brilliance to it. Time keeps passing by. Time flies, the sun and moon shuttle like a shuttle. Time flies and we dont know yet, so we must cherish it and study hard.


  Before, I didnt understand the preciousness of time. When doing homework, every sound outside the window catches my attention. Homework that could have been completed in half an hour must be delayed for one or two hours. However, after one thing, I realized the preciousness of time. Thats a math class. When other students are working hard to study, I am immersed in my game. The result was discovered by the teacher, and I thought: Im going to be criticized. Just as I was feeling uneasy, the teacher walked over to me and said, "Come to my office after class." After class, I walked into the collective office, my heart pounding. I saw the teacher waving at me, gesturing for me to sit down. He said to me, One inch of time is equal to one inch of gold. One inch of gold cannot buy one inch of time. Time is like gold, but time is more precious than gold. The time of a class is really short, it passes in the blink of an eye. You must seize every minute, never relax, study hard, instead of just playing there all the time. Hearing the teachers words, I blushed with shame like an apple. Calm down and think carefully, how much precious gold I have wasted due to ignorance! After that incident, I learned to cherish time. After class, I didnt do any fidgeting. I strive for every second and study diligently. The teacher gave me a approving look.


  Classmates, we are the youth of the 21st century and the flowers of our motherland. The fate of our motherland is closely related to us. So, lets take action, cherish every minute, work hard, become the pillars of building our country, and make our own contributions to the prosperity and flourishing of our motherland.


  My speech is over, thank you!

  珍惜時間英語演講稿 4


Dear teachers and students


  Hello everyone!


  The topic of my speech today is Cherish Time .


  When the bright sunshine blooms with its smiling face, when a gentle breeze brushes your cheeks, classmates, do you feel that the small yellow buds on the branches are the smile of spring? Is the cute little bird in the sky the heartbeat of spring? Yes, spring is beautiful! However, can we keep this beautiful spring forever? Gorky once said, "The fastest and slowest, longest and shortest, most ordinary and precious, most easily overlooked and regretful thing in the world is time." This sentence tells us to cherish time.


  Cherish time is the rational use of time. Time is important to each and every one of us, it doesnt stop for anyone. When washing my face and brushing my teeth in the morning, time slips away from the basin; When eating, time slips away from your rice bowl; When you sleep, time slips away from your dreams again. Do you want to maintain time? Then you have to manage your own time. As Mr. Lu Xun said, "Time is like water in a sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there will always be some.


  Yeah! Time is the most just judge. No matter if you are rich or poor, you will be given fair time. There are 365 days in a year, 24 hours per day, and 3600 seconds per hour. It depends on how you arrange it reasonably. Perhaps some people will create a great invention on this day, while others may do nothing and waste a day. Why do people get different results at the same time? For example, students in a class study and live together every day, in the same environment, in the same courses, and with the same teachers. Why do some students study well and some students dont?


  Thats because some people make full use of every minute in class, listen attentively, think seriously, and even spend other peoples playing time on reading, so they gain more! Flowers bloom and wither, grass turns green again, but when will they come back? Time goes by and never comes back, so lets not postpone todays work until tomorrow because there are still things to do tomorrow.


  Time is both short and eternal, and its existence itself is a hope. Dont be afraid of the ruthlessness of time, and dont feel the brevity of time. An inch of time is an inch of gold but you cant buy that inch of time with an inch of gold We should cherish the wonderful time we have. I hope everyone cherishes every minute of themselves, braving the wind and waves with the rising rhythm, and letting the boat of life sail away with time.


  My speech is over, thank you everyone!

  珍惜時間英語演講稿 5


Dear teachers, dear students:


  Hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is Cherish Time .


  Time is the foundation of human life; Time is the driving force behind human progress; Time is the distance card on the road of life; Time is a witness to the wrinkles on your face... Time is counting down for you! You must cherish him!


  The word cherish in the dictionary means to value and cherish everyones time. I still remember reading a story in a magazine: a young boy, when he was young, wasted time without studying for no reason. Every time his classmates see him, they see him in a bar. In middle age, he still didnt listen to others advice and continued to eat, drink, and have fun. In his later years, he finally regretted and understood the truth, but it was too late. So human time is very short, it passes in the blink of an eye. Only by paying attention to it can you live a wonderful and fulfilling life! Visible time can be called precious!


  In todays society, many elderly people have silver hair, but they are still so happy, even happier than young people. It is these elderly people who know how to cherish time and treat it as their own treasure that can have a beautiful life!


  People who waste time and cherish time may be very different, but this idea determines your fate. Cherishing time is cherishing life, cherishing life is determining destiny. Cherish time, work hard, and you will become a useful person. Time always passes quietly


  The swallow has gone, when it comes again; The flowers are gone, there is still time for them to bloom again; Trees may wither, but time is like the rolling Yangtze River, flowing from the east into the ocean and never turning back.

  珍惜時間英語演講稿 6


Dear leaders and colleagues


  Hello everyone, the topic of my speech today is Cherish Time .


  Time is something that everyone faces, but different people approach it in completely different ways. Some people are good at using time, achieving twice the result with half the effort; And some people always waste time, leading to the decline of their careers.


  Life is short, time flies, we should all learn to cherish time. Time can increase wealth, enhance knowledge, and change lives. Only by making good use of time can we enjoy the various gifts it brings us.


  However, we often fall into a misconception that time is still long and there are still many opportunities; But in fact, the time we have is limited, and the opportunities we can use to showcase ourselves are also limited. So we must seize every minute and second in front of us, grasp the present moment, and do every step well.


  Moreover, it is also necessary to try to find the best way to utilize time. For example, a planned workflow can be established to reduce wasteful behavior and complete work more efficiently; You can make more use of technical tools such as time management software and memos to improve your time utilization.


  Finally, I would like to emphasize a point: time is irreversible. We cannot go back and change yesterday or the year before, but we can start today, take every step well, and embrace a better future. Only by making new time plans and implementing new time allocation methods can we cope with future challenges and opportunities.


Dear leaders and colleagues, cherish your time! Lets make every minute more fulfilling and meaningful together, let the flower of time always bloom in life, and make life truly wonderful and colorful.


  Thank you!

  珍惜時間英語演講稿 7


Dear judges, teachers, and classmates


  Hello everyone! The theme I want to share with you today is: Cherish time. Time, it is a precious treasure, it is irreversible, once missed, it can never be retrieved. Therefore, we must cherish time.


  We all have 24 hours of time, but some people can achieve great success, while others just waste their time. Why is that? In fact, the difference between successful people and ordinary people lies in their use and management of time. Successful people know how to cherish their time, spending it on studying, working, and creating instead of wasting it on useless activities.


  How to cherish time? Firstly, we need to recognize the preciousness of time, and feel the passage of time with our hearts every moment. We should know that time is not worth it. Secondly, we should plan our time reasonably, establish clear and feasible plans and goals, and apply our time to various aspects such as learning, work, and entertainment, so that every minute is rewarding. Finally, we should strengthen our time awareness, avoid procrastination and wasting time, hold onto time tightly, cherish every moment, and do meaningful things.


  To cherish time is to cherish life. Our lives are short and precious, and we should make full use of time to strive, achieve our dreams, and create our own brilliance. We should not waste time, squander time, miss opportunities, and ultimately live a miserable life.


  In summary, the importance of cherishing time is self-evident. We cannot waste time, but should use it to improve our abilities and skills, and go further on the path of future life. Time flies, and the future is worth looking forward to. Let us firmly grasp the river of time, which cannot flow backwards, and let it lead us forward towards the other shore of success!


  Thank you everyone!


  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 1


Dear teacher, dear classmates:


  Were good!


  The theme of my speech today is Caring for the Environment !


  In the prosperous 21st century of technology, everyone knows the importance of protecting the environment. Although everyone knows to take care of the environment, few people can truly achieve the principle of taking care of the environment is everyones responsibility!


  Do we feel remorseful when we see the stinky little river, a bare tree stump, and a city filled with sandstorms? Although these phenomena have not yet emerged, I believe that if humans continue to act recklessly like this, they will reap the consequences themselves!


  Water is the source of life, and all living things require water for their livelihoods. Humans are no exception. Without water, humans would be on the brink of extinction. The ancients believed that water was a gift from heaven, inexhaustible and inexhaustible. However, this is not the case. The global freshwater resources are only 3.55 billion cubic meters, and only 0.34% of this limited freshwater resource can be used. Such precious water resources, humans not only fail to conserve them properly, but also extensively waste them. I have heard a news story about some illegal businesses discharging a large amount of sewage that they should have been able to handle themselves into rivers for convenience, polluting the originally dry and clean river water. In daily life, such work keeps happening: hotel workers put the dishes to be washed into the sink, turn on the faucet, then turn around and leave, letting the tap water flow "noisily". It was a long time before he came back, took the food away, and didnt turn off the faucet before leaving! Many days, water flows into the drainage pipes, causing great waste. Some residents wash clothes, dishes, and mops in the small river for convenience, and overnight, the river is filled with waste and oil stains.


  We must save water and never let our regretful tears become the last drop of water in the world!


  One fourth of the Earths land is forest, and abundant forests can provide us with fresh air and sufficient water resources. However, there is a statement: in another hundred years, forests will completely disappear. Perhaps we wont survive until then, but we have to consider our descendants. Dream of the moment when the forest disappears, all kinds of creatures in the world will perish, and the earth will be lifeless. How terrifying!


  Perhaps you may think: The disappearance of the forest doesnt matter to me, its disappearance wont affect us. no Forests bear significant responsibility. He can control soil erosion and avoid natural disasters. If the forest disappears, various natural disasters will strike us one after another. Even if we dont die in a disaster, natural disasters will still destroy our home!


  Caring for the environment is not just about what I said. We need to start from our daily lives, from small things, from you and me!


  Thank you to us!

  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 2


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  The topic of my speech today is Caring for the Environment, Starting from Me .


  Dont you all hope that our world has a clear blue sky, green grass on the earth, clear lake water, shaded trees, and brilliant sunshine?


  But we are getting farther and farther away from it. Although there are still people caring for the environment, it is necessary to make everyone understand Caring for the Environment, Starting from Me in order to do so!


  Recently, the grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia, China has been severe and has reached an alarming level. Among the 63.59 million hectares of usable grassland area, the current degraded grassland area has reached 38.67 million hectares, accounting for 60% of the usable grassland.


  The Loess Plateau in ancient China was once a prosperous place, but after thousands of years of plundering and development, it is filled with barren mountains, ridges, and ravines. The Yellow River, the "mother river" of the Chinese nation, has now become the river with the highest sediment content in the world. In recent decades, with the rapid growth of population, rapid economic development, and continuous improvement of human technology, a large number of trees have been cut down, polluted water and harmful gases have been discharged, and garbage pollution has further polluted the environment.


  One shocking number after another shows us that creating a green home is urgent. Although creating a green home is difficult, you will find that if everyone bends down to pick up a piece of paper on the ground every day, billions of papers will be cleaned up. Over time, you will realize that your green home has been built. So, creating a green home is just a small effort. If everyone were like this, the above things wouldnt happen, and we wouldnt face such an ecological environment.


  For the home we rely on for survival, Earth, lets do Caring for the Environment, Starting from Me!


  My speech is over, thank you all!

  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 3


Dear teachers and friendly classmates


  Hello everyone!


  Earth is the mother of humanity and the home we rely on for survival. It is everyones responsibility to protect the environment, even if it is a small patch of green grass.


  Forest resources are constantly decreasing, turning beautiful and prosperous lands into deserts. Many resources that humans need could have been continuously regenerated and contributed to humanity in the long run, but ruthless humans have destroyed them, causing a series of ecological disasters. So lets take action!


  1、 Please save electricity and water. On one hand, it is to cherish hydropower resources, and on the other hand, the use of water and electricity can produce harmful carbon dioxide.


  2、 Please do not use the computer for a long time. The radiation emitted by computers can pollute the environment and also people.


  3、 Please walk on foot. Walking closer to a place not only strengthens the body but also reduces carbon dioxide emissions. You dont need a private car to go further away, just take a bus.


  4、 Save paper, as making an A4 paper requires a tree and releases a lot of carbon dioxide.


  5、 Please do not use disposable chopsticks, as these items are made of wood. After using it all at once, it will no longer be usable.


  6、 Save paper, please fill up the draft paper, dont just write a few numbers and throw them away.


  7、 Buy more plants as they can purify the air.


  Lets all take action together! Starting from the side, starting from small things, lets take care of our current home together! I believe that through our efforts, the beautiful scenery in the painting is right beside us

  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 4


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Good morning everyone! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is Protecting the Environment, Starting from Me .


  The natural environment is the foundation of our human survival. Protecting and improving the natural environment is a prerequisite for humans to maintain their own survival and development. As young masters of the 21st century, how should students protect the environment? Actually, protecting the environment should start with me and small things around me. However, we can also see some disharmonious scenes from time to time: students often eat snacks while walking, and then litter with garbage bags; During breaks, it is common to see paper scraps of all sizes in some corridors, which are extremely uncivilized behaviors.


  Classmates, when you live a carefree life, have you ever thought that the environment around us is gradually deteriorating? When you casually drop paper scraps, do you ever think that we are in a crisis of being surrounded by garbage? Once upon a time, the sky was so blue and the river was so clear. While nature gave us beautiful enjoyment, humans kept hurting it. The earth is becoming increasingly crowded, leading to worsening environmental pollution and dwindling resources. Human wisdom has created economic miracles, while ignorance and greed have left terrible consequences. Everything reminds us that environmental protection is urgent!


  Classmates, you are the masters of the 21st century, and having environmental awareness is a symbol of modern people. When protecting the environment, we should focus on our surroundings and start by purifying the campus.


  My speech is over, thank you everyone!

  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 5


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Good morning! The topic of my speech today is "Caring for the Environment and Building a Beautiful Earth".


  Someone once said, The earth is a beautiful landscape painting, with pleasant scenery, clean cities, and harmonious people. But is this really the case? Everyone says they should love the earth, but they are also destroying it. We must understand that there is only one Earth in the world, and if people want to walk with it, every Earthling must take good care of it.


  To build a beautiful earth, please keep the rivers clean. The water in the large waterway next to our house is deep yellow in color, with a foul odor and a look of devastation. The drainage outlet of the river is inclined downwards, and the dirty water in the river cannot be discharged into the water pipe for purification, while the wastewater in residents homes is continuously inclined downwards; Residents living by the riverbank are even unwilling to take a few more steps and simply dump their garbage into the river; On the boats that come and go, some boat people simply use the large waterway as a garbage bin, pouring kitchen waste, oil residue, etc. into it... How heartbreaking these actions are! Have they ever thought that if rivers are covered by garbage, it will affect peoples lives; If lakes are polluted, it will lead to the extinction of fish and the outbreak of blue-green algae


  To build a beautiful earth, please abide by public morality in tourist attractions. There is a saying that goes: "When traveling, dont take anything except photos; dont leave anything except footprints." There was once a news report that sanitation workers found more than 100000 cigarette butts, over 3000 convenience noodle boxes, and more than 20000 (other) garbage in a certain scenic area within 30 minutes. This explains from one aspect that citizens awareness of environmental protection is relatively low. Once, I went to play at Meihua Mountain, where the plum blossoms bloomed brilliantly. However, the mountains and fields were covered in garbage, and the words "Someone came here for a visit" were prominently and glaringly engraved on the plum trees and city walls. Garbage has long overshadowed the bright spring scenery and the gorgeous plum blossoms, everything is dull and uninteresting. I seem to hear the plum blossoms weeping sadly, the earth sighing helplessly, and the city walls shouting unyieldingly. Friends, lets have more public morality when traveling, which will add some beauty to the scenic area.


  To build a beautiful Earth, please do not squander resources. Walk more and drive less, low-carbon travel; Please do not spread precious grains. Eat and order as much as you want, knowing that every grain is hard-earned; Please do not casually discard paper. Instead, recycle and reuse it to save tree resources


  Today, sewage is flowing and garbage is everywhere, but I believe that as long as we integrate environmental protection into every aspect of our daily lives, the future world will be clean air and everything will shine. Environmental protection is not an empty slogan, a temporary trend, or just a few national white papers. It should be our attitude towards life, an indispensable part of our lives, and an important expression of our social morality and personal character. Lets all take care of the environment and build a beautiful earth!

  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 6


Dear classmates and respected teachers


  Hello everyone!


  The topic of my speech today is Protecting the Environment, Starting from Me . The Earth is the home where people live. It is like our mother, providing us with resources at all times. However, our environment is getting worse and worse now. The lush forests have decreased, the melodious bird songs have disappeared, and the clear rivers have become turbid. Therefore, protecting the environment is urgent.


  Everyone can say protect the environment, but taking action is not easy. As we all know, protecting the environment has always been a matter of great importance to the country. In the past, the earth was surrounded by mountains and rivers, with birds singing and flowers blooming. However, not long after, it disappeared. Due to human destruction, pollution, and waste, the earth has become riddled with holes and bruises. Who would have thought that those seemingly colorful plastic bags scattered everywhere would pollute how much land? Who would have thought that those round and cute batteries would pollute so many water sources?


  In order for everyone to have a beautiful home, Songzi has launched the "Five Cities Co Creation" activity and issued the following initiatives: firstly, water conservation, electricity conservation, and food conservation. Dont let the faucet cry sadly, dont let every kilowatt hour of electricity be lost in vain, and dont let farmers sweat profusely. Secondly, try to use disposable products as little as possible, use durable products more, use disposable plastic lunch boxes and chopsticks less, reduce white pollution, classify and recycle waste batteries, and turn waste into treasure. Finally, we need to plant trees and forests, take care of every inch of green space, every flower, and every tree around us, pay attention to hygiene, do not spit, litter, or make noise everywhere.


  In addition, protecting the environment is also our students job. Our school has also carried out a campaign to send garbage home. In order to be clean, students insist on not littering, form a good habit, and throw garbage into the trash can when they see it. Lets count. Each of us picks up a piece of waste paper, and the whole school picks up thousands of waste papers. Each person picks up a piece of garbage in the country, and more than 200 million stains will be lost. Doesnt that make our once Earth come back?


  Protecting the environment should start from individuals, from every little detail, and make the earth a green ball again!


  My speech is over, thank you everyone!

  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 7


Dear judges and fellow students


  Hello everyone! The theme of my speech is Let environmental protection be our mark .


  With the development of technology and the progress of society, environmental issues are increasingly emerging and becoming a focus of peoples attention. Environmental protection in Baoding will be a major project in the future. Everyone should contribute their own efforts to environmental protection, so that the imprint of environmental protection will always exist.


  Firstly, we should start from ourselves. We should start with small daily tasks, not waste resources such as food and water, and strive to reduce the amount of garbage generated at home and school every day. We should vigorously promote green transportation, such as cycling, walking, etc., reduce the use of motorized transportation, and minimize the impact on the environment as much as possible.


  Secondly, we should attach importance to environmental protection propaganda. We can use advertising, cultural courses, promotional videos, and social media platforms to widely spread environmental protection concepts to a wider audience, gather more manpower, and further promote the development and promotion of environmental protection actions.


  Finally, we must firmly believe in the importance of environmental protection and make it our mark. We should practice the concept of green environmental protection through practical actions in education and work, making environmental protection a symbol of action and a habit for us, in order to lay a solid foundation for the future environmental protection cause.


  Environmental protection is the responsibility of each and every one of us, as well as our shared obligation. Lets start from ourselves, advocate a green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, take root in our daily lives, make environmental protection an indispensable part of our lives, and leave an eternal mark of environmental protection.

  保護環(huán)境英語演講稿 8


Dear teachers and fellow students


  Hello everyone!


  I am XX from Class XX in my sophomore year. The topic of my speech today is Protecting the Campus Environment is Everyones Responsibility .


  We are college students of the new era, and those of us who stay on campus are protected by the school. As members of the school, we also have the responsibility to protect our university campus. This is our duty as members here. We must do a good job in protecting the cleanliness of the university campus environment and the common property of everyone.


  We will stay in university for a few years, which is enough for us to consider the school as our home. Since we consider it as our home, we have the obligation and responsibility to protect the campus environment from harm. In this environment, we will spend a wonderful time in university. Protecting the campus environment is also a way for us to benefit ourselves. Our campus environment is the result of countless voluntary labor. Without their hard work, how could we have stayed so comfortable, allowing us to study and engage in various campus activities with peace of mind.


  Therefore, I hope everyone can protect our campus environment and make our university life beautiful. The flowers, plants, pavilions, lakes, lawns, and so on in the school are enough to create our campus environment. Only such an environment can make the university campus beautiful and attract others to stop and watch. Dont you think this is a good thing? In addition, for the protection of our campus environment, the measures we need to take are:


  Firstly, do not smoke on campus and strive for a smoke-free campus;


  Secondly, do not litter casually, but rather throw it into the trash can and pick up nearby garbage to create a clean campus environment;


  Thirdly, do not damage the public property on campus, which belongs to all of us. We must work together to protect them, as they are an indispensable part of the campus environment;


  Fourthly, do not step on the grassland. They are also a scenery of the campus environment. Destroying this scenery is also causing trouble for oneself. Be a caring college student.


  We live on a university campus, and it is this environment that has given us a better university life. There is no reason why we should not protect this campus environment. We have an obligation to cherish it and treat it as a family. We have the responsibility to protect it and make it better and better, rather than being outsiders who see it destroyed and do not stop it. Therefore, we must stop those who destroy our campus environment in a timely manner and not let them succeed. If the campus environment is damaged, the cost we bear is also very high, because it will affect our learning and life there.


  Here, we must protect our university campus environment and take on the responsibilities that college students in the new era should bear.


  Thank you everyone! My speech is over.


  英語演講稿 1

Dear teachers,dear students:


  hello everyone!


  The topic of my speech is "the hardness of life"


  The vast desert,a tree stand,the show is a monument to the image.


  Towering mountains,thousands of tree stand up,as is a magnificent the Great Wall.


  The long river,all the trees stood up into a dragon of glory.


  We are a symbol of too much,and too much. But I believe that my image is not "the gentlest hands,skin,such as Diorskin" Lin Daiyu,nor is the modern "unkempt and shabby","Su Qier". We are a symbol of hope and vitality. So we show in front of others should be ed without pleats,face without scale,modest and polite gestures exudes a stream of heroic spirit,the image of the vigor and vitality of the modern new youth,a into the embodiment of the spirit of nature.


  Someone once said,life is a kind of hardness,integrity and dignity of life is propped up the hardness of bone. "Better life" and "the Kui back in the day,and not ashamed on the ground",which is always the traditional virtue of the China.


  Li Bais "the eyebrow nengcui Zheyaoshan powerful thing,so that I may not be happy Yan" this awe inspiring atmosphere of the verse and whether it will make those no self-esteem people to shame? Loss of self-esteem is a worthless person,and we as the vanguard of the times,if drown in the darkness forever,or to do a dauntless hero,a flower in the wind and rain sonorous rose. The answer is self-evident. Desert desolate also has the monument stands,Castle Peak again proud,but also have the great wall around,the river again quiet,also there is a dragon in the recumbent.


  But the time can be changed,our image,our glory remains the same. Because we pride,because we are confident,because we have a fresh life. And because of this,it is a vast desert riparian long,Qingshan was evergreen,the hardness of life is forever.


  英語演講稿 2

  Ladies and Gentlemen , Good afternoon! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it .


  I want to be a teacher when I listen to my teacher carefully. I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well. I can play with my students, too. So we are good friends. I want to be a doctor when I see many doctors save their patients. To be a doctor is really great. I think I can be a doctor when I grow up. Then I can help many people out of danger. I will be the happiest girl in the world. I want to be a reporter when I watch TV every evening.


  We can get lots of important information from them. They make the world smaller and also make us happy. I would like to be a reporter when I grow up. And I can learn a lot about China and the other countries around the world. I can meet many superstars as well. I have lots of dreams. I think my dreams can come true one day, because there’s an old saying “where there is a will, there is a way.”


  英語演講稿 3

  GoodMorning / Afternoon,My dear teachers,My nameis Xiaoixuan. I am 11 years old,and I am a fifth grade student.


  I have many hobbies. I like drawing and I can drawvery well,which get a lot of praise from my teachers and friends. I likesports,such as dancing,skating,biking and playing badminton. I often play badmintonwith my sisters and we have a great fun together. I love music,especially thepop music,which makes me feel relax. I love English,too. I hope I can travelall over the world one day.


  I have manyfriends. I often study and play with Ke Jingqi and Zhu Si huai. Sometimes,wego to bookstore or supermarket together. We are so happy when we are together. Ilove my friends and they love me,too.


  Thatsall!Thank you for your attention.


  英語演講稿 4

  Hello everyone,


  I’m happy to be here. I’d like to introduce myself.


  My name is Xiaohan. My English name is Anita.


  I’m 7 years old, I’m a student, I’m in class three grade one.


  I am very glad to make a speech here! This time, Id like to talk something about English. My topic is “I Love English”.


  When I was young, my mother sent me to an English school. At there, I played games and sang English songs with others . Then I discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the English world.


  Everyday, I read English following the tapes. Sometimes, I watch English cartoons.


  I hope I can travel around the world one day. I want to go to London, because it is the birth place of English. If I can ride my bike in Cambridge university, I will be very happy.


  I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world. I will introduce China to them, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City.


  I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.


  I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!


  英語演講稿 5

  Good afternoon,my dear friends.


  I am very happy to meet you is my great honor to municate with you at such a special of all,please allow me to express my appreciation to you all to listion to me.


  I am proud of being a college collegelife is fresh,new teachers,new classmates and new like the friendship,and their wide knowledge and opening grand library,school buildings and wide playground attrattde me very college life is better than I expected,I can do anything I the college we can not only learn the professional knowledge,but also develop our prehensive we can make full use of the period,we can learn many useful ,we should have the active attitude to our life,do a contributionto the is the most precious time in our of us want to bee an outstanding there are some students still waste their get together for eating,drinking or playing busy in searching for a girlfriend or a pletely forget their task as college students.


  Finally,I hope everybody can try their best to bee a worthy person to our country,and make great contributions to the society!


  英語演講稿 6

  Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”. Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed. What I want to stress is that each of us should listen more to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them. In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other. Thank you for your listening!


  英語演講稿 7

Dear teacher, classmates:

  I am delighted to give a speech in this classroom. This time, I want to talk about English. My topic is I love English .

  As everyone knows, English is very important today. It has been applied to every corner of the world.

  But for me, I learn English not only because of its importance, but also because I love English. When I learn English, I can experience a different way of thinking that can give me more space to interact with the world. When I speak English, I can feel confident.

  I love English, it has given me a colorful dream. I hope that one day I can travel the world and make friends with people from all over the world with my fluent English. I can see many famous scenic spots.

  I also hope to use my fluent English to introduce our scenic spots to English speaking friends. I hope they can love our country as much as we do.

  I believe that one day I will realize my dream!








  英語演講稿 8

Dear teachers and students:


  Hello, everyone! The topic of my speech is "success begins with faith." Ill tell you a story


  In Africa, a lush jungle, walking four skinny men, they carry a heavy box forward, stumbled in the woods. They follow the leader into the jungle adventure, class, the captain was in task is complete disease two unfortunately buried in the jungle.


  The dying captain entrusted them with his own suitcase, and said with great sincerity, "if you can send this box to my friends hand, you will get something more precious than gold"


  After the burial of the captain, they will hit the road carrying a box, increasingly difficult to walk the road, their efforts are also getting smaller and smaller, but they still get up go forward. Finally one day, suddenly opened the green barrier, they experienced a lot of hard work is finally out of the jungle, the captain found a friend however, the friend said: "I have nothing at all!"

