

時間:2022-04-01 08:19:41 英語演講稿 我要投稿





Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone. The theme of my speech under the National Flag today is "develop the habit of saving". Students, do you know what day it was yesterday? Yesterday was October 16 - World Food Day. When it comes to saving grain, we will think of the "compassion for farmers" written by the poet Li Shen of the Tang Dynasty, "who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard." Yes, grain is hard won. It is full of the hard work and sweat of farmers uncles. "One porridge and one meal, when thinking, it is hard won; half a thread, constant thinking, material resources are difficult." "Waste is a great crime." it is under the support of this tradition that our Chinese nation can grow and flourish.

  However, with the increasing improvement of living standards, some peoples awareness of saving is becoming weaker and weaker. Dumped meals can be seen everywhere in the canteen; In the classroom and on the playground, pieces of paper were flying. Whats more worrying is that these people are also plausible about this waste phenomenon: "I spend my own money and pour it without harming the interests of others", "now that the living standard has improved, its understandable to pour some food, so theres no need to be so fussy". How much can a piece of paper be worthStudents, diligence and thrift are not only the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, but also the concept advocated by the Chinese people in previous dynasties. The millennium old motto "those who are extravagant and lazy are poor, and those who are strong and frugal are rich" has been deeply rooted in everyones heart. A person, a family, a country and a nation cannot survive and develop without the four words of diligence and thrift. Speaking of this, let me tell you a little story. At a press conference, McCarthy, vice president of NBC, suddenly got up and went under the table silently. Everyone was shocked by the big mans indecent behavior in full view of the public. With a big question mark, everyone saw McCarthy show up from under the table holding high a half smoked Cuban cigar. "Ladies and gentlemen! Im sorry. Please forgive me for my rudeness." The billionaire patted the dust on his pants and said proudly, "but since I was born, my mother has told me to cherish every penny."

  Then McCarthy put the half cigar into his mouth and continued to smoke.

  I dont know who took the lead in clapping, and then the whole audience burst into warm applause.

  McCarthys behavior responds to that sentence: success comes from thrift and failure comes from extravagance. Even when we are very rich and rich, this simple truth will not be out of date.

  Now, our country is becoming stronger and stronger, and the economy is developing at a high speed. We should not only save food, water, electricity, time, energy and so on. There is an article "there is only one earth" in the primary school textbook, which mentions that some resources on the earth are non renewable, and human beings have nowhere to go after destroying the earth. Therefore, from this level, saving is not only a virtue, but also a vision, an attitude and a social responsibility that people should share.

  Students, let us be practitioners, leaders and communicators of thrift, make "turning off lights, using water as needed, eating according to the amount and using paper on both sides" a fashion, and make "saving glory, waste shameful, rational consumption and healthy life" a conscious consciousness. Let us take practical actions to contribute our strength to the construction of an energy-saving society!

  Thats the end of my speech. Thank you!



  hello everyone! You should know that China is recognized as a water shortage country in the world. According to the analysis of hydrological data in recent 20 years, from 1958 to 1987, the average annual total amount of water resources in China was 716.8 billion cubic meters, lower than the internationally recognized warning line of 1900 cubic meters.

  However, in such a water shortage world, many people still dont know what saving is, and still waste water resources without scruples.

  Last year, the five provinces and regions in Southwest China experienced continuous drought in summer and autumn. This year, Jiangxi Province, Hunan Province and Guangdong Province experienced continuous drought in winter and spring, which led to the cracking of the earth, the drying up of lakes, the loss of crops and the difficulty of drinking water for people and livestock. What a serious water shortage event! I once saw such a cartoon: there was a tap dripping water drop by drop, and behind it a large group of people took a look at the bucket and prepared to receive the water.

  If we do not save water, our future world will become like that, which is an indisputable fact; If we dont save water, the last drop of water on the earth will be our own tears! This is no longer alarmist, but a warning at a prosperous time.

  The lack of water in Yunnan Guizhou region and the bottoming out of Poyang Lake and Dongting Lake are good public service advertisements.

  We can use the water for bathing to flush the toilet, the water for washing rice to wash our face, and the water for washing our face to feed livestock

  So, for those of us who dont save water, when you stand in front of the toilet to prepare water, please think about the people living in arid areas and the scene of them being thirsty! Stop wasting water resources and make good use of these only water resources to create a more harmonious and better home! Save water, benefit in the contemporary, merit in the future.

  Students, I hope you can make good use of water resources.

  Saving water is to save ourselves; Saving water is to make our future more beautiful and let the flowers of life bloom easily! Thank you! Nowadays, with the rapid development of society, water pollution is very serious, and we can hardly find fresh water resources.

  When we lived in the countryside as children, we didnt have the awareness of saving water, because we drank mountain spring water, because there was no water shortage, so we always felt it didnt matter. When we came to work in the city later, we slowly guessed how important the awareness of saving water was! Rice washing water can be used to water flowers or wash dishes for the first time, which is a very good effect; The water from laundry and so on is used to flush the toilet. This is the reuse of water resources, which is clean and fast. Now I have gradually formed such a habit. I can start from saving a drop of water and turn off the faucet in time when I see that the faucet is not tightened. If everyone is wasting a drop of water, more than one billion people in the country are more than one billion drops... What a waste! Water is the source of life, not just talk, but also put it into action. With your participation and mine, lets live together in a healthy home and make the earth more beautiful and harmonious.

  To save water, we should start from every drop, from you and me, and from the heart!


Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Today, the topic of my speech on the podium is: "energy conservation and environmental protection start from me". I believe that some people who do not save water will be inspired and will save water in the future.

  The last drop of water in the world will be human tears. China is one of the 12 water poor countries. Due to peoples waste, there are fewer and fewer water sources. Therefore, we should try our best to protect water sources. Chinas per capita water source accounts for more than 50 in the world. Recently, the long-term drought on the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau poses a serious threat to the survival of residents there. In view of this problem, Chinas 1.3 billion people should develop the awareness of saving water.

  Therefore, I appeal to you here: "we should save water and make rational use of water resources."

  I hope you can protect water resources.

  Dont you feel heartache when the fish lose their home and choke but cant shed tears? Dont you regret that the flowers cant get a drop of moisture while avoiding the scorching summer sun? Who exhausted the most precious treasure on earth - water? Its you! human beings!

  Is water really not worth the line? Is it really not important to save water? no Ninety three percent of the worlds water is salt water and cannot be drunk. Fresh water accounts for only 7%, while only 0.8% of the water can be drunk. Fresh water accounts for more than 0.8% of the worlds population! Although each person can make a living with three liters of water every day, in fact, urban residents cant do without water every day, which consumes hundreds of liters. In addition, farming and industrial production are inseparable from water. For example, water cooling is required for steelmaking and rolling; The spinning and weaving workshop needs water regulation in order to maintain a certain temperature and humidity; Building construction is inseparable from water; Papermaking, power generation... Food, clothing, housing and transportation, which can be separated from water?

  Water is the source of human life. Without water, there will be no human beings! We must start with me and save every drop of water!

  Save water, start from bit by bit. Maybe the students will think that a drop of water is insignificant. However, I have recently seen a set of data that is very enlightening: according to scientific measurement, if the "drip" keeps flowing, it can collect 3.6 kilograms of water in one hour and 2.6 tons of water in one month. This water is enough to give a person half a years living needs. It can be seen that every drop of water should not be wasted.

  Water has a great impact on the earth and its residents. Whether in families, factories or rural areas, water is indispensable to people. More than two-thirds of the human body is water. We drink water every day to supplement the water lost during sweating and breathing, so as to maintain health. A person cannot survive without drinking water for more than four days, and it takes a ton of water a year to maintain a healthy life. I suddenly realized what a philosopher said: if we dont save water now, the last drop of water in the world will be our human tears!

  As a student, although we cant do earth shaking things to save water, we can start from ourselves. For example, seeing that someone wastes water, we can actively publicize the significance of water conservation; When we see some taps dripping, we can walk over and turn them off; Do a good job in the reuse of water resources, collect your own face washing water, laundry water, flush the toilet, etc. Someone has made statistics. If 1.3 billion people in China save a drop of water per person, they will save 45 tons of water! What amazing data! Isnt it also made up of drop by drop of water when you think of the thousands of miles of the Yangtze River and the surging Yellow River in the motherland?

  Students, lets join hands, start from me and now, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, save every drop of water, and work hard to build our beautiful home together!


Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Today, I went to the podium and the topic of my speech was "energy conservation and environmental protection start from me"

  Today, the earths energy is quietly decreasing. Water resources and land resources have been included in the ranks of protected resources one after another. The price of natural resources has risen sharply, increasing the burden on many extremely poor households In fact, such a vicious circle is caused by human beings, which finally returns to us and then recycles... For this cycle, I dont deny that people need resources to maintain their lives, but do they need to use them extravagantly? I dont think so However, there are still many people who waste indiscriminately in life. The increasing depletion of mineral resources is an example

  Coal is a familiar mineral Speaking of coal, we will certainly disdain to say: "whats good about coal? Its black and can be burned!" In fact, coal is also hard won The ancient plants buried underground experienced a series of complex chemical changes under high temperature and pressure, and finally formed the coal we use today So coal is very precious? Of course, if we run out of coal on earth, it will take hundreds of thousands or even millions of years to form the next batch of coal Although coal resources are abundant, it seems unlikely to supply us for tens or millions of years. However, a large number of power stations and factories need a lot of coal now, and even the manufacture of plastic bags need coal. It can be imagined how many "coal free spring and Autumn" we have to spend in these tens or millions of years! Now living a happy life, can you think of what will happen on earth when human beings have no coal?

  The earth is not only short of coal, but also oil At present, the high price of edible oil has made many families "fear the price". Some office workers with cars have also "raised their cars in the house" at the expense of their feet and walked to work. This is also a warning to us to save energy. Oil is a living creature in lakes and oceans, which is covered by underwater sediment after death, and it will take millions of years of complex changes to form If there is really no oil on the earth, I think mankind must return to the primitive walking age Think about it. If the oil is consumed like this again, what will happen on the road? What about those cars?

  Not only these two minerals need to be protected on earth, but many are not far from extinction I once saw a table showing that the development life of iron in China is 100 years, that of zinc, tin and tungsten is 40 ~ 50 years, and that of silver, lead, manganese and aluminum is 20 ~ 30 years. What a shocking figure! You know, these are some of our commonly used minerals!

  Looking at the above example, everyone is frightened. It seems that the end of the world is not far away In fact, as long as we recycle and use more, pay attention to saving and not extravagant, we can certainly save some resources. Lets help mother earth reduce the burden!


Dear teachers and students

  good morning!

  Everyone can recite the ancient poem hoe the grass! This poem teaches us that a grain of grain is hard won. We should save every grain of grain. In fact, what needs to be saved in study and life is more than a grain of food? A drop of water, a degree of electricity, a piece of paper, an inch of land, a piece of wood, a piece of pencil and so on are all the contents we save. The word "saving" is easy to say, but it is not easy to use "saving" to restrict your behavior at all times. Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "let economy become a habit"

  As we all know, "diligence and Thrift" is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. But today, the light that has shone on the land of China for thousands of years is dim. How many of us really regard "diligence and frugality" as a virtue and pay attention to "frugality"? Around us, the phenomenon of waste is everywhere: the faucet keeps dripping, the lights in the classroom Dont turn off, the fans turn around, you can often see usable notebooks and pencils in the trash can, a large number of leftovers in the canteen, and children are extravagant in spending money

  Children, Chinas economy is developing and peoples living standards are improving. However, China is still a developing country and a considerable number of areas are poor and backward; There are still many people who have not solved the problem of food and clothing; There are also many children who have lost the opportunity to go to school because of poverty; The reconstruction of the disaster area needs us to work together... We have no reason not to save.

  In the face of serious resource shortage, we may be powerless, but for the amazing waste around us, we can do more than we think. Lets take action, starting from me, starting from now, starting bit by bit, starting from saving a drop of water, a kilowatt hour of electricity, a grain of rice, a piece of paper and a pen. Please accept this proposal:

  1) When you wash your hands, turn down the faucet. Turn off the faucet when wiping the hand sanitizer. Tighten it after use to save every drop of water!

  2) When you are the last to leave the room, please turn off the lights, turn off the fan and set the air conditioner to 26 degrees to improve learning efficiency and shorten learning time, which is also saving electricity.

  3) Use paper on both sides as much as possible. When the operation book is used up, use the back as draft paper; Try to run out of pencils.

  4) Cherish food, eat in a civilized way, beat as many meals as you can, and dont waste;

  5) Dont spend too much. For example, when students celebrate their birthday, they use sincere greetings instead of birthday gifts. Whenever you spend money, you should pay attention to saving every penny!

  6) When you see waste on campus, come forward to remind and help correct it.

  Students, for the sake of society and the country, lets ask ourselves every day: have I saved today? Let economy always accompany us! Let economy become a common practice in our campus! Let saving become our common habit!


Dear teachers and students

  Hello, everyone. The theme of my speech today is "save every drop of water".

  I believe you know from an early age that "water is the source of life and the foundation of life". Its true that human health comes from water first. People can not eat for a few days, but can not drink for a few days.

  But, you know what? At present, more than 400 out of more than 660 cities across the country have varying degrees of water shortage, of which 136 are seriously short of water. At the same time, 50% of urban groundwater has been polluted to varying degrees, and some cities have experienced water resources crisis. Look at the world, there are 2 billion people in serious water shortage! In other words, water is the life hope of 2 billion people! Every year, 50 million children die from drinking dirty water all over the world! How frightening the number is! The water crisis has sounded an alarm to us! Saving water and protecting water resources are the top priority now!

  This shows how important water is to us! If everyone pays attention to water conservation, I dont know how many people will benefit from it; On the contrary, if everyone wastes water resources carelessly, many people may suffer from drinking water difficulties!

  I wonder if you have seen or experienced the following small things:

  1. When we wash our hands before lunch, some students often turn on the tap, and the tap water flows down. They rub their hands in a hurry and leave the tap open. Maybe that classmate will think this series of smooth movements is very natural and handsome, but you know, behind the rushing water, there are countless people eager for water who are extremely short of water!

  2. When we come home from school, we often see that when students or themselves are washing mops, a large pool of water is filled. As soon as the mop is lifted, the water is "happy" and naturally released. As everyone knows, how much water will be wasted!

  3. Summer vacation, the weather is muggy. You and your partner are really not hot. You want to have a "water sprinkling Festival" like the Dai nationality, so pots of clean water were poured out. Cool yourself, but destroy the hope of people in water shortage areas.

  Students, there are still many such waste phenomena. If each of the above three things alone is 5 points, the "honor" of such a waste event + 5 points, and the "full score" is 15 points, how many points can you get? Naturally, the less the better. Hearing this, some students may ask, what can we do to save the water resources around us?

  1. At home, when her mother washes vegetables, she can be advised to wash vegetables with rice washing water and then wash them with clean water, which not only saves water, but also effectively removes the residual pesticides on vegetables.

  2. When doing housework, you can wash the mop with laundry water, sweep the floor, and then flush the bathroom.

  3. When washing hands, use a basin to draw water as much as possible before washing hands.

  4. There may be students raising fish at home. Then, the students raising fish should all know that fish always have to change water, and the water for raising fish can be used to water the flowers.

  5. Grandparents like to drink tea. The residual tea can be used to wipe the furniture.

  I dont know what I said. How many did the students write down? Students, lets save every drop of water together. We should know that "cherishing every drop is the source of cherishing life".

  Thank you. My speech is over.



  You must have all seen such a public service advertisement: there is a faucet on the TV screen, which is dripping water hard. The dripping speed is slower and slower, and finally the water is exhausted. Then a pair of eyes appeared on the picture, and a tear came out of them. Then came the sentence: "if human beings do not cherish water, the last drop of water we can see will be our own tears." Yes, water is the source of life. If there is no water on the earth, the earth mother will not give birth to our human descendants for thousands of generations. Therefore, we should all save water. Now please listen to some touching stories.

  The little boy opened his mouth to drink the seeping water

  Fire officers and soldiers learned that Yadong primary school and Meidong primary school in Jiuwei town were short of water, so they drove to the two primary schools to deliver water. As soon as they arrived at Yadong primary school, the children stood at the school gate. To the surprise of the fire officers and soldiers, each of the children had a water cup and a big bowl in his hand. Before the car stopped, the children asked the officers and soldiers, "uncle, can we drink this water?" Looking at the childrens childlike faces full of desire for water, the long eye frame of Zhou Kun squadron of Jinchengjiang fire squadron was hot and said, "of course, have a drink!" The original school is seriously short of water, and even drinking water is sometimes difficult to guarantee. While the fire officers and soldiers were fetching water for the children, suddenly, a little boy shouted "dont waste a drop of water", ran to the water outlet of the fire truck, held his head up, opened his mouth and drank the seeping water.

  The officers and soldiers refused to drink the villagers wine

  On the 29th, the Jinchengjiang branch of Guangxi drought resistance commando sent five cars and 20 tons of water to Yadong village, Meidong village and two primary schools in Jiuwei Town, which solved the urgent needs of the villagers. After the officers and soldiers finished delivering water, it was already 6 p.m. The villagers warmly asked the officers and soldiers to stay in the village for dinner. In order to thank the fire officers and soldiers, the villagers killed a 14kg rhubarb dog and took out a 20XX year old Desheng rice wine to entertain the fire officers and soldiers. A villager held captain Zhou Kuns hand and insisted on keeping them for dinner in the village. Zhou Kun said, "we are your childrens soldiers. If we dont take the needle and thread of the masses, we will come again!" Then he got on the fire truck. The fire engine with the slogan "help each other in the same boat" disappeared into the night, and the villagers refused to leave for a long time

  Students, we are the little masters of our country. We should develop the good idea and habit of saving water from an early age. No matter in or out of school, we should pay attention to saving water. We should take practical actions to be a good child who saves water.










