i am new in the teaching world. many excellent educators have each taught me something and shown me how to look at education as a wonderful and life changing experience. today i just want to present my own understanding towards teaching from the following three aspects.
first, teaching makes learning as a life long process possible.
learning is a life long process. it is something you never stop doing. people learn differently and at different rates. you learn many new things everyday. to install a love of learning and the desire to always want to learn new things is a necessary job for a teacher to do. it is very important to show the children your goals as a life long learner. we need make every student realize the importance of learning.
second, teaching needs effective methods to make it successful.
sela cont, a third grade student from america identified a teacher like this: what is a good teacher? i think a teacher should be good at explaining things. a teacher should be fun but challenging. a good teacher should be organized. i like a teacher who teaches fun activities in class and not just writing on paper.
from this we may be aware that if a child does not feel safe and secure in the classroom he will not be learning to the best of their potential. and this required us to bring out the best in a child, to make learning a fun and exciting experience. learning should be something the students want to actively participate in. if a teacher makes the learning experience exciting, then the students will be excited along with you. the way of teaching is not unique for a professional. various teaching methods are wanted. and there will be a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow from each other. the environment surrounding the children is a primary factor in leading them toward their full, creative potential.
once you have taken a class idea, smoothed out all the bumps, and proven it is a winner, you will find new ways and places with eager new students waiting for you to show up. teaching is supposed to be the system that removes barriers and provides a solid base for achievement. it is wrong to replace one set of barriers with another. for example, pressuring students to accept the status quo, by establishing a fear to be different and a fear of failure, kill creativity. independent thinking should replace dependency. in some cases, pressure to excel in academics kills ethics, loyalty and motivation, skills needed for success in the real world. so the more useful teaching methods there are in a class, the more effective the teaching is.
third, teaching can be a wonderful occupation that can contribute to your growth as well as to the growth of your students.
as a theorist pointed out, assertive discipline being used in the classroom is helpful. it is believed that children have the right to learn and no child should be taken that right away from them. it focused on t
he rights of the teacher and the students. the students know what is expected of them and the consequences if they do not follow the rules. as a teacher my purpose is to give students the tools needed to get them through life. when a student comes into my classroom they come in with a clean slate. and on the other side, the teacher will face the exciting changes and challenges. if she wants to offer many new things to the class, she must renew her own knowledge. in fact we are both learning, learning from each other.
just as a coin has two sides, when we are teaching our students, we are at the same time learning something from them. “if there is anything we wish to change in a child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could be better changed in ourselves.”