

時間:2023-04-03 07:38:22 英語笑話 我要投稿
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  • 你踩到我腳了

  Dentist: Please stop howling. I haven't even touched your tooth yet. Patient: I know. But you are standing on my foot! 牙醫(yī):請不要再叫了,我都還沒有挨著你的牙齒啊! 病人:但是,親,你可知道,你踩到我腳了!!!

  • 慢行

  Teacher:Why are you late for school every morning? Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow".老師:為什么你每天早晨都遲到? 湯姆:每當(dāng)我經(jīng)過學(xué)校的拐角處,就看見一個牌子上寫著學(xué)校----慢行。

  • A maintenance man in a cemetery

  • He is really somebody My uncle has 1000 men under him. He is really somebody. What does he do? A maintenance man in a cemetery.


  • 我還以為那是我的手

  Absent-minded Professor: Heavens! Someone stole my wallet! Wife: Didn't you feel a hand in your pocket? Absent-minded Professor: Yes, but I thought it was mine. 教授:天哪!有人偷了我的錢包! 妻子:你難道沒感覺到一只手伸進你的口袋? 教授:感覺到了,可我還以為那是我的手呢?

  • 他死了

  If you refuse to marry me, he swore, I shall die. She refused him. Sixty years later, he died. 如果你不答應(yīng)嫁給我,他發(fā)誓,我就要去死。六十年后,他死了。

  • 幫我爸爸做我的家庭作業(yè)

  Jimmy: Hey, Amy, aren't you coming out to play? Amy: No, I have to stay in and help my father with my homework. 基米:嘿,艾米,你不出來玩嗎?艾米:不了,我必須留在家里,幫我爸爸做我的家庭作業(yè)。

  • 我不敢想象

  Guest: "Why does your dog sit there and watch me eat?" Hotel Host: "I can't imagine, unless it's because you have the plate he usually eats from." 客人:“為什么你的狗狗坐在那兒老是看著我吃東西呢?”旅館主人:“我不敢想象,除非是因為你拿了它經(jīng)常用來吃東西的盤子了。”

  • 我不能說是哪一年

  Palmist: The life line in your hand tells that you will die in a year. Customer: Good gracious! In a year? Palmist: Yes, but I can't say in which.手相大師:你手上的生命線顯示出你還有一年將會死去。顧客:天哪,一年后?手相大師:是的,可是我不能說是哪一年。

  • 給我那個打贏的

  Waiter, this lobster has only one claw. -- I'm sorry, sir. It must have been in a fight. -- Well, bring me the winner then.服務(wù)員,這個龍蝦只有一只爪。對不起,先生,這只肯定打過架了。哦,那給我那個打贏的吧。

  • 在電話本上

  Boy: "I'd like to call you. What's your number?" girl: "It's in the phone book." Boy: "But I don't know your name." girl: "That's in the phone book too." 男:我想給你打電話。你的電話號碼是多少?女:在電話本上呢。男:可是我不知道你的名字呀。女:也在電話本上呢。

  • 粗心的教授

  The absent-minded professor shouted: "Kate, come to the blackboard!" Another student says, "Kate is absent, Professor." "Silent! Let Kate speak for herself."粗心的教授大聲地喊道:“凱特,到黑板前面來!”另外一個學(xué)生說:“教授,凱特沒來。”“別出聲,讓凱特自己講。”

  • 我可以存多少錢

  Husband: Before I married you, I never thought of saving money.Wife: And now?Husband: Now I'm thinking About how much I could have saved if I hadn't married you.丈夫:在娶你進門之前,我從來沒有想過要存錢。妻子:那現(xiàn)在呢?丈夫:現(xiàn)在我在想,要是沒有娶你的話,我可以存多少錢。










