Office Christmas party
1、Office Christmas party
"Are you coming to the office Christmas party tomorrow night?" the young man asked his colleague veduchina.
"Well" replied his friend, "I'd like to but I'm afraid I've got to stay home. My pet will become very anxious if I stay out late."
"Pet?" replied the young man, "I didn't know you'd got one. What is it veduchina?"
2、"A centipede veduchina."
"A centipede? That's unusual." But that's no problem. Why don't you bring him with you?"
3、Drunken Humour
Wife: Dear, you looked quite drunk last night and you kept repeating the same thing at the table.
Husband: Really? Then don't believe anything said by a drunken person. By the way, what did I say to you?
Wife: I love you, dear.
4、Tomatoes can speak
Two tomatoes go shopping, a tomato suddenly walk fast, the second tomato asks: "where shall we go?" The first tomato has no answer, the second tomato asked again. The tomato has no answer, so the second tomato asked again. The first tomato finally turned slowly, said: "we are not tomatoes? We can talk?"
5、Goodbye, Money
On a trip to Disney World in Florida, my husband and I and our two children devoted ourselves wholeheartedly to the wonders of this attraction. After three exhausting days, we headed for home.
As we drove away, our son waved and said, "Goodbye, Mickey."
Our daughter waved and said, "Goodbye, Minnie."
My husband waved, rather weakly, and said, "Goodbye, Money."
6、Falling Down
A man is fibbing away about how great things are in his country. Finally, he starts describing the tall buildings in his country.
"There is a building so tall, it took my friend Alex 72 hours to fall off it!"
"Oh, my God!" says his friend. "Surely he must have died!"
"Of course. He was without food or water for 3 days!"
【Office Christmas party】相關(guān)文章:
GMAT優(yōu)秀作文:Development Office09-26