

時間:2020-09-15 12:51:20 小笑話 我要投稿




  1.Two Birds

  Teacher: Here are two birds, one is a swallow, the other is sparrow. Now who can tell us which is which?

  Student: I cannot point out but I know the answer.

  Teacher: Please tell us.

  Student: The swallow is beside the sparrow and the sparrow is beside the swallow.


  老師: 這兒有兩只鳥,一只是麻雀。誰能指出哪只是燕子,哪只是麻雀嗎?




  2.The Fish Net

  Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?

  A lot of little holes tied together with strings. replied the little girl.


  你能告訴我魚網(wǎng)是什么做的嗎,安? 老師發(fā)問道。

  把許多小孔用繩子栓在一起就成了魚網(wǎng)了。 小女孩回答道。


  The New Teacher

  George comes from school on the first of September.

  George, how did you like your new teacher? asked his mother.

  I didn't like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six too.....


  9月1日, 喬治放學(xué)回到家里。

  喬治,你喜歡你們的新老師嗎? 媽媽問。

  媽媽,我不喜歡,因為她說3加3得6, 可后來又說2加4也得6。


  A physics Examination

  Once in a physics examination, Nick finished the first question very soon, while his classmates were thinking it hard.The question was: When it thunders why do we see the lightening first, then hear the thunder rolls? Nick's answer: Because our eyes are before ears.





  THERE was a fire, an explosion and now a dark slick of oil disfigures the Gulf of Mexico like a bruise. The problems on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig, 41 miles (66km) off the Louisiana coast, began on Tuesday April 20th. The next morning officials reported that 11 of the 126 workers on the rig were missing. Two days later the rig sank and the Coast Guard called off the search for survivors.


  Expert opinion, based on underwater scans, was that the sunken rig had not sprung a leak. But in the murky depths it is hard to get a clear picture. By Sunday it had become apparent that the experts were wrong. Oil is still gushing into the sea at a rate of 42,000 gallons (or 1,000 barrels) a day. And by Monday the slick measured 80 miles across and 42 miles from north to south in some places, with the western part 36 miles from Louisiana's coast.


  “This is one example where the US has learned its lesson," says Nancy Kinner, the co-director of the Coastal Response Research Centre. America suffered a devastating oil spill in 1989, when the Exxon Valdez, a large oil tanker, ran into a reef off the coast of Alaska. Around 11m gallons of oil gushed out, much finding its way onto the shores of the unspoilt wilderness surrounding Prince William Sound. Hundreds of birds, otters and seals washed ashore, suffocating and dying. As a result the latest disaster elicited a swift response. By Monday more than 1,000 people were on the scene, from BP, which was leasing the rig, from the Coast Guard, and from other state and federal agencies. They set to work skimming oily water and treating the slick with chemical dispersants.

  “美國已經(jīng)從此次事件中汲取了教訓(xùn)。”,海岸反應(yīng)搜尋中心的主任Nancy Kinner說到。美國在1989年遭受過嚴重石油泄漏的危害,當(dāng)時一艘名叫Exxon Valdez的油輪,在阿拉斯加海岸附近觸礁,大約11,000,000加侖的原油泄漏,大部分滲透到了當(dāng)時還未受污染的威廉王子灣沿岸,迫使了成百上千的鳥類、水獺和海豹上岸,窒息而死。因為前車之鑒,人們對于這次災(zāi)難的反應(yīng)速度極快。周一時候,超過1000人來到了現(xiàn)場,有些人來自BP這家承租鉆井平臺的公司,有人來自海岸警衛(wèi)隊,也有來自其他州和聯(lián)邦部門的。他們奮力地撇去水上的油污并用化油劑對付浮油。

  The well is still gushing, however. BP’s technicians have been unable to activate the blow-out preventer, essentially a massive valve that must be operated remotely by robot submarines. To add to the difficulties bad weather has turned the water rough and further attempts must wait for calmer seas. If that fails, BP will have to try more elaborate measures. It is making preparations to drill another well nearby and thereby relieve pressure on the one that is leaking. But this could take a couple of months, so BP has plans to lower a massive dome over the leak site to suck oil from the seabed into vessels that can take it for safe disposal.


  BP’s shares have fallen by over 2% since the severity of incident became apparent. If the oil starts to come ashore on the beaches of the four states under threat it could get worse for the company. An explosion at a BP oil refinery in Texas in 2005 that killed 15 workers, a series of other safety concerns and allegations that the company fixed propane prices have battered its reputation in America. Tony Hayward, BP’s boss, has been at pains to restore BP’s standing in America since taking over three years ago. But the rig explosion has already overshadowed BP’s announcement on Tuesday that it made unexpectedly strong profits of $5.6 billion in the first quarter of 2010.

  在事態(tài)的嚴重性顯露之后,BP的股價下跌超過了2個百分點。如果處于此次事件威脅下的四大州的沿岸開始受到原油侵蝕的話,BP的處境會更糟糕。2005年,BP旗下一家位于德州的煉油廠發(fā)生爆炸事故,造成15名工人喪生,從而引發(fā)了一些關(guān)于安全的考慮;對于BP控制丙烷價格的說法也使公司在美國的名聲接受重創(chuàng)。老板Tony Hayward,接管BP三年來一直都在煞費苦心地挽回公司的形象。盡管BP在周二宣稱他們在2010年第一季度出人意料地盈利56億美元,但是在此次鉆井平臺的爆炸事件面前,不免相形見絀。

  The spill is awkward for the president too. In March, Barack Obama surprisingly proposed opening new stretches of America’s Atlantic, Gulf, and Alaskan coasts to offshore drilling. Some reckoned this was a compromise to win Republican support for Mr Obama's climate-change bill. Opponents of the expansion are pointing to the spill as timely evidence of safety concerns over offshore oil extraction. The White House has said that its stance is unchanged.


  Controlling the damage from the current spill is partly beyond human control. The wind is currently coming from the north-west, pushing the slick towards the mouth of the gulf and away from danger. Weather forecasts suggest that this should continue. If the wind changes and pushes the slick west towards Texas's beaches, that might be manageable. It could be removed later by scraping up the top layer of sand. The greatest fear is that the winds turn and drive the oil towards Louisiana’s ecologically rich marshlands. These are home to many species of birds and fish, some endangered. Drilling proponents accept that the occasional spill is the cost of extracting oil. If the slick reaches the coast there will be a heavy price to pay.


  THE portrait of Gertrude Stein (shown right) was the first Picasso to enter the collection of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art. It arrived in 1947. By then the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) had 82 of his works. The tortoise never overtook the hare. Nevertheless, with 500 works, the Met today has the second most important collection of Picassos in the United States. Now, 300 of them have been brought together for an exhibition (from April 27th to August 1st) that is absorbing and quirky—and has quite a tale to tell.


  On view are all of the Met’s Picasso paintings, drawings, sculptures and ceramics and half of its 400 prints. From the painter’s rose period there is “The Actor”, newly restored. “Head of a Woman”, Picasso’s first large cubist sculpture, occupies the centre of a room devoted to that period. “Woman Reading” is a love song to a mistress and muse, Marie-Thérèse Walter. In sharp contrast, “Man with a Lollipop” is an unsettling introduction to the artist’s cruel streak. One large room is hung with jaunty linoleum prints. There are also visual puns. “Tie”, cut out of paper, has four eyes drawn in crayon descending from its faux knot to its point. It was a gift to Alfred Barr, MoMA’s first director, who was famed for his good eye.


  Most of the Met’s Picassos came as bequests or gifts. In his catalogue essay, the exhibition’s curator, Gary Tinterow, wittily tells the story of how they came to be where they are. It is fun to match the works on view with the people who gave them, speculating about the characters of the benefactors. Scofield Thayer, a poet and publisher, favoured dreamy Picassos with the odd bit of pornography thrown in. Alfred Stieglitz, photographer and art dealer, preferred edgy, angular cubist works on paper. Jacques and Natasha Gelman, film buffs, seemed to concentrate on nervy, aggressive images.

  大都會博物館畢加索藏品的大部分來自遺贈或禮物。在本次畢加索展覽負責(zé)人,Gary Tinterow的目錄文章里,他俏皮地講述了這些作品的來龍去脈。將這些作品和他們饋贈者的性格特質(zhì)聯(lián)系起來,是頗有趣味的。(邊看這些展品,邊把它們和捐贈人聯(lián)系起來,想想是他們會是些什么樣的人,這倒是挺有意思的。)詩人和出版商Scofield Thayer推崇愛異想天開時期的畢加索,作品中帶有些許可有可無的色情味道。Alfred Stieglitz是一位攝影師和藝術(shù)品經(jīng)銷商,他對那些銳利的、帶有棱角的紙上立體主義作品情有獨鐘。Jacques Gelman和Natasha Gelman都是電影迷,他們似乎專注于那些緊繃的、具有侵略性的畫面。

  From its opening in 1870, the Met showed contemporary art. But both the art and the men who ran the museum were conservative. During the century that followed, the men remained much the same. Art changed radically.


  In 1921 champions of impressionist and post-impressionist art from France proposed a show. The Met’s trustees were afraid it would provoke public outrage and Bryson Burroughs, its director, thought Picasso a madman. But the modernists, including Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, an heiress and sculptor, kept up the pressure and, reluctantly, the Met went ahead. There was a press uproar. “Friends” of the museum issued a pamphlet giving warning of its moral decay.

  1921年,法國的印象主義和后印象主義先鋒們想要舉辦一次展覽。當(dāng)時大都會博物館的理事們擔(dān)心會激怒公眾。館長Bryson Burroughs覺得畢加索是個瘋子。然而,包括Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney(女繼承人,雕塑家)在內(nèi)的現(xiàn)代主義者們頂住了壓力,堅持要進行展覽,大都會萬般無奈之下,只好同意。當(dāng)時的記者們一片喧嘩。博物館的“朋友們”發(fā)行了一本小冊子,用來警示其淪喪的道德標(biāo)準。

  A quarter of a century later Stein bequeathed Picasso’s portrait to the Met. It may seem a perverse decision for a self-declared modernist. But she had a stupendous ego. In her view the work was a collaboration between two 20th-century geniuses: the artist and his sitter. It deserved, it demanded, a secure home. In 1946, when Stein wrote her will, MoMA was only 15 years old. The Met was established and rich.


  Luckily for the Met others too found this a persuasive argument. For the museum had no acquisition policy. There was no targeting of works to fill gaps. The helter-skelter collection just accumulated. None of Picasso’s pots and plates came to the Met; there is nothing of his imaginative metal sculpture. The weight is on early works: the blue, rose and classical periods leading to cubism. What might seem a limitation gives the show a freshness that retrospectives often lack.


  A degree of balance is achieved at the exhibition’s end. The last room is hung with 119 prints from Picasso’s Suite 347, aquatints and etchings made in 1968, five years before he died. They are a visual autobiography. Here is the artist with his models and his mentors, among them Raphael and Velázquez. There are horses and musketeers, lovers and lots of women with their legs open wide.更多信息請訪問:http://www.24en.com/


  Cynics may suppose that this exhibition of the Met’s own treasures is a bid to make the best of recession cutbacks (shows of pictures on loan are expensive). The museum’s director, Tom Campbell, insists that this is not so: “this is not the Met in lockdown mode.” Instead, it reflects his decision to increase the attention given to the museum’s magnificent permanent collection. Big loan-shows are on the way. But so are more in-house blockbusters.

  諷世者可能會猜測這次大都會博物館展出自己的珍品其實是想要從經(jīng)濟衰退中獲取最大的利益(借畫來展出的費用是很昂貴的)。館長Tom Campbell堅持聲明事實并非如此:“大都會沒有停止不前!跋喾,這次展出折射出館長的決定,即增加人們對博物館永恒恢弘的收藏品的注意力。通過借畫的大型展出正在醞釀中。更多博物館的自家珍藏也會展出。



  Jennifer Aniston dazzles at premiere in a gorgeous Grecian dress (but isn't this showmance routine getting a little tired?)


  She usually plays it safe on the red carpet in her favourite look - a little black dress - but last night Jennifer Aniston pulled out all the stops for the New York premiere of her new romcom, The Bounty Hunter.


  The actress, 41, surprised the crowd with a nude-coloured Grecian jersey dress by Donna Karan which skimmed neatly over her incredibly toned physique.


  But there was another element to the night which was far more predictable - her over-the-top display of friendly affection with co-star Gerard Butler.


  It's a familiar sight for seasoned red-carpet watchers, who have seen the pair put on similar performances at the UK premiere in London last week and as far back as the Golden Globes in January.


  The co-stars have also raved about one another on morning talk shows, late-night chat programmes and magazine covers.


  While they have clearly courted attention with persistent touchy-feely routines and gushing comments, the pair have simultaneously denied any romantic links.


  They even holidayed together in Mexico but Jennifer insists their relationship is genuine and platonic.


  She says: 'You know there's all this stuff about calculating... that me and Gerry are in this fake relationship for the press of our movie or the selling of it.


  'It's just so insulting at the same time, but again it's the story... I'm getting to a better place in understanding that they're just making money.'



  在一項對于健康的重點調(diào)查中,物理放射學(xué)家Lawrie Challis在這項調(diào)查中說她早就覺得小于12歲的孩子不應(yīng)該使用手機。手機輻射的危害大家都清楚,為什么要讓小孩子這么早就受其危害呢?

  Doubts about the long-term safety of mobile phones have been raised again today at the launch of a major investigation into potential health risks.


  At the launch, Lawrie Challis, a physicist and expert on the effects of radiation, said he already thought under-12s should not use mobile phones.

  物理放射學(xué)家Lawrie Challis在這項調(diào)查中說她早就覺得小于12歲的孩子不應(yīng)該使用手機。

  He also advises teenagers to use their phone to text, rather than talk, where possible and adults to use hands-free headsets.


  Ever since the technology emerged in the 1980s and 1990s there were claims of health problems linked to mobile phones ranging from brain cancer to migraines and infertility.


  Results from individual participating countries have suggested an association between more than 10 years of mobile phone usage and some tumours.


  But it is still not clear to what extent this might be due to 'selection bias' - cancer patients over-reporting mobile phone use on the side of the head where their tumour arose.










