

時間:2022-09-22 09:24:50 小學(xué)說課稿 我要投稿




  一、Analysis of the teaching mateial (說教材)

  This is a dialogue that happens in the fuit shop .seveal sentences suound selling and buying the fuit will be leaned .Duing the fist and the second pat in this unit ,the kids have undestood simple instuctions and act accodingly ,and they can say simple wods ,phases o sentences by looking at objects and the pictues .eg: lychee, banana, apple,"What’s this ?It’s an apple."In Unit seven ,we gasped the numbes fom one to ten .The main language points in this unit is to make sentences using the fuit and numbes feely and municate with othes in English in the fuit shop. And pay close attention to the single and plual foms of the nouns .Accoding to the kids’ English level and the coesponding content in the daily life ,I give them some exta extending .To tain thei ability of municate with the othes in English ,I pepae the following design .

  Teaching aims (教學(xué)目標(biāo))

  1. knowledge and skill aims :(知識技能目標(biāo))

  eview the names of the ten diffeent kinds of fuit and ecognize the numbes fom one to ten .

  Undestand simple instuctions about the numbes and act accodingly.

  Pactice English and municate with othes in the situation.

  2. Equip them with the emotion ,attitude and value goals :(情感、態(tài)度、價值目標(biāo))

  Cultivate the spiit of co-opeations in the goup wok

  Bing up the good quality of potect and make fiends with the animals .

  Teaching impotance :(教學(xué)重點(diǎn))

  1. Make sentences using the fuit and the numbes . "Six oanges ,please .’

  2. Distinguish the diffeence between the single fom and the plual foms of the nouns ."one apple two apples …"

  3. The sentences used when selling and buying the fuit in a fuit shop.

  Teaching difficulties :(教學(xué)難點(diǎn))

  1. Distinguish the diffeence between the single and the plual foms of the nouns .

  2. Tain thei ability of municating with othes in English .

  Teaching aids ;(教具準(zhǔn)備)

  Multimedia , flash cads ,fesh fuit and aangements and decoations of the fuit shop .

  Teaching methods :(教學(xué)方法)

  Task objective teaching method .TP method , pefomance and games methods .

  二、Analysis of the leanes :(說學(xué)習(xí)者)

  We ae facing the 5 to 6-yea-old little kids who just gaduated fom the kindegaten ,and they can not tell the diffeence between kindegaten and the pimay school. sometimes they even don’t know how to behave in the class. So ,I think the most impotant thing fo me to do is to attact thei inteests and make them love English and feel confident in this subject .so ,I will play some inteesting games with them ,show them the funny catoon movie and ole the plays in the text o have a petation. we should not only focus on the language point itself ,but also set up the eal cicumstance whee I can encouage them to expess themselves bette .What I ty my best to do is to aouse the kids’ inteests and potect thei enthusiasm.

  三、Analysis of the teaching methods (說教法)

  says that duing the Foundation Education peiod ,the total goal fo English lesson is to impove the pupils’ ability of pehensive using language .It pomotes task teaching stuctue .Accoding to the little kids’ physical and psychological chaacteistics of keeping cuios ,active and imitating and showing themselves .I adopt the "task –eseach-constuct " teaching methods and oganize the class to focus on the impotance and solve the difficulties .I give the pupils an open and elaxed cicumstance in which they can lean to obseve ,think and discuss .duing this pocedue ,the pupils’ ability of thinking and using language is developed vey well .

  四、Analysis of the teaching pocedues .(說教學(xué)過程)

  1. Wam up .(歌曲熱身)

  All the class sing English song "Ten little Indian boys " to aouse thei inteests and help them to step into English leaning cicumstance happily.

  2. eview the fuit and the numbes those we leaned in the fist and the second pat in this unit .(復(fù)習(xí)數(shù)字和水果)

  A. Watch a funny video . and answe the questions .(lean moe fuit and pactice moe sentence pattens eg: stawbey watemelon pineapple chey) ask some questions .

  What’s this ?

  What colou is it ?

  How many bananas ae thee ?

  Do you like eating bananas ?

  What is you favouite fuit ?

  Encouage them to open thei mouth and speak English as much as they can .

  B. Play guessing game .to eview the spelling of the wods using the basic ponunciation knowledge .

  C. Play a game named "up and down ".emphasis on distinguishing the single and plual foms of the nouns .

  3. Guide the pupils to the main teaching points .(引入新課)

  To pehensive use the numbes and the fuit that is a needed in a fuit shop .Ask two voluntees to e to the font and choose the ight numbe cads and stick it beside the ight fuit accoding to the othe pupils’ instuctions .The quicke one will be the winne .

  Eg: Six oanges ,please .

  4. Time to pactice fo all the class (全體同學(xué)操練).

  The pupils choose the ight cads they have pepaed and put them up above thei heads when they hea the teache’s instuctions and give them to the teaching answeing loudly: "Hee you ae .’

  5. Watch a video (觀看多媒體,了解本課故事情節(jié))

  undestand what’s happening in the stoy ,(This pat is impotant, easonable and effective)and guide them to potect and make fiends with the animals .

  Pesent the situation of a fuit shop .the teache will act a shopkeepe and invite a bette pupil to be the custome and finish all the buying steps .

  Shopkeepe : Good moning .

  Custome : Good moning .

  Shopkeepe : Can I help you ?

  Custome : Yes ,six oanges ,please .

  Shopkeepe : Hee you ae .

  Custome : Thank you vey much .

  Shopkeepe : You ae wele .

  6. Consolidation and Pactice(鞏固和練習(xí))

  Goup wok : Divide the class into eight goups and evey goup will be decoated into a fuit shop, ask one pupil to be the shopkeepe and the othe membes in this goup will be the customes .Encouage them to buy and sell the fuit with what they leaned in this pat ,I design a eal situation that is mon in ou daily life and the kids will not feel unfotable o unfamilia with it, The teache will go aound the class and supply the help to the unable ones .In such a peace and pleasant situation they like to speak the dialogue they leaned to expess themselves .They can feel the success and bee confident in speaking English .

  7. Conclusion (總結(jié))

  The teache would lead the class to ead the sentences on the boad and ask some moe difficult questions .Maybe the pupils can not undestand them clealy ,but it doesn’t matte .we just give the pupils moe infomation about the language and give them the bette language cicumstances that can help them in the futue leaning .

  8. Homewok : (家庭作業(yè))

  Encouage the pupils to design a little fuit shop at home and teach thei family the dialogue in the fuit shop .When they pactice this , they should take photos and show the othe pupils the next day .

  In this lesson , what I design (not only the pesentation of the main teaching points ,but also the activities) attact the pupils inteests .They lean and pactice while playing . I think it’s eally a good lesson of high quality.

  9.Black design (板書設(shè)計(jì))









