
初中英語《Water Talk》說課稿

時(shí)間:2020-12-07 18:47:58 初中說課稿 我要投稿

初中英語《Water Talk》說課稿

  說課,就是教師備課之后講課之前把教材、教法、學(xué)法、授課程序等方面的思路、教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)、|板書設(shè)計(jì)及其依據(jù)面對(duì)面地對(duì)同行或其他聽眾作全面講述的一項(xiàng)教研活動(dòng)或交流活動(dòng)。下面是一篇關(guān)于初中英語《Seeing the doctor》說課稿的范文,供大家參考。

初中英語《Water Talk》說課稿



  今天我說課的題目是初中英語《Water Talk》,下面我就按說教材、說教法、說學(xué)法、說教學(xué)程序四個(gè)部分向各位評(píng)委說課。



  本課是初中牛津英語8B第七單元Water Talk課文的教學(xué)。這篇課文是一篇較長(zhǎng)的閱讀文章。初二的英語教學(xué)突出了閱讀文章的教學(xué),而長(zhǎng)篇文章的閱讀也恰是同學(xué)們學(xué)習(xí)的難點(diǎn)。如何處理好此篇閱讀文章的教學(xué),如何讓學(xué)生對(duì)文章有整體的把握與理解以及對(duì)部分生詞有初步的掌握,將是本課著重解決的問題。本課雖是閱讀教學(xué),但是在教學(xué)中,本課也有針對(duì)性地對(duì)學(xué)生的聽, 說, 讀, 寫進(jìn)行了一定的操練, 以便提高學(xué)生綜合運(yùn)用語言的能力。本課課文所涉及的內(nèi)容為水的旅程,聯(lián)系了生活實(shí)際,是學(xué)生較為熟知的話題;同時(shí)將水?dāng)M人化,增加了文章的趣味性。本堂課將著眼于課本,充分挖掘文章的知識(shí)性以及趣味性。


  Teaching objectives:

  1. Language objectives:

  To learn the new words: precious, vanish, a sewage plant, a water treatment works, thorough, etc.

  To get to know water’s journey.

  2. Skill objectives:

  To find out the information according to the given questions.

  To improve the students’ skills in using some verbs to describe facts.

  3. Emotional objectives:

  To arouse the students’ awareness of the importance and necessity of saving



  學(xué)法指導(dǎo):1、在課前設(shè)定閱讀任務(wù), 讓學(xué)生帶著任務(wù)進(jìn)行閱讀, 增強(qiáng)閱讀的目的`,對(duì)文本有一個(gè)整體把握2 、在教學(xué)中, 指導(dǎo)學(xué)生掌握閱讀的步驟和方法,加強(qiáng)泛讀與精讀的訓(xùn)練。3、在教學(xué)中, 注意啟發(fā)和引導(dǎo)學(xué)生質(zhì)疑問題。4、在教學(xué)中, 指導(dǎo)和訓(xùn)練學(xué)生掌握閱讀的基本技巧, 比如教給學(xué)生圈點(diǎn)、劃線﹑改寫等方法。



  Teaching procedures:

  Pre-task 環(huán)節(jié),激發(fā)興趣,做好鋪墊。

  1. Let students read a poem and guess to elicit the topic—Water. (引發(fā)興趣)

  2. Ask students to say something about water to elicit a new word— precious.(以舊帶新)

  3. Ask the students to finish Water’s talk in groups. Check whether the students understand the main idea of the passage.(旨在對(duì)文章的整體把握)


  1. Introduce Daisy’s bathroom and teach some words--- tap, sink, drain. (由圖片引出課文生詞,處理文中的開頭部分)

  2. Read aloud the rewritten reading part on the slide and tell why water was angry.(閱讀被改寫過的段落后,同學(xué)們就水為什么會(huì)生氣這一問題進(jìn)行思考。)

  3. Ask the students to read the first part of the passage and use the new words to replace the expressions in the rewritten part. (對(duì)照被改寫的段落,在書上圈出不同的地方,看似簡(jiǎn)單的任務(wù),卻很好地調(diào)動(dòng)了學(xué)生,讓學(xué)生輕松地掌握了生詞的英語釋義。)

  4. Play the recording of the second part and let the students find out the places water passed in order. (聽段落,把握大意,篩選信息。)

  5. Show the students some pictures and let them tell what water did and what happened to water. Students are required to use the key verbs.


  6. Get the students to know the end of water’s journey and learn the new word --- a sewage plant. Make sure the students know water’s cycle.(問題設(shè)問,鋪墊下文)

  7. Prepare some questions about water’s journey and have them wok out the questions in groups.(小組問題競(jìng)答,檢查與鞏固課文內(nèi)容。)

  Post-task 環(huán)節(jié),總結(jié)與拓展。

  1. Get the students to have a competition. They take turns to write a flow chart of water’s journey in four and one of them read it out after completing it.(小組比賽,完成水旅程的流程圖,更進(jìn)一步地檢測(cè)并鞏固所學(xué)內(nèi)容。)

  2. Let the students watch a flash on water’ cycle and tell what they think of the journey.

  Try to arouse their awareness of the importance of saving water.(情意升華,珍惜水資源。)

  Homework 作業(yè)布置

  1. Read the passage after the tape.

  2. Use the given words to finish a short passage at least 60 words with the topic of ‘Water’s journey’.(寫話練習(xí)是對(duì)所學(xué)內(nèi)容的復(fù)習(xí)與鞏固)

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