

時(shí)間:2021-08-17 08:20:44 英文求職信 我要投稿




大學(xué)英文求職信 篇1

dear leaders:

  hello! thank you for your busy schedule to review my job material!

  i chaohu college of mathematics and applied mathematics XX graduates this year. through various channels, i understand that your school have a strong teacher education and broad prospects for development, and attaches great importance to talent, so i'm looking forward to your school teachers to become one. be sincere hope that the leadership attaches great importance to study for the tse.

  as the new century, university graduates, i am fully aware that the overall quality of good teachers, rich practical experience and good team spirit of a school the importance of the survival and development, so i have four years of university life, the constant improve themselves, to enrich themselves, improve themselves. i always take the correct attitude towards learning science professionals all over the curriculum, so that their expertise, thinking problems, to explore aspects of the theory has made considerable progress. four years of university life, i cast an honest, practical and pragmatic work style, and enhance the concept of my time, organize concepts and collective sense of honor. i created a strong organization, management and coordination capacity.

  university, i study in the spirit of pragmatism, has received national and hospital-level scholarships, through the provincial examination vb 2, and active preparations for the national computer secondary examination (c language), as well as the college english test 4.

  the twenty-first century calls for a complex of teachers, only a combination of theory and practice is the only source for success. university for four years is my four-year gradual integration into the community. at the same time in doing a good job of learning to complete various tasks well, and actively carried out various activities, played a good role model to take the lead in the backbone order and upload role. work to be bold bold but cautious. social practice through the summer.

  after four years of study, i systematically mastered the computer hardware and software, computer network, computer application of theoretical knowledge, have a stronger ability to do the operation. extensive reading of the economics, management, law, literature and books, so that their knowledge can be significantly extended.

  apply what they have learned, through the university of i can learn to engage in mathematics education and related professional work, but also to be competent in the management. of course, university education is the quality of education guidelines, as long as your school needs, i strongly submit to the arrangements for your school, your school because i believe that the employment environment.

  "self" is the driving force of my struggle, "勇攀高峰" is my attitude towards life. does not seek easy life, with their school, i would like to join with the cause of casting the school building! if you hire, will work diligently, live up to expectations. looked forward to hearing from your school.

  finally, i wish桃李滿天下your school!



大學(xué)英文求職信 篇2

  time to rush into june, and soon went to the fresh graduates looking for work hours. as we all know, finding a job must be prepared before a cover letter, then the fresh cover letter how to write it for health? job in the production of a letter should pay attention to what work? please do not worry, the following provides a fresh example of health and cover letter, you may wish to refer to.

  dear xx company leadership:

  hello! my heartfelt thanks to your busy schedule to read the written submissions of my job and wish your organization the cause of prosperity!

  i am a beijing university school of the legal profession 08 humanities graduate zhang huanyu, since entering college, college entrance examination after the easy, learn the joy of being admitted gone with the wind, because everything from a new beginning, a renewed effort to fight for the next challenge the victory of the power savings. a four-year let me thinking, knowledge, psychological, growth and are rapidly mature. humanities university, a strong learning atmosphere, in this heavy atmosphere of learning, i have become a comprehensive talents. the passage of time, i harbored a dream to leave my alma mater, embark on the journey about to go to work.

  i will, "strictness" in learning rigorous hard work, knowledge and do not understand the classroom and asked, seeking a deep understanding. in the master on the basis of this expertise, not forgetting to expand their knowledge, there are more extra-curricular knowledge and a broad and wide. i also the importance of english learning, and constantly strive to expand the vocabulary of english communicative ability has made substantial progress. at the same time, in order to fully enhance the personal qualities, i have actively participated in various activities, such experiences made me realize the importance of unity and cooperation, but also learned a lot of social knowledge, an increase of experience, i believe this community will join me in the future play an important effect.

  i am a fresh health

  now, i am filled with enthusiasm, ready to plunge into the real world in this big melting pot, although there are many difficulties and hardships, but i firmly believe that college life gave me the spiritual wealth that can help me to overcome them.

  "wings on waves will be when the sail sea" i hope that your company can give me a development platform, i will treasure it and go all out for the realization of the value of his life to fight for your company's contribute to the development.

大學(xué)英文求職信 篇3

  dear sir / miss:

  hello! xx i am in college, majored in international economics and trade, in july next year i will graduate and economic degree. recently informed of your company are currently recruiting talent, i am confident i have learned in the university's knowledge to be able to help with my job xx candidates.

  i have good basic computer knowledge and ability in the moment has passed on ncre assessment. are now able to carry out skilled operation windowsxp.

  i have good command of english, from freshman to junior teachers have specialized instruction. in his sophomore year when the country has been through 4 and 6 in english, results were 523 and 499. in the third year, participants and achieved 5.5 ielts results.

  period at the university, often with many second prize and third prize of scholarship and the "three outstanding students," the title. students could live in harmony, actively cooperate with the work of班委. have a good team spirit: once with the group plans to mock the establishment of a company's overall financial reporting.

  i very much hope that your company can work, i can play. enclosed herewith is my curriculum vitae. if the opportunity to interview with you, i would be very grateful!

  Your sincerely,


大學(xué)英文求職信 篇4

  Respect leadersh×p:


  Thank you for read×ng th×s letter, please allow me to offer one's own serv×ces.

  My name ×s * *, study×ng at the We×fang College of econom×cs and trade, ×nternat×onal f×nanc×al graduates, r×gorous, pragmat×c, truth-seek×ng, hard work ×s my study and work style.

  × read your company's recru×tment ×nformat×on, × th×nk × can be competent for th×s job. Because th×s pos×t×on ×s closely related to my major. The un×vers×ty three years, × read the bus×ness management, the profess×onal courses ×n market×ng, market research, econom×cs, econom×c law, bas×c account×ng, stat×st×cs, management bas×s. At the same t×me but also to learn Engl×sh, Marx ph×losophy, legal bas×s of publ×c course.

  Now, enter the soc×ety, can not s×mply rely on the stand and surv×ve, those s×mple ×nvestment knowledge has been unable to meet the×r own, hop×ng to learn more knowledge, × hope you can g×ve me a chance, × bel×eve ×n our unrem×tt×ng efforts, w×ll make due contr×but×ons to the development of your company.

  Look forward to hear×ng from you, br×ng me good news, please accept my s×ncere grat×tude:

  S×ncerely w×sh you success, w×sh your company br×ll×ant prospects!

  Yours fa×thfully,











