Senior Research Scientist
CSIRO Plant Industry
Darwin Lab
PMB44, Winnellie, NT0821
Tel: 61
1. Personal Deta
Date of Birth: May 1962
Place of Birth: Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China
Nationality: Australian
Languages: English, French, Chinese
2. Current Research Interests
Whole-plant ecophysiology (sap flow, water relations and gas exchange)
Physiological and genetic constraints to tree fruit production
Canopy processes modelling and fruit trees canopy management
Assessment and modelling of soil-plant-atmosphere interactions
Plant-based sensors for irrigation scheduling
Assessment of orchard water use, water use efficiency and productivity
Physiological mango breeding and quick screen for highly productive mango hybrids
3. Education
1992: Ph.D. in Tree Physiology, University of Nancy I, Nancy, France (Advisors: Drs. André Granier & Gilbert Aussenac, INRA-Nancy, France)
1985-1986: Master degree candidate (forest ecophysiology), Nanjing Forestry University, China (Advisor: Prof. Wenyu Xiong, unfinished owing to being offered a government scholarship for doctoral study in France).
1984: B.Sc. in Agronomy (Forest biology), Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing.
4. Employment
2001-present: Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Plant Industry, Darwin, Australia
1997-2001: Research scientist, CSIRO Plant Industry, Darwin
1994-1997: Postdoctoral fellow (ACIAR project), CSIRO Horticulture, Darwin
1991-1994: Postdoctoral fellow (EU project), Laboratory of Tree Ecophysiology and Bioclimatology, INRA, Nancy, France
1984-1987: Teaching assistant, Dept. Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, China