多年看簡歷,寫得真的合格的大概只有10%。求職時提交個人簡歷以及申請信(cover letter)的目的是讓你能過第一輪篩選。90%在這個階段就失去機會,多可惜啊!分享我對寫簡歷的一些建議。
1. 求職簡歷應(yīng)該是長度在一兩頁左右,言簡意賅,簡歷的固定格式很多書上都可查到。在簡歷中個人身份介紹部份約占1/6,其它都是專業(yè)相關(guān)的學(xué)歷和經(jīng)歷、參加過的團體、特長、成就等。
2. 請注意以下幾點(尤其在申請外商的職位時):不要寫期望的薪水;不要注明性別、年齡或婚姻狀態(tài);不要用過于花俏的字體、顏色或格式;不要用術(shù)語;不要提太多在學(xué)校時做的不那么重要的成就。
3. 用數(shù)字說話(例如:項目幫助公司節(jié)省10%的成本),少用形容詞和副詞(不札實的經(jīng)驗才需要形容詞和副詞的修飾)。
4. 寫履歷時,多用合適的動詞,例如你想從事財務(wù)方面的工作,不妨多用“預(yù)測”、“分析”等詞;如果你想做市場,可以考慮用“促進”、“加速”等詞;如果你想做技術(shù),多用“開發(fā)”、“發(fā)明”等詞。這些動詞可能會讓每天閱讀幾百份簡歷的人事部門的人員注意到你。
5. 不要犯任何錯誤,無論多小。如果你在制作簡歷的過程中打錯了字,那么公司可能會認(rèn)為:“這個人連這么重要的事也會犯錯,我以后怎能放心讓他做事呢?”
6. 簡歷上的每一句話都要能提出實例,不能唬人或夸張。不要有任何看起來不實的內(nèi)容。如果有任何內(nèi)容的不真實,你的簡歷馬上會被扔到垃圾桶里去。如果有一些內(nèi)容看起來很夸張但實際上是真實的,那你一定要補充說明,以免造成不必要的懷疑。
7. 應(yīng)該根據(jù)你申請的每一個單位,“量身定做”一份簡歷。例如你申請政府機關(guān)的職位,當(dāng)然要突出你的社團組織工作經(jīng)驗;但是如果你申請一個軟件工程師的職位,你更需要顯示你的實踐經(jīng)驗與成果。還要多做咨詢,對你申請的公司應(yīng)有較深的了解,把這些了解放入你的“量身定做”的簡歷中,這樣對公司是一種尊重,而且對面試時可能會出現(xiàn)的問題你也有更好的準(zhǔn)備。
建議你在簡歷之外,再寫一封熱情洋溢、充分描述你的專長和優(yōu)勢、發(fā)揮個人亮點、解釋為什么你適合公司的申請信(cover letter)。
不要寫一些沒有意義的文字,也不要寫一些無法兌現(xiàn)的話(如“如果你雇用我,我就會……”這樣的話),而要證明你花費了許多時間去了解每一個申請的職位,同時要用實例說明和證明你的`專長、優(yōu)勢、誠意,最重要的是要提出個人的亮點。單位最重要的一個問題就是“我為什么要考慮雇用你?”你的亮點就是對這個問題的回答。我建議你的求職信(cover letter)要能抓住閱讀者,讓他感覺“這個人有些特色,也有誠意,值得約談一下”。求職信應(yīng)該出自真心,代表了你特殊的地方,并且是在認(rèn)真了解這個公司的文化和需求后根據(jù)你的理解“量身定做”寫出來的
While everyone knows that short hemlines and plunging necklines aren't acceptable for a job interview, wearing an inappropriate dress that's also a bright, flashy color--like red--simply makes this situation worse.
While a blazer is a good go-to choice for almost any interview, be mindful of what you wear underneath. Inevitably, the deep-v formed by the blazer's lapel creates a plunging neckline. If you're going to wear a camisole or a shell underneath, make sure it covers you appropriately. Of course, layering with a button-down is a no-fail option, too.
Take it easy on the perfume and cologne, as you never know if your interviewer might have an allergy or aversion to strong scents.
What's wrong with this picture? At first glance, it seems like not much, as the young man is dressed in a dapper suit and tie. But, take a closer look: the headphones have got to go.
While it's fine to listen to music on your commute to the interview, take them off before you enter the office. Otherwise, you risk seeming distracted and unfocused.
It can be hard to figure out what to wear for a summer job interview. When the weather is warming up, no one wants to suffer in a heavy suit. At the same time, that doesn't give you an excuse to throw professionalism out the window and wear super-casual shorts, a tank top, or a dress.
Fortunately, because many summer jobs tend to be more "business casual" than especially dressy, most likely you won't have to dress in a dark wool suit or heavy blazer.
Both men and women can consider wearing tailored khakis, a nice polo shirt or button-down, and a pair of sensible shoes - but no flip-flops!
Don't forget about shoes, either. Throwing on a pair of sneakers, an old pair of pumps, or beat up dress shoes certainly won't make you look polished or professional.
While it's important to look your best, loading on make-up is not the best way to go about it. Keep your look natural, avoiding dark eye shadow, bright lipstick or heavy foundation. Your best bet is to to look refreshed and awake, without looking too done up.
Now is not the time to pull out that novelty tie you got last Christmas. Even if you think your tie will make a statement, err on the side of caution and stick with something that's more traditional. A pattern with conservative colors is perfectly fine - like subdued stripes, or tasteful paisley - but don't try to be a funny guy who wears the tacky tie.
Both women and men should keep accessories to a minimum. Ladies should avoid excess jewelry - instead of big hoops or chandelier earrings, opt for classic studs. It's also a good idea to avoid wearing flashy necklaces, large sunglasses or anything "bedazzled."
Wearing the right clothes to a job interview is as important as what not to wear. Choosing appropriate interview attire will help you make the best impression.