

時(shí)間:2021-04-04 08:59:44 求職英語 我要投稿


  1、"What can you tell me aboutyourself?"


  2、 "Whatwould you like to be doing five yearsaftergraduation?"

  3. "What isyourgreatest strength"?"

  4. "What isyourgreatest weakness?"

  5. "How doyoufeel about your progress to date?"

  6.Why did youchoosepeking university?

  7.Why did youchooseMBA?

  8.What would youliketo be doing five years after graduation?

  9.What has beenyourgreatest accomplishment?

  10.Describeyourgreatest strengths and weaknesses.

  11.What haveyoulearned from the jobs you have held?

  行為面試問題(SampleBehavioral InterviewQuestions):

  12.Describethebest/worst team of which you have been a member.

  13Tell me about atimewhen your course load was heaviest. How didyou get all of your work done?

  14.Give me aspecificexample of a time when you sold someone on anidea or concept.

  15.Tell me about atimewhen you were creative in solving aproblem.

  16.Describe a timewhenyou got co-workers or classmates who dislikeeach other to work together.

  17.Tell me about atimewhen you made a bad decision.


  18.What kinds ofpeopledo you find it difficult to work with?

  19.What are some ofthethings you find difficult to do?

  20.How wouldyouevaluate me as an interviewer?

  21.What interestsyouleast about MBA?

  22.How do youhandlerejection?

  23.What is theworstthing you have heard about our school?

  24.See this penI'mholding. Sell it to me.

  25.A chain ofgrocerystores currently receives its stock on adecentralized basis. Each storedealsindependently with itssuppliers. The president of the chain iswonderingwhether the firmcan benefit from a centralized warehouse. What arethekeyconsiderations in making this decision?

  A magazine publisheristrying to decide how many magazines sheshould deliver to eachindividualdistribution outlet in order tomaximize profits. She has extensivehistoricalsales volume data foreach of the outlets. How should shedeterminedeliveryquantities?

  26.It is the15thCentury. How do convince the Pope that the Earth isround?

  27. If I gave youanelephant, where would you hide it?

  28. Why are sodacanstapered on the top and bottom?

  29. How much RAM doesaPC need to run Windows95?

  30. You are in aboaton a fresh water lake. In your hand is a rock.You throw the rock intothelake. How is the lake's water levelaffected?

  31. If it rainedmusic,what would grow?

  32. Describe yourbestfriend and what he or she does for aliving.

  33. In what waysareyou similar or different from your bestfriend?

  34.What areyourcareer's strengths and how do you capitalize onthem?

  35. Are you ahappyperson?

  36. According toJRM,Jr., a fast growing software company asked thisquestion... You have awealthyaunt who weighs 300 pounds. Tell mehow you would redesign her toilet.

  37.Would youpleasemake a brief introduction about yourself?

  38.Why did you taketheMBA examination? Would you please saysomething about the currently MBAprogramin China?

  39.Why do youchooseRENMIN University to study MBA? Tell me a littleabout RENMIN Universityformyour understanding.

  40.How do thepeoplearound you review MBA?

  41.What’s thedifferencebetween MBA program at home and abroad?









