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  職場菜鳥:應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生職場必勝10招 眼下正是應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生找工作的旺季黃金期,2014你要走出校園踏入社會了嗎?第一份工作很重要!菜鳥如何在職場生存下來?必勝10招幫你迅速贏得好感:


  Is 2014the year you start your first post-college job? Here are some tips to quickly build a strong reputation and ensure that your first job is a success.


  1. Listen more than you talk. Soak up information about how the organization works, and the reasons why, before you offer "helpful" alternatives.


  2. Dont segregate yourself with people in your age group. Get to know older workers too. Your peer group may be more fun for happy hours, but those coworkers who are a decade or more older than you can possibly help with your career. (And you might find out you enjoy their company too!)


  3. Dont become part of a workplace clique. As much as you might like some coworkers, you should maintain professional boundaries. Dont get drawn into gossiping, and dont take on other peoples workplace battles just because you consider them friends. Too many young workers have harmed their own careers by focusing onchitchat over work, or by deciding to dislike the boss just because a coworker does.


  4. Take mistakes seriously. Theres nothing more frustrating than an employee who made a mistake and doesnt seem to think its a big deal. When you make a mistake, immediately take responsibility for it, figure out how youre going to fix it, and make it clear that you understand its seriousness. Responses like "my bad" or worse, no response at all, signal that you dont take work seriously.


  5. Take notes. Your boss expects you to remember the specific instructions you were givenand that includes nuances, not just the overarching idea. For most people, that means taking notes. And while a good manager is happy to answer questions, she wont be if the questions are ones she already answered when you werent bothering to pay attention.


  6. Dont use social networking sites or instant-messaging with friends throughout the workday. When youre at work, you should focus 100 percent on work. Theres no quicker way to make a bad impression than to be spotted on Gmail or IM’ing with friends when you should be working. 不要在工作時間,登錄社交網(wǎng)站或即時聊天軟件跟朋友閑聊。工作時,要把注意力100%的集中在工作上。在工作中被人看見在Gmail或即時通訊工具上與朋友閑聊,你會給別人留下壞印象。

  7. Do what you say youre going to do and by when you say youre going to do it. Always, always sticking to your word will establish you as someone reliable and trustworthy, someone who is on top of their gameand its such rare behavior that youll stand out for it.


  8. Pay attention to the culture. This is hugely important, and when new employees dont do it, they come across as tone-deaf. Observe how others act and youll pick up a ton of information about cultural expectations. Are people compulsively on time for meetings? Do they take a real lunch or eat at their desks? What hours do most people work? Is there a lot of chitchat during the day, or do people stay focused? Do people primarily use email to communicate or do they talk in person? While you dont need to become someone you’re not, you do want to try to roughly fit into cultural parameters.


  9. Be open to learning. You may have learned lots of theory in the classroom, but it tends to change drastically when human behavior gets involved. College gave you theory; work is going to give something entirely different, so stay humble and realize your first job is going to be largely about learning.



  10. Thank people who help you. When your boss or another coworker takes the time to help you with something, give them a sincere thank you. People who feel appreciated are more likely to go out of their way for you again. If you dont seem to care, they probably wont bother again.







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