
剛剛電話面試完,1小10分鐘 肯定沒戲

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剛剛電話面試完,1小10分鐘 肯定沒戲


剛剛電話面試完,1小10分鐘 肯定沒戲




  1. 為什么選擇銀行業(yè)?為什么選擇渣打?Banking has a great impact on the economy and society. (參考渣打官 網(wǎng)上we are here to do good那個(gè)章節(jié))

  Banking is one of the industries that offer the most competitive financial payback. Though is a traditional industry, it evolves rapidly. It’s a promising industrySustainable: it financial rewards and influence will maintain in the long run.

  Excited about the challenges and the learning opportunities2. 請(qǐng)說說對(duì)corporate & coverage in wholesale banking 的看法?Strong relationship with investment banking

  Help the business enterprises to make monetary decisions (fund raising, M&A, proper insurance and coverage) using financial tools and technologies, in order to facilitate the companies in achieving their strategic needs (Wiki的結(jié)果外加自己總結(jié)。。不是磚家沒辦法)3. 為什么選擇IG?從何了解?有什么問題?Massive learning process:

  The main goal of the programme: focus the development of the graduates and accelerate our growth towards a specialist role in a keyfunction. To have the future leaders who has worked with different markets and enjoy international experiences.

  Training and mentor programme

  Fellow graduates frm other countries and international teams

  你如何準(zhǔn)備面試呢?What other source you find about SCB except our website? 你為了申請(qǐng)這個(gè)項(xiàng)目 做了那些努力?最近幾年SCB的情況如何?opportunity?你覺得未來 SCB該如何發(fā)展

  根據(jù)網(wǎng)站上發(fā)揮。。我覺得比較貼切的就是emerging market 和SME 之類的,還有跟client的關(guān)系。Again, not an expert6. Current risks faced by banking industry? How does that affect SCB? How would that affect clients? Measures to overcome them?[1]There are always all kinds of risk especially under the globalization background, such as the operation risk, the liquidity risk etc. What I have notice is the political risk. That associate with a news that £204m to settle the accuse of US regulator.Polices plays an important roles in ensuring sound banking system. On one hand, some are arguing that there are so many different regulations (the European Market Infrastructure Regulation, the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive etc.) the bank need to fulfill them all. On the other hand, others argue that these financial regulatory policies are not sufficient in addressing the main risks in the international banking industry. Eg: the deregulation tendency before the crisis in 2007.[2]re-establish the credibility after the crisis

  [3]The areas in which banks have historically generated most of their profits are being squeezed, by the emerging technology and competitors. There is need to develop more advanced technology and products, and stretch the function of bank to different sectors (investment & insurance). And that create complexity!7. What is the latest news you read about the SCB?時(shí)效性強(qiáng)烈[1] The SC bank will apply to Iraqi regulators for permission to open business branches and representative office, in the cities where people start to see more and more business after the lifting of sanctions against the country. Clients oriented: the clients of sc see more opportunities in this area (increasing need to satisfy),encourage investment and build the local financial market.[2] Standard Chartered is to pay $327m (£204m) to US regulators to settle accuse of leaving the United States “vulnerable to terrorists, weapons dealers etc.” by hiding $250bn of transactions with Iran

  most profitable division in SCBadvantages/disadvantages of foreign banks in China

  Pros: international resources: client base & talent acquaintance etc./diversified and creative products and services

  Cons: credibility, competition with the government owned banks

  qualities that you can distinguish from others and succeed inwhen working in SCB, you have to communicate with people frm different cultural background, how will you deal with this? How to build up relationship

  with them? How do you keep in touch with them? How do you keep a long/stable relationship with Foreigners?Be aware of the differences don’t get afraid and shy;

  Show your interest in their culture and themselves as individuals; Make effort to understand their culture and their behaviors;

  Rule of thumb when they make friends?

  Get personal (golden rule in relationship!)Keep a relationship:

  Personal; Keep contact; Show interest in their life Share resources and expand each other’s network12. Project you have down? (what did you do? How did you monitor your project? What is your result of ur project? Did you do any projects need high accuracy? How do you manage it? Conflicts within your team? How do you deal with it?)STAR原則+problem solving理論輕松handle

  13. Example: struggling to achieve the objective? STAR原則+motivation理論14. Example: conflict management. your teammates having different opinion with you?The basic principle: there is no good trying to avoid the conflict (different opinion) or compete against each other.

  Resolution process:

  [1]Express the differences, acknowledge the conflict[2]clarify the different position and explain

  [3] recap the main goal of the project, identify the benefits of achieving a mutually agreeable resolution

  [4] sometime you just have to compromise!

  IMPORTANT to have a neutral observer as facilitator to control the process. Opinions are subjective, so it always helps to think in the others shoe and consider for the benefit of the others.15. A time you have to influence others? Difficulty in communication?STAR原則+communication,leadership理論 (我做的答案大概包括 vision和怎么communicate vision)16. example of leadership? How to motivate team members?Situational leadership: coaching styleMotivation理論

  Sharing information/group reflection and learning/training on research/personal relationship level17. example that you have to deal with many activities at the same time?Tools to priorities the works

  Most simple one is the urgent and important matrix

  Important and urgent task first; important but not urgent task next; try to avoid the not important task18. experience when you organize an event?

  19. your criteria to choose a job when facing twochoices at the same time? Most important criterion?The work involved: challenging/ opportunities to learn new things/ training

  A high profile company

  Promising industryFinancial rewards

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