
Dinners and Banquets 宴請

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Dinners and Banquets 宴請

  Key Sentences(重點句子)

  86.It's a pleasure to have you here.


  87.It's very kind of you to have invited me.


  88.I'm happy to host this dinner party in honor of our friends.


  89.We are very honored to be invited to this magnificent dinner.


  90.Dinner is ready.


  91.Please go to the table.


  92.I'm really a bit nervous now, for I know nothing of your table manners.


  93.No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable.


  94.I have seen it with my own eyes.


  95.To your health and success in business.


  96.This food is Sichuan speciality.


  97.Make yourself at home.


  98.Eat it while it is hot.


  99.It's really delicious.


  100.I wish to propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation.


  101.What beautiful colors.


  102.They look really inviting.


  103.We like to eat our meat and vegetables fresh.


  104.I think this is what makes you people so healthy.


  105.Please don't just speak.


  106.Help yourselves to have more.


  107.This is really the most beautiful desserts I've ever seen in my life.


  108.Thank you for your hospitality and your dinner.


  Dialogue A

 。∕r. Li and his colleagues are in a restaurant with Mr. Warner, a foreign manager. )

 。ˋ: Mr. Li; B: Mr. Warner; C: Mr. Zhang; D: Miss Yao; H: Mr. Huang; Z: Mr. Zhao)

  A: Mr. Warner, it's a pleasure to have you here.

  B: It's very kind of you to have invited me.

  A: Now, I'd like you to meet my friends. Allow me to introduce them to you. This is Mr. Zhang, the assistant manager of our company. He is in charge of the sales department. This is Mr. Zhao. He is the finance department manager and you know, this is Mr. Huang, the director of the manager office, and this is Miss Yao, the secretary of our office. They are with us this evening.

  B: Oh, how nice. I'm glad to meet you Mr. Zhang and Zhao.

  C&Z: Glad to meet you, too.

  B: It's nice to see you again, Mr. Huang and Miss Yao.

  H&D: Nice to see you again, Mr. Warner.

  A: Now, let's be seated. Have a cup of tea, please.

  B: It's good to start with a cup of Chinese tea. I like it.

  A: I'm glad to hear that. By the way, Mr. Warner, do you intend to have a long stay here?

  B: About more than one month. This is meant go be both a business and pleasure trip.

  A: That's a good idea. We hope you'll stay here for a long time.

  D: Dinner is ready. Please go to the table.

  * * * *

  A: This is your seat, Mr. Warner. Sit down, please.

  B: Thank you, Mr. Li. I'm really a bit nervous now. I know nothing of your table manners. It would be in bad taste for a guest to make blunders.

  A: Don't worry, Mr Warner. As for table manners, there is only one rule you must observe. That's to make yourself at home.

  B: No wonder people say the Chinese are hospitable. Now, I have seen it with my own eyes.

  C: Mr. Warner, which do you prefer, Brandy, Whiskey, Wuliangye or Wine?

  B: Brandy, Whiskey and Wuliangye are too strong for me. Just a glass of wine, please.

  C: But Shaoxing spirit doesn't go to the head. Would you like to try it?

  B: Well, I'll try a little.

  D: Would you like to use chopsticks or knife and fork, Mr. Warner?

  B: I think I'll try chopsticks and see if I can manage.

  D: Let me show you. Look, at first, place both sticks between the thumb and the forefinger, then, keep one still and move the other, so as to make them work like pincers.

  B: Let me try… Well, how is that?

  D: Fine, you are learning fast, Mr. Warner.

  A: Well, Mr. Warner, to your health and success in business. Cheers!

  B: And to yours. Cheers!

 。⊿erving Dishes)

  A: This food is Sichuan speciality. Help yourself, please.

  D: Making yourself at home and eat it while it is hot, Mr. Warner.

  B: Thank you. These dishes are all delicious, especially the chicken in chili sauce and red-cooked beef.

  D: We're glad you like it. May I help you to some more?

  B: Thank you, just a small helping.

  A: May I help you to some of the roast duck? It tastes best while it is hot.

  B: Very delicious! Tender and crisp. I've never tasted anything like that.

  A: Have some more, please.

  B: No, thank you. It's really delicious, but I must leave room for my other favorites.

  A: May I fill your glass again?

  B: Thank you, Mr. Li. What do we say in Chinese for“Bottoms up”?

  A: We say“Gan Bei”。 I wish to propose a toast to our friendship and cooperation. Gan Bei.

  All: To our friendship and cooperation. Gan Bei!

  Dialogue B

 。∕r. Long Guoqing, the manager of NO 1. Textile Company, signs a contract with Mr. Oates for a joint venture in reception room of Taiyuan Dumpling Restaurant. Also present at the signing ceremony are Mr. Yao from the Provincial Foreign Economic Relationships and Trade Commission, Ms. Nathan, assistant to Mr. Oates. Miss Wang, the secretary of Mr. Long's Office. )

 。ˋ: Mr. Long; B: Mr. Oates; C: Ms. Nathan; D: Miss Wang)

  D: Mr Oates, take this seat, please, and Ms. Nathan, here, please.

  B&C: Thanks.

  A: I am happy to host this dinner party in honor of our friends, Mr. Oates and Ms. Nathan.

  B: Thanks. We are very honored to be invited to this magnificent dinner.

  A: What would you like to drink, beer or juice?

  C: Lemon juice, please.

  B: I'd like some Qingdao Beer.

  A: (Raising his glass) Now Mr. Oates and Ms. Nathan, to the success of our business and to our further cooperation. Cheers!

  B&C: Cheers!

  B: In Chinese mandarin it's called“Gan Bei”, right?

  A: Yes. You can speak some mandarin?

  B: Only a little. I have several Chinese friends in my country. When we are together, they sometimes teach me to speak Chinese. So I've learned a few words of mandarin.

  A: Oh, I see. I think for you it's easy to speak mandarin. I hope next time when we talk business we can speak in Chinese.

  B: I hope so, too.

  A: Now, here comes the dishes. Let me try to tell you the names first. This is fried quail eggs with fresh mushrooms, and this is sauté shredded pork with bamboo shoots, this one is curry beef, and that one is fried crisp chicken.

  B: What beautiful colors. They look really inviting.

  A: Chinese cooking places stress on color, smell and taste. Now, please help yourselves.

  B: (After tasting) Oh, it's delicious!

  A: Try some, Ms. Nathan.

  C: Yes, thank  you.

  B: I've learned that Chinese people buy fresh meat and vegetables in the market everyday.

  A: Yes, we like to eat our meat and vegetables fresh.

  B: I think this is what makes you people so healthy. You see, the people in our country get old early because they eat too much tinned food and frozen meat, they also eat too much fat.

  A: Yes. That's why we Chinese people are slimmer. Well, please don't just speak. Help yourselves to have more.

  B&C: Thank you.

  A: Here come dumplings. They are all handmade and steamed with bamboo steamer. Please have a taste.

  C: Oh, how beautiful! This is really the most beautiful desserts I've ever seen in my life.

  B: They are not desserts. They are the main course.

  C: Ah, they are made by hand. If I don't see them with my own eyes, I really can't believe it. Please let me take a picture before you touch them, shall I?

  A: OK, please.

 。ˋfter taking a picture)

  A: Please help yourselves to whichever you want. But you'd better have a taste of each design because each has different flavor.

  B: They taste very good!

  A: Time flies quickly. You're leaving tomorrow. We wish you could stay longer, but we know how it is. We only hope both of you will come again before long.

  B: Thank you for your hospitality and your dinner.

  C: And thank you for all your help during our stay here.

  A: It's a great pleasure to work with you.

  D: Come back to Taiyuan any time.

  B: Thank you. Good night!

  A&D: (Shaking hands with Mr. Oates and Ms. Nathan) Good night!

  Notes 注 釋

  1.Allow me to introduce sb. to you.


  類似的表達(dá)還有: Let me introduce sb. to you.

  I'm very glad to introduce sb. to you.

  2.in charge of 負(fù)責(zé)

  3.start with (伴隨著)……開始

  4.intend to do sth. 打算做某事

  5.table manners 宴會禮節(jié)

  6.make yourself at home.


  7.Brandy and Maotai are too strong for me.

  這里的 strong 指的是酒的度數(shù)高。

  8.Doesn't go to the head. (酒精)不上頭。

  9.place both sticks between the thumb and the forefinger, then keep one still and move the other, so as to make them work like pincers.


  10.How is that? 你看怎么樣?

  11.chili sauce 麻辣

  12.red-cooked beef 紅燒牛肉

  13.tender and crisp 又嫩又脆

  14.I must leave room for my other favorites.



  15.in honor of 為祝賀……;向……表示敬意

  16.Here comes the dishes.



  如:Here comes your letter.


  There comes the bus.


  17.tinned food 罐裝食品

  18.frozen meat 冷凍肉

  19.main course 主食

  20.I really can't believe it.


  21.take a picture 拍照

  22.before long 不久以后

  Words and Expressions

  nervous /'n+: v+s/                         a. 緊張的

  hospitable /'h&spit+bl/                   a. 好客的

  observe /+b'z+: v/                         v. 遵守;觀察

  blunder /'bl)nd+/                           n. 大錯;失策

  chopstick /'tM&pstik/                    n. 筷子

  thumb /I)m/                                  n. 拇指

  forefinger /'f&: fiRg+/                   n. 食指

  pincers /'pins+z/                           n. 鉗子

  speciality /'speM+liti/                     n. 特色風(fēng)味

  delicious /di'liM+s/                        a. 美味的

  favorite /'feiv+rit/                          n. 喜歡的食品

  propose /pr&'p+uz/                       v. 提議

  magnificent /m$g'nifisnt/               a. 豐盛的

  mandarin /'m$nd+rin/                    n. 官方語言,普通話

  fried quail eggs                             油炸鵪鶉蛋

  saute shredded pork                      炒肉絲

  mushroom /'m)frum/                    n. 蘑菇

  bamboo shoots                             竹筍

  curry beef                                    咖喱牛肉

  fried crisp chicken                        香酥雞

  slim /slim/ a.                                瘦的

  dumpling /'d)mpliR/                      n. 餃子

  bamboo steamer                           (竹子)蒸籠

  dessert /di'z+: t/                            n. 點心

  flavor /'fleiv+/                              n. 風(fēng)味