

時(shí)間:2021-03-02 09:11:16 求職英語 我要投稿


Folks, with layoffs mounting, gas prices surreal, mortgage defaults on the rise, the stock market in a swoon, and much of the world staggered by truly awful weather of one kind or another, we could all use a good laugh right about now. Executives at 1,000 big U.S. companies, plus 100 in Canada recalled the most embarrassing or bizarre interview moments they had witnessed or heard of. A sampling of their answers:
伙計(jì)們, 失業(yè)人數(shù)在增加,油價(jià)高得可怕,房屋抵押貸款違約現(xiàn)象在增長,股市低迷,世界很多地區(qū)遭受著不是這種就是那種相當(dāng)惡劣的氣候的影響,而我們現(xiàn)在能做的也只能是開懷大笑一下吧。1000家美國大公司外加 100 家加拿大大公司的巨頭們回憶了他們親眼所見的或聽說的讓人最囧或讓人噴飯的'面試時(shí)刻。下面是他們的一些只言片語:

"The person was dancing during the interview. He kept saying things like, 'I love life!'and 'Oh, yeah!'"


"One job applicant came in for his interview with a cockatoo on his shoulder."

"The candidate sent his sister to interview in his place."
" 有個(gè)求職者讓他姐姐來替他面試。"

"The candidate stopped the interview to ask me if I had a cigarette."

"We had one person who walked out of an interview straight into a glass door. The glass shattered."

"The candidate got his companies confused and repeatedly mentioned the strengths of a competing firm, thinking that was who he was interviewing with."

"A guy called me by the wrong name during the entire interview."

"We're a retail company, and when we asked the candidate why she wanted to work for us, she replied that she didn't want to work in retail anymore."

"An interviewee took his bubble gum out of his mouth and held it in his hand. Then he forgot about it and shook hands with me."

"A job seeker gestured with his hands so much that he then sat on them to stop it."

"A candidate fell asleep during the interview."

"An applicant was doing really well in the interview until we got to the question about why she had left her previous job. She told us everyone there was out to get her ."

"A candidate insulted the interviewer's tie."

Okay, so these are obviously dumb moves - but what if something happens that falls into the category of plain bad luck?A few of the hiring managers mentioned candidates who suddenly fell ill during an interview.One hapless candidate had cut his lip shaving (alas, the cut opened up while he was talking and bled through out the interview - ouch!).
好了, 這些很明顯都是些愚蠢的舉動,不過,萬一發(fā)生的某些事純屬不幸,又該怎么辦呢?有幾個(gè)面試經(jīng)理提到有些求職者在面試過程中突然身體不適。有個(gè)倒霉的求職者刮胡子的時(shí)候割傷了嘴唇(哎,傷口在他談話的時(shí)候裂開了,面試結(jié)束時(shí)血還沒止住--哎喲!)

Handling problems gracefully may actually impress interviewers,but if the situation can't be overcome, move on and focus on the next opportunity. It's a learning experience that will someday make an entertaining story. If you can bear to recall it.
優(yōu)雅地處理問題也許真能讓面試官印象深刻,不過,如果實(shí)在控制不了局面, 那就往前看, 把精力放在下一次機(jī)上。這是一條學(xué)習(xí)經(jīng)驗(yàn),日后也會成為一則笑料--如果你有勇氣回想的話。











