

時(shí)間:2022-11-14 23:33:25 求職英語 我要投稿
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For all the talk about how college is essential to landing a good job after graduation, higher education often fails to prepare students for the workforce in several key ways. Even with a degree from a competitive school and a high GPA, many students graduate without ever having been taught these 10 essentials for the workplace:人們總是喜歡說上大學(xué)對(duì)于找到好工作有多么重要,但是大學(xué)里往往不教你那些職場(chǎng)中需要知道的事。即使你出自名牌大學(xué),成績(jī)優(yōu)異,很多畢業(yè)生都不會(huì)知道下面這10條職場(chǎng)的生存法則:

1. Effort doesn't matter; results do.過程不重要,結(jié)果決定一切。

It's great to try hard, but if you're not getting the job done well, it ultimately won't matter. In the workplace, you're judged by the quality of what you produce, not by how hard you worked to produce it.努力工作是很好,但是如果你沒把工作做好了,再努力也白搭。在職場(chǎng)上,只有你的工作成果才能證明你的能力,而不是你工作得有多努力。

2. Procrastinating is a really bad idea.拖延要不得。

In school, if you waited until the last minute to do a project in college, you were the only one who suffered. At work, if you put off a project until the last minute, you risk your professional reputation—and you could even get fired.在學(xué)校里,你臨時(shí)抱佛腳,最后一分鐘才完成功課,受影響的只有你自己而已。但是在職場(chǎng)上,如果你把工作拖到最后一刻,那你就是在拿自己的職業(yè)聲譽(yù)冒險(xiǎn),甚至你會(huì)因此而被炒魷魚。

3. You need to be concise when writing in the workplace.職場(chǎng)寫作請(qǐng)言簡(jiǎn)意賅。

Colleges tend to teach students to write long—assigning page count minimums, and encouraging long explorations of a single topic. While this has its own value, it's exactly the wrong approach for the workforce. When writing for work, shorter is nearly always better. Most bosses don't want to read long memos—they want the key highlights, ideally in bullet points.在學(xué)校里,老師要求學(xué)生長(zhǎng)篇大論,規(guī)定最少字?jǐn)?shù),鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生用大篇幅來解釋一個(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的話題。這么做有它的好處,但在職場(chǎng)上,這絕對(duì)行不通。職場(chǎng)寫作,越短越好。大多數(shù)老板都不想看到長(zhǎng)篇累述的便箋,他們只想知道重點(diǎn),最好幾個(gè)字就能說清楚。

4. Good writing isn't stiff and formal.僵硬正式的不是好報(bào)告。

Many students come out of school believing that good writing is formal. But to the contrary, the ability to write conversationally is a highly valued. Whether it's a cover letter or a business memo, the best writers don't sound stiff.很多剛出校門的學(xué)生覺得,好的報(bào)告就是要寫得正式。事實(shí)恰恰相反,能用談話式的隨意方式寫報(bào)告是一種很重要的能力。無論是附信還是商務(wù)便函,寫得好的人往往都不拘泥形式,刻板僵硬。

5. You need to address both sides of an issue.利弊都要考慮到。

In college, you could (and were often expected to) argue one point of view. At work, you're expected to consider all options thoroughly and make a recommendation that includes pros and cons. And you should even poke holes in your own recommendation before you take it to your boss, so that he or she doesn't have to.在學(xué)校里,你總是只考慮事物的一方面(學(xué)校也希望學(xué)生這么去做)。但在工作中,你卻要全面地考慮事物的方方面面,再給出自己的建議,建議也要包括正反兩方面。在把報(bào)告交給老板前,你還要學(xué)會(huì)自己在報(bào)告中找漏洞,這樣,你的老板就不必費(fèi)時(shí)去找了。

6. Conforming to business culture matters.遵守企業(yè)文化很重要。

In college, individuality is often rewarded. In the workplace, employers are looking for employees who fit in with the culture. That means conforming to office norms about dress and conduct and even small things like how phones are answered or how meetings are run.學(xué)校里強(qiáng)調(diào)個(gè)性。但在職場(chǎng)上,老板希望雇員能遵守公司的文化。也就是說,遵守公司的制度,比如怎么穿戴,怎么接電話,怎么開會(huì),這些事情都是很重要的。

7. Employers are looking for experience, not just knowledge.雇主要得是經(jīng)驗(yàn),而不只是知識(shí)。

Don't spend all your time taking classes. Get out there and get some experience doing actual work.不要把時(shí)間全花在上課上面,出去找點(diǎn)實(shí)際的工作干干,這樣才能積累經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

8. Appearance counts.形象要注意。

In most industries, if you dress overly casually or too “young,” you won't be taken seriously. Flip-flops, nose rings, ultralow jeans, or revealing necklines all say that you're still dressing for class, not a job.在很多行業(yè),如果你穿得太隨意或者穿得太“年輕”,你都不會(huì)受到重視。人字拖、鼻環(huán)、低腰牛仔褲、低領(lǐng),這些穿著都只能說明你是去學(xué)校,而不是去上班。

9. You have to keep learning.不斷學(xué)習(xí),不斷充電

Too many students come out of college not even knowing what the authoritative publications are in their field, let alone keeping up with them. You're expected to keep your skills and knowledge up-to-date and continue learning throughout your whole career. College is just the beginning!很多學(xué)生出了學(xué)校進(jìn)入職場(chǎng)后,甚至都不知道自己所在領(lǐng)域的權(quán)威刊物是什么,更不用說讓他們不斷充電了。在職場(chǎng)上,你需要不斷地學(xué)習(xí)知識(shí),更新技能。大學(xué)僅僅是學(xué)習(xí)的一個(gè)開始!

10. No one will care about your career like you do.沒有人會(huì)像你那樣在乎你的職業(yè)生涯。

If your boss promises you a promotion or raise and then never brings it up again, don't sit around waiting for her to broach the topic again. You're in charge of your own career now; there's no caring faculty watching over you!如果你的老板承諾要給你升職,但卻沒有兌現(xiàn)承諾,不要干坐在那里等著老板再次談起這個(gè)話題。你才是要對(duì)自己的職業(yè)生涯負(fù)責(zé)的那個(gè)人,再也不會(huì)有人跟在你后頭看著你!











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