

時(shí)間:2022-11-09 13:42:38 英語(yǔ)名言 我要投稿




  1、一個(gè)人必須經(jīng)過(guò)一番刻苦奮斗,才會(huì)有所成就。——安徒生A person must go through a hard struggle,will accomplish something。

  2、拼一切代價(jià),去奔你的前程!蜖栐薙pell at all costs,to rush you in the future。

  3、成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于能堅(jiān)持多久!s翰生Event is not the size of the power,and can insist on how long。

  4、作了好事受到職責(zé)而堅(jiān)持下去,這才是奮斗的本色!蜖栐薓ade a good responsibility and stick to it,this is the essence of struggle。

  5、腳跟立定以后,你務(wù)必拿你的力量和技能,自我?jiàn)^斗。——蕭伯納Heel after standing,you must take your strength and skills,and self-sufficiency。

  6、偉大的精力只是為了偉大的目的而產(chǎn)生的。——斯大林Great energy is just for a great purpose。

  7、奮斗以求改善生活,是可敬的行為!┒躍truggle in order to improve life,honorable behavior。

  8、奮斗是萬(wàn)物之父!招兄猄truggle is the father of all things。

  9、進(jìn)步,意味著目標(biāo)不斷前移,階段不斷更新,它的`視影不斷變化!旯鸓rogress,means that the target continuously forward,stage constantly updated,its shadow changing。

  10、所有堅(jiān)韌不拔的努力遲早會(huì)取得報(bào)酬的。——安格爾Sooner or later,all the tenacious efforts will be paid。

  11、無(wú)論做什麼事情,只要肯努力奮斗,是沒(méi)有不成功的!nDNo matter what things,as long as you work hard struggle,is not successful。

  12、天才就是無(wú)止境刻苦勤奮的潛質(zhì)!ㄈR爾Genius is hard endless potential。

  13、形成天才的決定因素應(yīng)該是勤奮!鬎orm the determinants of genius should be diligent。

  14、停止奮斗,生命也就停止了!ㄈR爾Stop struggling,life is stopped。

  15、聰明出于勤奮,天才在于積累!A羅庚Intelligent out of diligence,genius is gained by accumulation。

  16、走自己的路,讓別人說(shuō)去吧!——但丁Walk yourself's road,let others say!

  17、當(dāng)時(shí)間的主人,命運(yùn)的主宰,靈魂的舵手!_斯福When the master of time,masters of our fate,the captain of soul。

  18、腳跟立定以后,你必須拿你的力量和技能,自己奮斗!挷{Heel after standing,you must take your strength and skills,their struggle。

  19、凡事欲其成功,必要付出代價(jià):奮斗!獝(ài)默生For its success,all things need to pay the price:the struggle。

  20、勤勞一日,可得一夜安眠;勤勞生命,可得愉悅長(zhǎng)眠!_(dá)?芬奇Hard-working day,can have to night sleep;Diligence,life can get pleasure。

  21、奮斗之心人皆有之!钍逋琇ife is a struggle of heart。

  22、做了好事受到指責(zé)而仍堅(jiān)持下去,這才是奮斗者的本色。——巴爾扎克Do something good to blame but still stick to it,this is the essence of striver。

  23、對(duì)真理和知識(shí)的追求并為之奮斗,是人的最高品質(zhì)之一。——愛(ài)因斯坦The pursuit of truth and knowledge and strive for,is one of the highest quality people。

  24、一朝開(kāi)始便永遠(yuǎn)能夠?qū)⑹聵I(yè)續(xù)繼下去的人是幸福的!諣柨薕nce beginning to will be continued career after forever happy is the man who is。

  25、必須在奮斗中求生存,求發(fā)展!┒躆ust be in the struggle to survive,for development。

  26、人類要在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中求生存,更要奮斗!獙O中山Human beings want to survive in the competition,more to strive。

  27、無(wú)論頭上是怎樣的天空,我準(zhǔn)備承受任何風(fēng)暴!輦怤o matter how head is sky,I'm ready to withstand any storm。

  28、偉大的事業(yè)是根源于堅(jiān)韌不斷地工作,以全副精神去從事,不避艱苦。——羅素Great work is rooted in strong constantly,with full spirit to do,not hard。

  29、只有這樣的人才配生活和自由,假如他每天為之而奮斗!璧翺nly such people with life and liberty,if he had to struggle for a day。

  30、明家全靠一股了不起的信心支持,才有勇氣在不可知的天地中前進(jìn)!蜖栐薓ing's home on a great confidence to support,all didn't have the courage to move forward in the unknown world。

  31、勤勞一日,可得一夜安眠;勤勞一生,可得幸福長(zhǎng)眠!_(dá)?芬奇Hard-working day,can have to night sleep;Hardworking life,can be happy。

  32、發(fā)明的秘訣在不斷的努力。——牛頓The secret of invention in ceaseless effort。

  33、你想成為幸福的人嗎?但愿你首先學(xué)會(huì)吃得起苦!栏衲騑ho do you want to be happy?I hope you learn first to eat up bitter。

  34、奮斗這一件事是自有人類以來(lái)天天不息的!獙O中山Struggle this thing is every day since humans began the restless。

  35、一朝開(kāi)始便永遠(yuǎn)能夠?qū)⑹聵I(yè)續(xù)繼下去的人是愉悅的!諣柨薕nce beginning to will be continued career after forever is joyful。

  36、無(wú)論做什么事情,只要肯努力奮斗,是沒(méi)有不成功的!nDNo matter what,as long as the work hard struggle,is not successful。

  37、我寧愿靠自己的力量打開(kāi)我的前途,而不求權(quán)勢(shì)者垂青!旯鸌 prefer to rely on own strength to open my future,not for image。

  38、人的大腦和肢體一樣,多用則靈,不用則廢。——茅以升The human mind and body,multi-purpose the spirit,and no waste。

  39、拼著一切代價(jià),奔你的前程!蜖栐薚ogether with all costs,rush you in the future。









