

時間:2020-12-25 15:01:21 英語名言 我要投稿


  1. Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. (George Macaulay Trevelyan British historian)


  1. 教育造就了一大批人,他們會讀書,但是不會區(qū)別什么書值得讀。(英國歷史學家 特里維廉 G M)

  2. Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. (William Butler Yeats, lrish poet)

  2. 教育不是注滿一桶水,而且點燃一把火。(愛爾蘭詩人 葉芝 B W)

  3. ducation is the chief defence of nations. (Edmund Bruke, British statesman)

  3. 教育是國家的主要防御力量。(英國政治家 伯克)

  4. Education is the transmission of civilization. (Will Drant, American historian and essayist)

  4. 教育傳播文明。(美國歷史學家、散文家杜蘭特.W.)

  5. Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive easy to govern but imposible to slave. (Brougham, British statesman)

  5. 教育使一個民族容易領導,但是難于驅(qū)使;容易管理,卻不可能奴役。(英國政治家 布羅馬漢姆)

  6. Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one , more important, which he gives himself. (Edward Gibbon, British historian)

  6. 每個人都受兩種教育,一種來自別人,另一種更重要的是來自自己。(英國歷史學家 吉朋 E)

  7. Example is always more efficacious than precept. (Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic)

  7. 身教勝于言教。(英國作家、批評家 約翰遜 S)

  8. For a cultivated man to be ignorant of foreign languages is a great inconveniece. (Anton P.Chekhrv, Russian dramatist)

  8. 一個受過教育的人,不懂外語是極不方便的。(俄國劇作家 契克夫 A P)

  9. How much more profitable for the independent mind, after the mere rudiments of education , to range through a library at random, taking down books as the mother wit suggests! (John Henry, British Cardinal Newman)

  9. 受到初步的基礎教育之后,對于愿意獨立思考的人來說,在圖書館里信手取下一本書來,根據(jù)個人的'天賦隨意涉獵,這該是多大的好處啊!(英國紐曼紅衣主教 享利 J)

  10. I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (Robert Moses, American state govenment officer)

  10. 我早已拋棄了這種觀念:高等教育是通往成功或者幸福的必由之路。知識的“溫室”并不總能生長可供食物用的糧食。(美國州政府官員 摩西 R)









