

時間:2020-10-27 09:27:50 英語名言 我要投稿





  1、只要我們能夢想的,我們就能實現(xiàn)。as long as we can dream, we can do it。

  2、我走得很慢,但我從不后退!i walked slowly, but i never step back!

  3、經(jīng)歷過磨難的人才是最有財富的人。experienced hardships is the most wealth。

  4、人生最大的失敗,就是放棄。the biggest failure of life, is to give up。

  5、放棄有限,贏得無限。give up is limited, win the infinite。

  6、平凡的腳步也可以走完偉大的行程。ordinary steps can also through the great trip。

  7、任何的限制,都是從自己的內(nèi)心開始的。any restrictions, all begins with his own heart。

  8、今日的執(zhí)著,會造成明日的后悔。today's persistent, can cause tomorrow's regret。

  9、性格決定命運,選擇改變?nèi)松。character determines destiny, choose to change your life。

  10、海到無邊天作岸,山登絕頂我為峰。make shore sea to endless days, is very i for peak mountain。

  11、真正的強者,不是流淚的人,而是含流淚跑的人。the real strong, not tears, but tears run。

  12、出門走好路,出口說好話,出手做好事。go out a good way, that speaks well of us exports to do good。

  13、沒有創(chuàng)造的生活不能算生活,只能算活著。a life is not life, not create is only alive。

  14、誰比同類跑的.快誰就能獲得最終的勝利。who can run faster than their peers who can get the final victory。

  15、不識貨,半世苦;不識人,一世苦。don't bargain, the second is bitter; not a person, i bitter。

  16、沒有比腳更遠的路,沒有比人更高的山!no further than a foot, no mountain higher than people!

  17、微笑擁抱每一天,做像向日葵般溫暖的女子。smile to hug every day, like sunflower warm woman。

  18、人不求福,斯無禍。人不求利,斯無害。people not happy, no trouble。 people don't beg, harmless。

  19、忙于采集的蜜蜂,無暇在人前高談闊論。bees are busy collecting, too busy to talk in front of people。

  20、沒有天生的信心,只有不斷培養(yǎng)的信心。no natural confidence, only by constantly cultivate confidence。

  21、自然界沒有風風雨雨,大地就不會春華秋實。nature has no ups and downs, the earth would not be fruitful achievements。

  22、一滴蜂蜜比一加侖膽汁能夠捕到更多的蒼蠅。a drop of honey than a gallon of bile can catch more flies。

  23、只有創(chuàng)造,才是真正的享受,只有拚搏,才是充實的生活。only create, is the real enjoy, only struggle, is full of life。

  24、見己不是,萬善之門。見人不是,諸惡之根。see not, the door of good deeds。 see not, and the root of evil。

  25、志在山頂?shù)娜,不會貪念山腰的風景。aim at the top of the mountain people, won't greed hillside scenery。


  1、人之所以能,是相信能。can, is that the people can believe that。

  2、不要給自己的失敗找借口!don't make an excuse for your failure!

  3、恨別人,痛苦的卻是自己。hate others, the pain is yourself。

  4、夠大聲,終會把人喚醒的。loud enough, someone will answer it。

  5、只有想不到,沒有做不到。is only limited by less than。

  6、未曾失敗的人恐怕也未曾成功過。he who never failed might never succeed。

  7、沒有遠見,就會尋短見。there is no vision, will die。

  8、只做第一個我,不做第二個誰。only do the first, i don't do the second who。

  9、一個人可以年華老去,但不能言而無味。a man can grow old, but cannot speak and tasteless。

  10、不是境況造就人,而是人造就境況。not situation makes people, but people make situation。

  11、自己選擇的路、跪著也要把它走完。your choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it。

  12、笑容,是眾人皆醉我獨醒的孤獨。smile, it is public all drunk i wake up alone, lonely。

  13、一個人如果不被惡習所染,幸福近矣。if a person is not dyed by habit, happiness nearly。

  14、學會寬容,要有一顆寬容的愛心!to learn tolerance, want to have a forgiving love!

  15、環(huán)境不會改變,解決之道在于改變自己。environment won't change, the solution is to change yourself。

  16、左右一個人成功的,不是能力,而是選擇。about a person's success in life, not ability, but a choice。

  17、你可以很有個性,但某些時候請收斂。you can have a lot of personality, but some of the time, please。

  18、回避現(xiàn)實的人,未來將更不理想。to avoid the reality person, the future will be more ideal。

  19、即使是不成熟的嘗試,也勝于胎死腹中的策略。even the immature attempt is better than a stillborn strategy。

  20、世上沒有絕望的處境,只有對處境絕望的人。there is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond。










