

時間:2020-10-22 16:41:18 愛情名言 我要投稿





  1 失戀的人雖各不相同,但仰望星空卻是唯一的不約而同。

  "Though lovelorn people are different, but looking at the stars is only coincidentally. "

  2 愛是磕磕碰碰中的修修補補。

  Love is finally in sight of tinkering.

  3 給我一個支點,讓我重新撬動你的心好嗎?可令我難過的是,直到你離去,也始終不肯給我這個支點。

  "Give me a fulcrum, let me re-leveraging your heart, okay? Can make me sad is that until you leave, has always refused to give me this point. "

  4 一段感情能給你帶來多大痛苦,就曾給你帶來過多大快樂。

  "A relationship can bring you much pain, too much had to bring you great joy. "

  5 情,親情……我們之間無所不有,卻唯獨沒有愛情。

  "Love, affection ...... between us nothing is there, but just not in love. "

  6 任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,總是能夠變得簡單。

  "Any one thing, as long as willing, always simple. "

  7 再累,也要保護自己;再痛,也要用力忍住;再忙,也要注意休息;再遠,也要一直走下去。

  "No matter how tired, but also to protect themselves; then pain, but also hard to hold back; no matter how busy, but also pay attention to rest; further away, we must keep going. "

  8 男人想做女人的初戀情人,女人想做男人的最后情人。

  "Men want a woman's first love, a woman wants a man's last lover. "

  9 愛笑的人一旦哭起來,比任何人都撕心裂肺!

  "Once people love to laugh to cry, piercing than anyone else! "

  10 世上最遙遠的距離,不是生與死的距離,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你卻不知道我愛你。

  "The world's most remote distance, not life and death of distance, not far apart, but I stand before you, you do not know that I love you. "

  11 公交分鐘一班,地鐵分鐘一班,我們的愛,一輩子只有這一班!

  "Bus-minute intervals, subway minutes, our love, life and only this class! "

  12 他讓你流淚,讓你失望,盡管這樣,他站在那里,你還是會走過去牽他的手,不由自主。

  "He makes you cry, let you down, despite this, he stood there, you'll still go past pull his hand involuntarily. "

  13 不要為那些不愿在你身上花費時間的人而浪費你的時間。

  Do not waste your time for those who do not want to spend time in your body.

  14 若不得不分離,也要好好地說聲再見,也要在心里存著感謝,感謝他給了你一分記憶。

  "If you have to separate, but also good to say goodbye, but also keep in mind the gratitude he gave you a minute to remember. "

  15 如果有來生,我愿做你的妹妹,即使我們無法步入婚姻的殿堂,我也可以做你永遠無法割舍的親人!

  "If you were reincarnated, I would like to be your sister, even if we can not get married, I can do that you can never let go of their loved ones! "

  16 人類終于發(fā)明了愛情,并使它變成為人類最完美的宗教。

  "Mankind has invented love, and turned it into the most perfect religion for mankind. "

  17 最好的報復不是毀掉對方,更不是毀掉自己,而是要過的比他幸福和快樂。

  "The best revenge is not to destroy each other, but not destroy ourselves, but to lead than his happiness and joy. "

  18 知道嗎,男孩站在女孩的左邊是因為那樣可以離她的心更近一些。

  "You know, the girl is standing on the left side of the boy because that can leave her heart more recent. "

  19 當我們都老的時候,我希望還能吻著你的牙床,直到永遠。

  "When we are old, I wish I could kiss your gums ever. "

  20 愛情原來本就是海里的沙,只有你用心去呵護它,用淚和心血去滋潤它,讓它沉醉于心才能成為一顆水晶。

  "This is the original love the sea sand, only your heart to care for it, with tears and efforts to nourish it and let it indulge in the heart in order to become a crystal. "

  21 不能見面的時候,他們互相思念,可是一旦能夠見面,一旦再走在一起,他們又會互相折磨。

  "Can not meet, they miss each other, but once able to meet once walk together, they will torment each other. "

  22 不要艷羨他人,誰都有苦痛;不要輸?shù)糇约,振作比一切都強?/p>

  "Do not envy others, who are suffering; do not lose yourself, take heart are stronger than everything. "

  23 曾經(jīng)相遇,總勝過從未碰頭。

  "Once met, is better than never meet. "

  24 再煩,也別忘記微笑;再急,也要注意語氣;再苦,也要繼續(xù)堅持;再怕,也要勇敢面對。

  "Bother, do not forget to smile; then anxious, but also pay attention to tone; no matter how tough, we must continue to uphold; longer afraid, but also brave. "

  25 有一種幸福叫平淡,有一種快樂叫相守,有一種思念是對你永遠的關(guān)懷,不管在哪樣的生命,你總是我最在乎的最愛!

  "There is a well-known flat, there is a happy call spend, there is a miss is you never care, whether in Which life, you always care about my most favorite! "

  26 愛情就是上輩子欠下的情債這輩子來還——我上輩子一定俗不可耐,搞得我今生無債可還!!

  "Love is the last generation in this life debt owed ??to the situation also - my previous life must be vulgar, and made my life without debt may also! ! "

  27 為什么要那么痛苦地忘記一個人,時間自然會使你忘記。如果時間不可以讓你忘記不應(yīng)該記住的人,我們失去的歲月又有什么意義?

  "Why so painful to forget a person, time, nature will make you forget. If time does not let you forget to remember, we lost years what is the point? "

  28 我顛倒了整個世界,只為擺正你的倒影。

  "I reversed the whole world, only to straighten your reflection. "

  29 一雙鞋,少了一只就不值錢,所以,另一半很重要。

  "A pair of shoes, a little one is not worth much, so the other half is very important. "

  30 時間沒有等我,是你忘了帶我走,我們就這樣迷散在陌生的風雨里,從此天各一方,兩兩相忘。

  "Time does not wait for me, is that you forgot me, we just lost in a strange storm in bulk, from far apart, between two forget themselves. "

  31 如果你的婚姻不幸福,那就回來找我吧,哪怕我已經(jīng)老得走不動了,我也會帶你一起私奔的。

  "If your marriage is not happy, then come back to me, even if I'm too old to walk, and I will take you to run away together. "

  32 如果一個人的感情得到了解脫,那么另一個人將走向可怕的`地獄。

  "If a person's feelings have been freed, the other person will move toward a terrible hell. "

  33 如果你想被別人愛,你首先必須使自己值得愛,不是一天,一個星期,而是永遠。

  "If you want to be someone to love, you must first make yourself worthy of love, not one day, one week, but forever. "

  34 為追求到我喜歡的人,我愿意放棄我所擁有的一切,可當我放棄這一切后,她還會接受我的愛嗎?

  "To pursue to my favorite people, I am willing to give up everything I have, but when I gave it all, she will accept my love? "

  35 生活,勻速的是愛,不勻速則變成一種傷害。

  "Life, uniform is love, not uniform becomes an injury. "

  36 用一轉(zhuǎn)身離開,用一輩子去忘記。

  "With a turned and left, a lifetime to forget."


  1 孤單不是與生俱來,而是由你愛上一個人的那一刻開始。

  "Alone is not innate, but you fall in love with a person from the moment. "

  2 牽著我的手,閉著眼睛走你也不會迷路

  "Take my hand, eyes closed you will not get lost "

  3 要愛上一個人只要用一天的時間,但要忘記一個人卻要用一生的時間

  "To fall in love with a person who has only one day, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone's time "

  4 愛情不是兔子,守株是沒用的;伙計,別抱怨自己一直與愛情無緣,沒有誰喜歡一個原地踏著步還準備向下走的人

  "Love is not a rabbit, defensive line is useless; Dude, do not complain that he has been with love for him, no one likes a place marching step is also preparing to go down the people "

  5 我要你知道,我愛你,如果你逃掉的話,我一定會去追,不管任何地方,就算是刀山火海,我都一定要追到你

  "I want you to know that I love you, if you escape, I'll catch, regardless of any place, even Daoshanhuohai, I have to catch up with you "

  6 淡淡云里悠悠情,情意綿綿永難忘,今生有你甜如蜜,我們不能分開

  "Feeling faint cloud yo, feelingly never forget, life has you as sweet as honey, we can not be separated "

  7 愛情就如一杯牛奶咖啡,香香地飄在外面,甜甜地浮在表面,酸酸地含在里面,苦苦地沉在底面,模模糊糊地把你倒映在咖啡里面

  "Love is like a cup of coffee with milk, savory to float on the outside, sweet floating on the surface, containing sour inside, struggling to sink on the bottom, dimly reflected in your coffee inside "

  8 其實愛情里面沒有“驕傲”也沒有“尊嚴”,當你選擇愛的那一刻起,就應(yīng)該收起“驕傲和尊嚴”,只有那樣愛情才可以長久,不然,只會剩下滿身傷

  "In fact, there is no love ""proud"" no ""dignity"", when you choose to love the moment, we should put away the ""pride and dignity"", only that love can last long, otherwise, it will only hurt the rest covered "

  9 我不再愛你的時候,也許不是我不愛你,只是,我已不能再愛你了

  "I do not love you, maybe not, I do not love you, but I can no longer love you "

  10 其實我從一開始就擁有這兩樣東西——理解和包容,而且人們在最開始的時候也都知道并很好地用這兩樣東西‘經(jīng)營’著我——‘經(jīng)營’著愛情

  "In fact, from the outset, I have these two things - understanding and tolerance, and people in the beginning are also known and well with these two things 'business' with me - 'business' of love "

  11 如果說,擁有愛是一種幸福,那么,失去愛可能也是另一種幸福;得到是一種幸福;失去可能也是另一種幸福

  "If we say that with love is a blessing, then, lost love may also be another kind of happiness; get is a blessing; lose may also be another kind of happiness "

  12 如果全世界背叛了你,我愿為你背叛全世界

  "If the world betrayed you, I am willing to betray the whole world you "

  13 一個是華麗短暫的夢,一個是殘酷漫長的現(xiàn)實

  "A gorgeous short dream, a long brutal reality "

  14 原來喜歡不可以偽裝,原來快樂不可以假裝,原來永遠和瞬間一樣

  "Like the original can not disguise the original happiness can not pretend, like the original moment forever "

  15 "分手后不可以做朋友,因為彼此傷害過.不可以做敵人.因為彼此深愛過,所以我們變成了最熟悉的陌生人"

  "Can not be friends after breaking up, because the two sides hurt. Not do the enemy, because loving each other too, so we become the most familiar stranger "

  16 既然愛,為什么不說出口,有些東西失去了,就在也回不來了

  "Since love, why not say it, something is lost, it can come back in "

  17 情斷了,綁不住,試著放手,走與不走,留與不留,我不想懂

  "Feeling cut off, tied to live, try to let go and go and not go, stay and not leave, I do not know "

  18 離別是一種美麗,用目光丈量不出的秋水,被你縱橫馳騁的思想忘穿

  "Parting is a beautiful, not with the eyes of youthful measure was thought to forget to wear your dash "

  19 寂寥的燈火,照不清你的模樣,只有無盡相思在獨自徘徊。紅豆輕語,喚不回的回憶,終究是如水無痕。

  "Solitude lights, according to clear your appearance, only endless Acacia in wandering alone. Red beans whisper, calls no memories, after all, is no trace of water. "

  20 我想問路:請告訴我到你的心里該怎么走?

  I would like to ask the road: Please tell me your heart how to go?

  21 愛與忍耐力的真正考驗之一:在床上把我的冷腳放在你懷里裹熱

  One of the true test of love and endurance: in bed put my cold feet on your arms wrapped hot

  22 每天至少說三次“我愛你”,你今后的生活要不斷加大這個劑量

  "At least three times a day to say ""I love you"", you should continue to increase in the future life of this dose "










