

時間:2020-10-20 10:46:23 面試經(jīng)驗 我要投稿




  Do A Mental Dress Rehearsal


  Most career experts will advise you to practice answering interview questions, but there’s another kind of rehearsal that can prepare you in a different way—the rehearsal that’s all in your mind.


  “Research shows that experiencing success increases our confidence, even if that experience is imagined,” says Harley Sears, an Arkansas-based consulting hypnotist. To get into a mental rehearsal, Sears recommends that you make yourself comfortable, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and allow your muscles to relax.

  美國阿肯色州的咨詢師 Harley Sears 表示:“研究表明成功經(jīng)歷可以有效提升人們的自信心,即使這種經(jīng)歷是假想出來的也沒關(guān)系。” 他建議求職者可以做一個心里面試排練,在排練過程中你需要閉上眼睛,深呼吸,身體肌肉放松,讓身體進(jìn)入一個完全放松的狀態(tài)。

  “See yourself as calm, focused, and prepared—confidently answering any questions throughout the successful interview. Allow yourself to feel strong, confident, and proud while visualizing your successful interview.”



  Listen To A Motivational Playlist


  Star in your own episode of “Carpool Karaoke” on your way to the interview, and you could sing your way into a Zen-like state for interview success.


  “Movement and music can instantly get you in a place of confidence,” says Jennifer Davis, a New Jersey–based leadership coach. “Pick a favorite song that fills your heart with passion. Songs and movements that connect you with your best self will allow you to fully experience power in the moment, and then you can go in and crush it!”

  美國新澤西州的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力管理教練 Jennifer Davis 表示:“運動和音樂能夠使人立即進(jìn)入自信活力滿滿的狀態(tài)。在面試之前聽一些自己喜歡的歌曲可以使你激情滿滿。尤其是一些勵志音樂的作用是非常明顯的,聽完讓你瞬間信心大增,對即將到來的面試躍躍欲試。”

  Give Yourself A Pep Talk


  Do you sometimes catch yourself talking to yourself? It’s okay. We all do it. Well, according to Patricia Thompson, president of Silver Lining Psychology, an Atlanta-based corporate psychology and management consulting firm, that’s exactly what you want to do before an interview to get in the right headspace.

  你曾經(jīng)試過跟自己對話嗎?其實這并不是瘋子或者神經(jīng)病的做法,生活中對許多人來說這是很普遍的做法。根據(jù)美國心理學(xué)家 Patricia Thompson 表示:“在面試之前你要做的正是學(xué)會用與自己對話的方式為自己加油打氣。”

  Thompson actually suggests a trick to personalize your pep talk even more: “Use your own name. Research suggests that it helps you to distance yourself a bit from the situation, and instead of getting caught up in the anxiety of it, can help you to have a greater sense of perspective,” she says.

  他還給出了更為詳細(xì)的自我鼓勵的建議:“面試者最好用自己的名字來一場和自己的真實對話。” 研究表明這種自我對話的方式可以有效緩解緊張情緒,而不是一直戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)兢兢的狀態(tài)。毫無疑問自我激勵的方式有利于增強自信,緩解緊張。

  Watch Funny Videos


  Finally, there’s a time when it is productive—and prescriptive—to watch cat videos. Thompson says there’s a benefit to watching a few funny videos before you head into your interview. “Having a good belly laugh relaxes you and puts you in a better mood. It has also been linked to reduce certain stress hormones in the body,” she says. Good laugh, good interview.

  最后,你還可以給自己規(guī)定一段時間看一段搞笑視頻。Thompson 表示:“在面試前看一段搞笑視頻對接下來的面試非常有益。搞笑視頻可以帶給你歡樂以及放松心態(tài),而且可以有效降低體內(nèi)的應(yīng)激激素。只有心態(tài)放松良好,面試才能夠事半功倍!

  Exaggerate Your Fears


  This might sound like the absolute opposite of a calming exercise, but as you’re preparing for your interview, ask yourself what the worst is that can happen, then amplify it.


  “Most people try to stifle anxious thoughts with positivity, but voicing your worst fears is more effective,” says Jackie Viramontez, a Los Angeles–based life coach. “The exaggeration method allows you to laugh at yourself and regain a practical perspective.”

  洛杉磯生活教練 Jackie Viramontez 表示:“生活中大部分人習(xí)慣于去扼殺焦慮緊張等情緒,但是提醒自己做最壞打算也是一種有效的方法! 有時候夸張一下結(jié)果可以令人自嘲,同時重新獲得對于自己的客觀認(rèn)識。

  其實面試不緊張的最好辦法就是提前做好準(zhǔn)備,俗話說得好不打無準(zhǔn)備的仗!真正的機(jī)會也總是留給有準(zhǔn)備的人。因此我們普特英語聽力網(wǎng)精心為各位同學(xué)制作了面試英語系列課程,留學(xué)名師皓皓老師精心為你解答英語面試中各類問題。讓你用一口流利英語秒殺面試官,拿下外企Offer 再也不是事兒!









