

時間:2023-01-12 02:44:15 成考專升本 我要投稿





  Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write a composition of about 100 -120 words based on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.






  As everybody knows that the traffic problems in ourcity become more and more serious. During the rush-hours every morning and afternoon, the roads are verycrowded. There are traffic jams almost on every mainroad. The accident rate becomes higher than before. Ithink that it is high time for the city government to takesome measures to solve this problem.

  First of all, we should repair the roads, for some ofthe roads are in bad condition and it is difficult for thedrivers to go through. Secondly, we should build more overpasses so as to cut down traffic jams. Thirdly,the pro-duction of cars should be controlled, for there are toomany cars moving on the roads every day. As long as wedo something like this, the traffic problem will be solvedor at least the accident rate will be lowered. I do hope ourgovernment will accept my suggestions.


  Directions: For this part, you are supposed to write a composition of about 100 - 120 wordsbased on the following situation. Remember to write it dearly.






  (5)活動內容:音樂、跳舞、唱歌、游戲、交換小禮品(請包裝好、簽名并在包裝外面寫上祝愿詞)。注意:應包括以上要點,但不要逐字翻譯,要組織成一篇通順連貫的短文;開頭語已為你寫好。生詞:交換禮品——to exchange gifts;學生會——the Students’Union

  May I have your attention,please? I have an announcement to make.

  May I have your attention,please?I have an an—nouncement to make.The Student Union is going to holda paay on Saturday evenin9,August l3,to welcome ourfriends from the United States.The party will be held inthe roof garden of the Main Buildin9.It will begin at 7:30P.m.There will be music,dancin9,singin9,games andexchange of gifts.Will everybody please bring along asmall gift for this purpose?Remember to wrap it up,signyour name and write a few words of good wishes.

  Don’t forget:7:30,Saturday evenin9,roof garden,Main Buildin9.There’s sure to be a lot of fun.Everybodyis welcome.

  Thank you for your attention.


  Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write a composition of about 100 -120 wordsbased on the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.

  假設你是Matt Hand,在報上看到一則招聘廣告,正符合你的情況,于是寫信求職。廣告要點:



  1073,Green Street


  March l0,2012

  P.O.Box 2035

  Clare Corporation,Ltd.

Dear Sirs,

  I read your advertisement in yesterday’S paper.I think I am the best person fit for the position.

  I'm 23 years old.I graduated from Boston University two years ago.My major at university was computer engi—neering.After graduation l worked as a computer engineer in a big company for two years.Now I have enough expe-fience in this field.And I'm very interested in it.

  I like sports and I am in good health.I like hard work.I’m sure I can do your iob well if I can become a member of your company.

  I'm looking forward to your reply.

  Very sincerely yours,

  Matt Hand










