

時間:2024-02-25 07:11:45 勵志故事 我要投稿



  Showing Off One's Proficiency with the Axe Before Lu Ban the Master Carpenter


  in ancient times, Lu Ban was supposed to be a consummate master in construction and sculpture. Carpenters respect him as ancestor master. It is said that he once carved a colorful wooden phoenix that was so lifelike that it actually flew in the sky for three days. Thus it was considered the height of folly to show off one's skill with an axe in front of Lu Ban.

  This idiom excoriates those who show off their slight accomplishments in front of experts.




  In 1899, when Einstein studied at the Swiss Federal University of Technology in Zurich, his tlltor was Minkevsky, a mathematician.


  Once Einstein asked Minkevsky, "How can a person, like me, leave his distinct footprints on the road of life and make an outstanding contribution in the scientific field?" It was a "sophisticated" problem. Minkevsky said that he had to think about it better and then gave him an answer.


  Three days later, Minkevsky told Einstein that the answer was coming! He pulled Einstein to walk toward a building site and straight set foot on the cement ground that the construction workers had just paved.


  In the workers' scolding, Einstein was confused to ask Minkevsky,"Sir, don't you lead me astray?"


  "Right, exactly!" Minkevsky said. "Have you seen it? Only the old road surface that have long solidified and on those place that have been passed by countless steps, you cannot tread out your footprint.

  “對,就是這樣!”明可夫斯基說。 “看到了吧?只有尚未凝固的水泥面,才能留下深深的足跡。那些凝固很久的老路面,那些被無數(shù)腳步走過的地方,你別想再踩出腳印。”

  Hearing that, Einstein thought long and nodded significantly, Since then, a very strong sense of innovation and pioneering consciousness began dominating Einstein's thinking and action. He said, "I never memorize and reflect what dictionaries and manuals carry, for my brain only memorize those things that are not included in books." It was such a reason that Einstein left his deep sparkling footprints in the history of science.



  Book T. Washington, the renowned black educator, was an outstanding example of this truth.


  Shotly after he took over the presidency of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, he was walking in an exclusive section of town when he was stopped by a wealthy white woman. Not knowing the farnous Mr. Washington by sight, she asked if he would like to earn a few dollars by chopping wood for her.


  Because he had no pressing business at the rnornent, Professor Washington srniled, rolled up his sleeves, and proceeded to do the humble chore she had requested When he was finished, he carried the logs into the house and stacked them by the fireplace.


  A little girl recognized hirn and later revealed to the lady. The next morning the embarrassed woman went to see Mr. Washington in his office at the Institute and apologized profusely. "It's perfectly all right, Madam," he replied. "Occasionally I enjoy a little manual labor. Besides, it's always a delight to do something for a friend."


  She shook his hand warmly and assured him that his meek and attitude had endeared him and his work to her heart. Not long afterward she showed her admiration by persuading some wealthy acquaintances to join her in donating thousands of dollars to the Tuskegee Institute.



  A crow felt very thirsty. He looked for water everywhere. Finally, he found a pitcher.

  But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher. His beak could not reach it. He tried again and again, but still could not touch the water.

  When he was about to give up, an idea came to him. He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another and dropped it in.

  Gradually, the water rose, and the crow was able to drink the water.







  A boy found an eagle's egg and he put it in the nest of a prairie chicken. The eagle hatched and thought he was a chicken. He grew up doing what prairie chicken do-scratching at the dirt for food and flying short distances with a noisy fluttering of wings. It was a dreary life. Gradually the eagle grew older and bitter. One day he and his prairie chicken friend saw a beautiful bird soaring on the currents of air, high above the mountains. "Oh, I wish I could fly like that!" said the eagle. The chicken replied, "Don't give it another thought. That's the mighty eagle, the king of all birds-you could never be like him!" And the eagle didn't give it another thought. He went on cackling and complaining about life. He died thinking he was a prairie chicken. My friends, you too were born an eagle. The Creator intended you to be an eagle, so don’t listen to the prairie chickens!

  一位小男孩發(fā)現(xiàn)了一只老鷹下的蛋,把它放進了一只山雞的窩里。鷹被孵出來了,但他以為自己是一只山雞。漸漸的他長大了,卻做著山雞所做的事---從泥土里尋找食物,做短距離的.飛翔,翅膀還啪啪作響。生活非常沉悶,漸漸地鷹長大了,也越來越苦惱。有一天,他和他的山雞朋友看見一只美麗的鳥在天空翱翔,飛的比山還高。 “哦,我要能飛的那么高該多好啊!”鷹說。山雞回答說,“不要想了,那是兇猛無比的鷹,鳥中之王---你不可能像他一樣!”于是鷹放棄了那個念頭。他繼續(xù)咯咯地叫,不停的抱怨生活。最后他死了,依然認(rèn)為自己是一只山雞。朋友們,你們天生就是雄鷹。造物主有意把你造就成一只雄鷹,所以不要聽信山雞的話!


  The hare and the tortoise The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said, "when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me." The tortoise said quietly, "I will race with you." "That is a good joke," said the hare. "I could dance around you the whole way." The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap. The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.



  Balzac once said artistic creation was "an exhausting struggle". He believed that only by tenacious work and fearing not afraid of difficulties could you show your talent. It was just like the soldiers the fortress, not relaxing your effort for even a moment.


  Once Balzac wrote for hours on end, he was so tired that he could not hold out any longer. He ran to a friend's home and headlong on the sofa. He wanted to sleep, but he told his friend he must be woken up within an hour. His friend, seeing him so tired, did not wake him up on time. After he woke up, Balzac got very angry at his friend. his friend had an understanding of him and did not quarrel with him.


  Balzac did not smoke cigarettes, nor did he drink any alcohol. But he got one habit: while he was writing,he always drank very strong coffee that could almost his stomach. He didn't add milk, nor did he add sugar in his coffee. It would not satisfy him until it was made bitter. People generally did not like to drink such bitler coffee. That had strange effect to him, and could help him drive the sleepiness away, according to himself.



  A hillbilly was visiting the big city for the first time. Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room. The doors closed, lights flashed, and after a while the door slid open and a beautiful young model stepped off the elevator.


  Blinking in amazement, the hillbilly drawled, "I should have brought my wife!"



  One family has five brothers, all serving to a minister as attendants. Every five days, they go back home for a reunion, decorating their horses and garments with shining gold. They vie with each other for ostentation and extravagance, attracting crowds of onlookers along the road.

  Now there is a peach tree by a well, and a plum tree next to it. When worms come to gnaw at the root of the peach tree, the plum tree invites them to gnaw at its own root. Finally, the plum dies, ossified.

  Even trees know how to sacrifice for other trees, why can't brothers do the same?





  there is a story in "Hanshu" telling of a rich man, who being a lover of s and had a large collection. Among them was a rare vase made of jade. The vase of exquisite workmanship and of historical value and he loved it dearly. One night he noticed a mouse passing near the precious vase. The mouse jumped into the vase and was trying to eat some food which the man had carelessly left there. The sigh infuriated the man and in a fit of rage he threw a stone at the mouse. For sure, the mouse was killed, but the precious vase was broken also. The loss of the vase pained the man GREatly and he deeply regretted his own thoughtlessness, which bought him this unrecoverable loss. He now realized that any one, who cares for the present and overlooks consequences is apt to bring disasters upon himself. So he exclaimed to warn people by saying do not burn you house to get rid of a mouse.



  Mr. Johnson had never been up in an aerophane before,so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane, Mr. Johnson was very worried about accepting. Finally, however, his friend persuaded him that it was very safe, and Mr. Johnson boarded the plane.


  His friend started the engine and began to taxi onto the runway of the airport. Mr. Johnson had heard that the most dangerous part of a flight were the take-off and the landing, so he was extremely frightened and closed his eyes.


  After a minute or two he opened them again, looked out of the window of the plane, and said to his friend, "Look at those people down there. They look as small as ants, don't they?"


  "Those are ants," answered his friend. "We're still on the ground."



  Snow White is born on a cold winter day. She is as white as snow. Her eyes are very big, her hair very long and her voice is sweet. She is very kind and beautiful. Everyone loves her. Her mummy, the Queen loves her, too. But she died.

  A new Queen comes. She is beautiful, but bad. She doesn’t like Snow White, because Snow White is the most beautiful girl in the world.

  “I will kill Snow White.” So she orders a hunter to kill Snow White. The hunter is an honest man. “You are a good girl; I don’t want to kill you.” So he lets Snow White go.

  Snow White goes into a forest. She finds a house, and goes into the house. Seven dwarfs live there. They like Snow White, and ask Snow White to live with them.

  No sooner, the new Queen dies. Because she isn’t the most beautiful woman in the world.




  “我一定要殺死白雪公主!耙虼耍钜晃猾C人去殺白雪公主。這位獵人是一個誠實的人。 “你是一個好姑娘,我不想殺你!彼兴抛吡税籽┕鳌




  A friend talked about his family's great-aunt, life never wore comfortable shoes, walked up and down in huge shoes. Son the younger generation if you ask her, she will say: "shoe sizes are the same price, why not buy? "

  Each time I reported this story, there are always people laugh .

  In fact, in real life we will see a lot of the "aunt". No writer, butwritten with thick and bitter work; no artist, but painted with Super big picture; businessmen often not at home, but have very large homes.

  Many people are constantly in pursuit of huge is actually driven by the inherent greed, as if bought oversized shoes, forget your feet.

  No matter what shoes to buy, fit the most important thing, no matter what, always a feast.







  Tom is 16. he decides to leave home and joins a music company. His father hears that and angry, “Singer? My son? It’s disgrace!” he shouts, “What do they think of the neighbors know?”

  “I will change my name,” Tom says. He thinks he will become a singer in the future.

  “Change your name?” Tom’s father shouts angrily, “What if you’re successful? How will the neighbors know you are my son.?”





  After the rain,a difficult spider to the wall has been fragmented network,due to damp walls,it must climb the height,it will fall,which one to climb,repeatedly falling and… No. a person to see,and he sighed to himself:

  "my life as this spider is not it? busy and no income."

  Thus,he increasingly depressed. See the second person,he said:

  this spider really stupid,why do not dry place from the next to climb up to look around? I'll be as stupid as it can not. Thus,he becomes wise up. See the third person,he immediately spiders keep the spirit of war touched. So he has become strong.















