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  ★課程名稱:Business Administration MSc

  學校:VU University Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹自由大學

  課程簡介:More specific on companies and people: how they work, what roles they play. No part of the Dutch economy is growing as fast as the business services industry. The programme has a multidisciplinary focus. Thus, the students start by specializing in a particular business process and study this using knowledge from several disciplines. As the programme is an academic one, it provides the student with rigorous academic training and acquaints him with state-of-the-art theoretical background. The MSc in Business Administration is a one-year full-time programme. Upon successful completion of the course, you will have obtained specialist knowledge in the area of your specialization and you will receive an internationally recognized Master of Science degree (MSc) in Business Administration. You complete the programme by writing a Master's thesis about your own research on a specific topic in the master's specialization programme of Business Administration. This is supervised by one of the tutors,lectures, case studies, discussion groups, individual assignments etc. A student obtains expertise in a particular area of study, combined with practical skills which together form the basis for a graduate career. At the end, students finish writing their master's theses. To this end the student carries out an independent academic research project and reports on this in his thesis. The master's thesis is written individually and takes about 3 months.



  學校簡介:阿姆斯特丹自由大學成立于19世紀末期, Vrije'荷蘭語中意為‘脫離宗教和國家’。這一獨特背景促成了自由大學外向型的教學氛圍:態(tài)度嚴謹、以學生為本、對公眾負責。學校現(xiàn)有15 個系,3500名教職工和14000 名學生。學校非常注重管理與社會發(fā)展的密切聯(lián)系,并將教學質(zhì)量作為學校生存的根本點。為此,學校被荷蘭政府授予了HogerOnderwijsprijs 稱號,荷蘭政府每兩年向有杰出表現(xiàn)的學校頒發(fā)一次此榮譽稱號。該大學的年度預算約為5億美元,約三分之二來自荷蘭政府。


  ★課程名稱:Business Administration MSc

  學校:University of Groningen 格羅寧根大學

  課程簡介:Business administration has got 9 specializations: - Business Development - Business & ICT - Change Management - Finance - Marketing - Operations & Supply Chains - Organizational & Management Control - Small Business & Entrepreneurship - Strategy & Innovation The programme is intended for students with an academic bachelor's degree in business studies, business administration or an equivalent degree. They must be strongly motivated and have a background in business, management, finance and/or marketing. Each specialization can be characterized by the following features: - academic and research oriented - intensive, participative and small groups - lecturers are researchers. Guest lecturers for companies are invited to discuss practitioner perspectives - continuous assessment, by papers, presentations, exams and cases - international orientation







  ★課程名稱:Business Administration MSc

  學校:Erasmus University Rotterdam 鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大學

  課程簡介:With an international student body and faculty, the MSc in Business Administration at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University uses a mix of educational formats to present challenging academic theory, reflecting new business and management thinking. RSM offers one-year MScBA specialisations ranging from accounting & control, human resources and information technology to entrepreneurship & new business venturing or global business & stakeholder management, among others. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University is ranked No 10 in the Financial Times European Masters in Management list. It has the widest selection of one-year MScBA specialisations in the Netherlands and is located in a city with a truly international flavour.





  ★課程名稱:International Management MSc

  學校: Tilburg University 蒂爾堡大學

  課程簡介:What do Wall Street, the bustling trade markets in Hong Kong and the flower auction in Aalsmeer have in common? We live in an increasingly connected world where business is often conducted on a global scale, with customers and suppliers spread over many countries. Companies that operate in an international business setting continue to look for employees who are able to cope with such complexity. For this, you need to accumulate a wealth of knowledge across all the main business fields: accounting, marketing, management and fnance. The Master's programme in International Management prepares you to understand and manage this rapidly changing process of globalisation. The scope of the programme is broad, although there are several opportunities for specialisation in specific disciplines by choosing appropriate electives. Furthermore, the MSc in International Management offers you teaching based on both theory and cases.






  學校簡介:蒂爾堡大學是一所國際化程度非常高的大學,成立于1927年。在荷蘭和歐洲商務類學科評估中,多次名列前茅。2003年12月的歐洲經(jīng)濟協(xié)會月刊上,蒂爾堡大學在歐洲經(jīng)濟學研究水平中排名第一。蒂爾堡大學還得到了美國國際管理教育協(xié)會(AACSB :Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)的認證,是目前歐洲13個得到AACSB認證的學院之一,該院附屬的經(jīng)濟學研究所和計量經(jīng)濟學研究所在歐洲乃至世界都享有盛名。




