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  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 1

Dear Sir,

  I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further mystudy in Applied Physics toward Master degree in your university.

  My name is Li Jin, an undergraduate student of the Department of AppliedPhysics, Huabei University. Next year in the summer, I will graduate and get myB.S. degree. I plan to continue my study and research in this field. I choseBoston University because there are a congenial team of researchers, an array ofdatabases and research projects in your school of Physics. I believe myinterests are extremely congruent with the strengths of the school. And my solidacademic background will meet your general entrance requirements for graduatestudy.

  I will appreciate it very much if you could send me the GraduateApplication Forms, the Application Form for Scholarships/Assistantships, andother relevant information. My mailing address is shown on the top of thisletter.

  I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

  Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 2

Dear Professor Zhiyong Lan:

  My name is Lan Xi, a Ph.D. candidate studying Land Resource Management in College of Public Management, China University of Geosciences. I intend to spend one year of my doctor years in ASU School of Public Affairs by the end of September 20xx for a Ph.D. Mobility Program which I can acquire more knowledge about international policy of land management.

  The land resource management is really an important major in Chinese University. It’s a subject of applied science which is combined both land policy and planning of land, and it helps the government to optimize the distribution of land resources. I’ve been studying the land resource management at least 7 years since 20xx when I was a college student, and I also love this major for 7 years.

  I’ve read about your papers about land policy published on some magazines, and I can feel your abundant knowledge and lofty personality in words. Moreover, your altitude about sustainable development affects me a lot. As myself, it’s so thankful for my 7 years studying of land resource management and 5 more projects. It makes me become an accomplished and experienced person. And I’m sure I can help you and your team with some land projects.

  I really want to join your team to learn more about the land resource management and exchange the experience. And I would greatly appreciate it if you could send me more information about the application at your earliest convenient.

Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 3

Dear XX,

  Since I was young I have always had a keen interest in the way that thethings around me work. From marvelling at the telephone to how planes can fly,engineering advances have never failed to captivate me. For this reason, I havealways tried to find out how such things function, and about how they have hadan impact on the society we live in today. Coupled with the fact that I havealways enjoyed the logical and problem-solving processes involved in maths andphysics, I decided several years ago to embark on a career in engineering.

  Since then, I have endeavoured to find out as much about engineering aspossible. I researched the great engineers such as Brunel, and discovered thegreat works they had completed. I have attended several engineering conferences,the most recent of which I was selected to speak live on radio about myexperiences. And once I had completed several weeks" worth of work experience, Iwas assured that it was the career that I wanted to pursue.

  This summer, I took part in the Nuffield Bursary scheme for a month,working in a team, at Aerogistics Ltd. Our project was to analyse and implementa new system for the distribution of consumable materials to the individualdepartments within the company. We found the current system to be highlyinefficient and after much data gathering and thought, presented our findings tothe senior managers of the company who agreed with our ideas. The last week wasspent starting the implementation of these ideas. I found the experience to behighly challenging, yet rewarding especially as it led to me gaining a GoldCrest Award. I also found it useful as I got to see engineers at work and thedaily problems that they face. I learnt that there is a lot more to being a goodengineer than possessing technical competence, although this is undoubtedlyimportant; team work, communication and leadership skills are vital as well.

  I have also recently been selected to complete two placements with armyengineers. One of these placements will focus on the more practical side ofengineering while the other will focus on the skills needed by a professionalengineer focussing on project planning and leadership. I hope to find theexperience useful.

  In my spare time I like to play sport and music. In secondary school I wascaptain for the Netball and Football teams, as well as taking part in variousother sports. The experience of this greatly improved my team working abilitiesas well as my fitness. As a keen musician I am working towards my grade 5 theoryand grade 7 practical on cello. I am a member of a Youth Orchestra, and havejust recently completed a tour of Italy. I am also in the school orchestra andhave led several orchestras in the past, before progressing to the LYO.

  In school, I am Deputy Head Girl, helping to lead a team of over 40prefects. I find this to be a challenging and stimulating role and believe ithas developed my confidence immensely. As well as carrying out the normal dutiesof a prefect, such as supervising younger students, I must lead and manage theother prefects. My role involves arranging rotas, organising after school eventssuch as the Year 7 social and parent"s evenings and public speaking as well asother responsibilities, which have developed my communication, organisation andleadership skills immensely. The role requires a lot of commitment, but it hashelped to improve my time management, as I try to strike a balance between itand school work, which is my main priority. I have also been selected to competein the Physics Olympiad and have been entered for the Biology AdvancedExtension.

  During my time at university I hope to gain a good degree, which will standme in good stead for when I enter the world of work. I would like to continue myeducation in a place where I can thrive both academically and socially, andwhere I can put my determination and motivation into good use. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 4

Dear sir / madam:

  Hello, my name is x x, x x x University teacher. I am also very pleased torecommend to you my students x x x, and believe that it can be a good completionof your master"s courses in your school.

  Ever since he entered the University, he has often shown maturity andstability. Since most of the students in the class are from other provinces andcities, the experience of leaving home for the first time makes it necessary forthem to take a long time to adapt to the new environment. But I have noticedthat, by contrast, x x x x adjusted quickly and actively involved in the newenvironment.

  There is a big difference between the curriculum of the University and themiddle school, and the emphasis is on the ability of self-study. Therefore, infreshman, sophomore, a lot of students have shown varying degrees of adaptation,do not know how to learn the University curriculum. However, x x students have astrong ability to adapt, quickly find out the key business management courses,in a very short time to master the learning methods, and other teachers said heis very strong ability to accept new knowledge, new knowledge that he"ll be ableto digest, can be understood.

  It can be said that some of the students in the class is holding a verygood college entrance examination scores into our school, and x x x by virtue ofhis strong self-learning ability and good learning methods. This, in eachsemester final exam has been well reflected, especially excellent achievementsin professional English in the final exam, the class is a smooth through the 46English exam students. His passion and determination to learn English is to moveme most.

  In addition to the study of students in the school x x football players,actively participate in the activities of the school organization, strongorganization and leadership. He often comes to my office or give me a call, hemet together to discuss the problems in study and life, hope to get bettergrades in the. x x said the students is a good student.

  I hope your school can give him a chance, let him in your school rigorousstudy style and good learning environment to continue to develop his expertise,further improve professional knowledge, broaden their horizons. Look at yourschool to consider its application.

Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 5

Dear XX,

  For the past three years, my undergraduate education has exposed me to thevarious sub-fields of Computer Science (CS). However, our syllabus has focusedmainly on "traditional" CS topics, such as Operating systems and single-CPUsystems. We have had barely a glimpse of the newer technologies that are likelyto change the way computing is done in not-so-distant future. The desire toexamine such subjects in greater detail is what has prompted me to opt forgraduate study.

  Most of my interests are in the fields related to information systems andsharing of computing power and resources. I am interested in Database managementsystems. We have had a course on this topic in our undergraduate program and Iwould like to explore it greater detail. Another subject that I would like tostudy further is that of Distributed Operating systems, a topic which we studiedbriefly under the course on Operating systems. Networking is the third field Iconsider interesting enough to study in greater depth. We have not yet had acourse on this subject but I have a fair amount of knowledge through independentreading.

  I have tried, throughout my undergraduate career, not to restrict myactivities to those imposed by the syllabus. I have been a member of theorganizing team of my college’s annual intercollegiate technical festival. Ihave participated in an Internet Workshop conducted by Indian Institute ofTechnology, Mumbai, whose aim was to explain the underlying concepts used in theNet such as routing, domain naming, protocols & also to give an overview ofInternet related languages such as HTML, VRML, JavaScript and Java. I have alsoattended a seminar on E-commerce organized by Verifone India Ltd, an Indiansubsidiary of Hewlett-Packard. These seminars have given me " extra" informationwhich was not possible through the undergraduate program.

  In addition, I have participated in Software Developing Competition where Ihad developed ‘Graphical Sorting Tutor’ in C along with my co-developers. Thisproject sought to demonstrate and explain the various sorting techniquesgraphically. I am also developing an Intranet e-mail Client and Server in Javaas my final year project. This will be developed using SMTP & POP3 protocolswith minimal MIME conformance. These projects have exposed me to the industrystandards in software development along with the invaluable experience I gainedfrom them.

  The fact that more than five of the faculty of your department are workingon subjects that I would like to pursue further, especially information systems,parallel computing, and distributed systems, and that your department isnationally ranked has in large part determined my decision to apply to youruniversity. I also believe that I possess the capacity for hard work & themotivation required to perform well in an undergraduate program as competitiveas yours. Since my economic resources permit me to partially fund myself for theduration of graduate course, I request you to consider me for any form offinancial aid such as teaching and research assistantships.

  In conclusion, it is my belief that a higher degree in CS from an esteemeduniversity like yours will prepare me for the challenges of the rapidly evolvingcomputer industry.

  Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 6

Dear x,

  Fashion is creative, seductive, and constantly changing. It is an artform, and to others it is a religion. For me, I use fashion to express myselfand show my personality, but it also makes me look charming. I like the style ofthe 1920s the most, because women in that era were more free to wear the clothesthey want. This freedom is expressed through simple and elegant designs thatmatch well with jewelry and represent that style and elegance time.

  I am currently studying fashion marketing at the University of the Arts inLondon. Due to the integration of different cultures, studying in London isgreat, not to mention all the large art galleries in central London. The rhythmin London is very fast, I like it, and the atmosphere is full of energy. I wantto learn fashion marketing because I want to learn more about fashion business.I was influenced by designers such as Alexander McQueen, because of hisavant-garde style and Ralph Lauren, because I used to work for the company, butI like his style because of the complexity of some of his designs and theappearance of college style, Polo shirts and Oxford shirts match ridingboots.

  Since starting the course with business thinking, I have found that Iparticularly like marketing. I know that to excel in this subject, I will reallyget where I want to go. I want to have my own agency in the future, and may beengaged in sourcing in the long run, because I like to understand the fashiontrend forecast and the influence of street style on the runway.

  I have the honor to work for Polo Ralph Lauren for nearly 3 years. Ilearned a lot about the high-end fashion retail business. I am engaged in sales,cashing, training new employees and visual marketing. This year I also worked asa summer temporary worker at Ozwald Boateng, where I learned more about highfashion collections because they made tailor-made high fashion. There I learnedto change clothes, which I believe is very useful for me.

  By working in the retail industry, I gained confidence, which is veryimportant in our daily life. Organizational skills. I am also a good teamplayer, because you always need to work as a team in sales, and I am also a Teamleader, I also have people who need courage and commitment to manage, I payattention to the smallest details, because everything I do must be perfect,because I thrive in my work.

  I am also passionate about design; I have already made some clothes designsof my own and plan to do more. I find that design is a great skill because youcan be creative and use your imagination to create such extraordinary things. Ihope to have the opportunity to work in a fashion company as an internalassistant designer, but as a second career prospect.

  I also got a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in IT and Level 2 Diploma in DigitalApplications, which is very helpful, because in the fashion industry, you musthave computer knowledge and an excellent skill. In my spare time, I like to readbooks that challenge me as much as I can. I like cooking and entertaining myfriends, because social life is also very important to me. I have a goodpersonality, I am an easy-going person, and I am also very approachable. I go tothe gym twice a week to stay healthy.

  I am a very self-motivated person, and he strives to be the best person inevery subject area. So far, I have got the highest scores for all my work andgot some positive feedback from my peers and mentors. I have conducted extensiveresearch to obtain good grades, and I have the motivation and enthusiasm topursue a graduate degree.

Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 7

Dear x,

  As a 28-year-old female, there has been nothing sensational about my pasteducation and career experience. I do not feel any regret because I have alwaysbeen making worthy efforts to achieve personal development and to enrich my lifein my own way. Helen Keller serves as a paragon that I will emulate in my entirelifetime. The beautiful things that she brought to the world with her lovingheart and her strength convince me that the power of the spiritual motivation isinfinite. An individual lives a meaningful live only to the extent of benefitingthe welfare of others. Both my education and my five-year work experience haveunmistakably made me believe that economics is a science whose ultimate functionis the improvement of human welfare. The motivation behind my currentapplication for a Master’s program in economics is to pursue a more fruitfulcareer development in the future so that the process of my self-actualizationwill also be a process of making contributions to others.

  My education background makes me an appropriate candidate for your program.My education consists of two stages. From 1993 to 1995 I received a juniorcollege education from the Business School of x University, majoring inmarketing. Then I proceeded onto an undergraduate program in the Department ofBusiness Administration of x University, waived of entrance examination becauseof my distinguished academic performance at the junior college (ranking topsecond among 31 students in the class). During my undergraduate program, Icontinue to maintain a satisfactory academic performance, ranking top ten amonga total of 51 students. Completing my undergraduate program in 1998, I obtaineda Bachelor’s degree in economics.

  Through my undergraduate program, I gained an increasingly deepunderstanding of the importance of economics. As far as I am concerned,economics is by no means an abstract discipline. It is closely connected withreality and is designed to explore and explain diverse economic phenomena andeconomic laws. For the foreseeable future, the conflict between the scarcity ofnatural resources and the infinitude of human demand will continue to persist,posing a long-lasting threat to the social development of all nations. Thenecessity to seek a solution to this conflict gave birth to Economics, whichpromises to maximize material wealth through an optimum allocation of resources.Because of my diligent efforts at coursework and my strong interest ineconomics, I managed to achieve a top-10 ranking in my class,winning the honorof Outstanding Student and a second-class scholarship. I familiarized myselfwith most classic works on economics and management, including Principles ofManagement by Harold Koontz, Economics by Samuelson, Competition Strategy byPorter and Wealth of Nations by Adam Smiths, etc. From the very beginning of myeconomics study, I have tried to expose myself to western perspectives.

  Starting from the premise that economics will be lifeless unless it isapplied to the problems in the real world, I paid special attention in myundergraduate program to the combination of theory and practice as a way oflearning and applying my knowledge of economics. I once spent a whole summervacation on conducting a survey of the fast food business in x City. I sampled15 fast food restaurants, carried out interviews with restaurant owners and thecustomers. I applied quantitative analysis to my statistics and proposedconcrete measures for developing the city’s fast food industry through improvingmanagement, business environment, food variety and service quality.

  My research ability was improved through writing my thesis –The Protectionand the Development of China’s National Industry in the Age of Reform andOpening Up. The thesis focuses on China’s joining of WTO and its possiblenegative impact on the growth of national industry. My conclusion is that acareful balance must be struck between the protection of national industry andthe introduction of foreign capital. The thesis was rated “Excellent” for itscomprehensive theoretical formulation, detailed statistics and creativeperspectives.

Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 8

Dear xx,

  When I was doing internship at the renownedxx Cosmetics Co. Ltd,I wasdeeply impressed by the motto fromxx,the founder of the company-"Believe inMiracle and Miracle will Indeed Happen." At one point during my undergraduateeducation I was very frustrated because I found that,due to the lack ofeffective methodology of numerical analysis,the teaching and the research ofeconomics in China lags far behind the international standard as represented bythe developed countries of the West. As a result,even though I am one of thetop students from thexx University of Finance and Economics,I find it difficultfor me to really enter the true realm of economics study. Instead of dealing aheavy blow on me,this discovery motivated me to maximize my efforts in thestudy of mathematics and to apply for an advanced degree program in statisticsat your well-respected university after having completed my undergraduateprogram. It is my conviction that,as long as I have sufficient confidencemyself and make sufficient efforts,I am bound to accomplish some form ofachievements in the field of statistics and make due contributions to thedevelopment of quantitative research in economics in the Chinese academia.Miracle will indeed happen.

  I specialized in accounting at the Accounting College ofxx University ofFinance and Economics. An undergraduate education in the specialty of accountingcovers knowledge in a wide range of fields-economics,management science,mathematics,statistics,and even sociology. While providing me with a solidacademic foundation,this education has enabled me to ferret out the areas thatcan really capture my interest. I have cherished a strong interest inmathematics since the primary school and developed my talents all the waythrough my middle and high school. But it is only through my undergraduate studythat I have come to realize the vital importance of mathematical approaches tothe study of economics. This very realization has further reinforced mydetermination to choose the career of an applied statistician in the future.Toward such an objective,I have devoted special efforts to the study ofmathematics and statistics. Apart from intensive work in such compulsory coursesas Calculus,Linear Algebra,Theory of Probability,Statistics,and MathematicalStatistics,I have also attended a series of important optional coursesincluding Operational Research,Game Theory of Economics,Sampling Investigationand made full use of my spare time to learn the knowledge of statistics as muchas possible.

  My undergraduate education should be described as very rewarding andfruitful. For the past three consecutive years,I have maintained top ranking inmy class and for two consecutive years I was given the "Outstanding Student"Award,winning Level-A scholarships. I have demonstrated special aptitudes inmathematics and in English. My natural talents in mathematics and my dedicatedefforts to mathematics coursework have led my GPA in all the mathematics coursesto reach 3.9,far exceeding the level of average students. In terms of Englishlanguage,I have also been well above average. In the first semester in 1999 Iwon the first prize at the "Freshmen Cup" English Listen Comprehension Contestand in 2001 I won the first prize in the English Contest for College Students inChina,the third prize at the Oral English Contest inxx Province. Even though Ihave assumed various responsibilities for extracurricular activities of severalstudent organizations,I have still managed to perform well academically,a factthat should be attributed to my extra diligence,productive study methods,andeffective allocation of my time and energy. From the very outset of myundergraduate career,I made up my mind to fully exploit all the availableresources of my university to achieve comprehensive self-development and what Ihave achieved adequately testifies to the rewarding undergraduate life I havebeen living.

  As a science that tries to discover inherent quantitative relationshipsamong different data and make rational statistical inferences by applyingrelevant theories and methodologies,statistics has been widely applied in themodern society,its impact penetrating into almost all fields of physical andsocial sciences. With Chinas reform toward the market economy and its accessioninto the WTO,statistics is becoming increasingly important in Chinas economiclife. The fact that the subject I am interested in will enjoy a broad prospectof application in China makes me very excited and confident concerning my futurestudy and career. In my proposed program,I will first try to consolidate myfoundation in statistics and then narrow down my interests to focus on TimeSeries Analysis and Statistic Inference.

  I believe that to make rational inferences is one of the major functions ofstatistics. In many cases,pure statistical models or time series models canmake more precise inferences and predictions than theoretical models ofeconomics. The dilemma faced by modern economics in making predictions is one ofthe important reasons for me to choose statistics over economics as the area ofmy concentration. As an important aspect of statistical study and research,Iwill try to master one or two advanced statistical software such as Gauss andTSP. In addition,if possible,I wish to be a member of the research group of myfuture advisor under whose direction I can work on a full-length researchproject. It is equally desirable for me to do extensive internship at a specificgovernment organization or a local enterprise so that I can apply my knowledgeof statistics and test its efficacy.

  Apart from the sound undergraduate education that I have received,togetherwith my special achievements in mathematics and English,my creativity,perseverance,and my good logical thinking are three major factors of myimplicit confidence in my future performance,just as they have contributed tomy distinguished performance in the past over most of my peers. Meanwhile,I amalso very proud of my past extracurricular performance,which has considerablyimproved my practical abilities beyond the mere coursework,like teamwork,organization and interpersonal communication. I served as student leader in theStudents Union,editor of the university student newspaper,member of AccountingStudy Group and Youth Volunteer Association. In 2003,I worked part-time asbeauty consultant at the renowned Americanxx Cosmetics Company. An importantexperience directly related to my specialty is the internship I did in 2003 atthe Statistical Bureau ofxx City during which I worked on a city-wide populationsampling investigation,collecting and analyzing data and accumulating muchpractical statistical experience.

  I prioritize onxx University as the school for my Masters program instatistics because a careful study of your esteemed university shows me that itis a world famous university with a long academic tradition. In terms of theteaching and research of statistics,it plays a leading role not only inAmerican but also in international academia. Naturally it becomes my idealchoice. As a student of accounting I have built up a sufficient foundation instatistics and mathematics requisite for a graduate program in statistics.Therefore,I sincerely wish that my application could be seriouslyconsidered.

  Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 9

Dear x,

  Since I was very young I have always been interested in accounting andfinance and how they operate. In China, my favourite TV programme is the financeprogramme and I enjoy international finance. I frequently worked in my motherscompany to help the staff in the accounts department. All of these have given mean understanding of accounting and finance.

  My passion for the subject expanded when I chose accounting as part of myA-level programme. Although this subject is somewhat demanding, I find itextremely interesting. I believe this is the right choice for me. I am confidentthat a course in accounting and finance satisfies my interest. I am lookingforward to learning more of accounting in my A-level course.

  In my spare time I enjoy playing basketball. I play once or twice a weekwith my friends. I also like to listen to music. I think that playing basketballcan help me to increase the team spirit and music can help me relax. Also whileI was working as a cleaner in Downing College at Cambridge University, I believethat I gained invaluable experience in dealing with the boss and trying todeliver colleague satisfaction, whilst learning to work effectively andefficiently in a well-structured team. Hopefully I will be able to get this kindof opportunity to work whilst at university. I enjoy my spare time and try touse it effectively.

  I consider myself to be a hard working outgoing individual. I still havesome shortcomings. For example, I am a little bit disorganised sometimes. But Ihave known this and I am trying to correct it. I have made a timetable toorganise my daily life. I am looking forward to the challenge of universitylife, both socially and mentally. I strongly believe that my years at universitywill be enjoyable and those that I will remember for the rest of my life. Mostof all I am hoping that my chosen subject will give me a strong foundation for asuccessful career.

  Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 10

Dear x,

  Pursuing a masters degree is a responsibility I owe to myself as well as acommitment I have to others. I refer to it as a responsibility because I have aproactive outlook on life, which makes me actively seek and go after the thingsthat I want to accomplish in life. I refer to it as a commitment because I wantto be an example to others of the attainments and contribution to society thatwomen can make.

  My first introduction to human resource management came as a result of anencounter with Victor Banjo, General Manager Human Resources Oceanic Bank Plc.It was as a result of this encounter that I was able to get detailedunderstanding of the roles played by human resource in tackling human issues andconsequently in organizational success.

  In light of this, I have decided to take up the masters program in HumanResource Management because I am interested in the role it plays in achievingorganizations goals and objectives, key among them being hiring and training thebest employees, and dealing with performance issues.

  I am a graduate of Mass Communications from Bowen University. My MassCommunications degree has provided me with a strong foundation as well asfortified me with good communications skills, personal communications as well asorganizational communications skills, bearing in mind that the importance ofproper communication in the business environment cannot be over-emphasized. Inthe same vein, professionals of communication recognize the importance of goodbusiness practices.

  My career goal is to work in a leading firm that places priority onprofessionalism and lead such organization towards attainment of set goals bymaking use of knowledge garnered as well as experience. Ten years from now I seemyself as a human resource consultant, providing professional advice so thatothers can make the best decisions. I believe a masters degree in Human ResourceManagement is all I need to make this dream come true. It fits the profile ofthis goal.

  Perhaps some of my greatest attributes is that I am smart, hardworking, andinquisitive. I am always willing to learn and I appreciate every opportunity tolearn new things or old ones differently. I am sensitive and genuinelyinterested in others, which makes me confident that HRM is the path I want totread. Human resources are vital to any organization: without people theorganization would not function.

  I chose this university because of its great reputation, its renownedacademic excellence, and good industry links as well as flexible postgraduateschemes. I look forward to being a part of a renowned institution as yourinstitution. I firmly believe that the right education in the right school willopen doors of advancement in my chosen field of study.

  Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 11

Dear x,

  The desire to know more about the nature has motivated me to step into thebroad world of science. I have cultivated my great interest in physics,chemistry, biology and a lot of related fields since I was very young. I wasarmed with strong foundation in physics due to my three years’ time in TianjinNankai High School, (one of the most famous high schools in China).

  In the September of 2000, I entered University of Science and Technology ofChina and became a member of physics department since then. New environmentalways brings unexpected difficulties, and great effort has given by me to getadapt to the new life. During the period of hard trying, both my knowledge andmy maturity have remarkably grown and I finally got rank above 12 % of 140, withoverall GPA 3.5/4.0, and major GPA 3.8/4.0. My hard working finally earned methe Outstanding Student Scholarship in 2003.

  Besides enhancement of knowledge in physics, I have also accumulated agreat deal of knowledge in chemistry and material science. I have got 95/100 in“The Structure and Properties in Solid and Solid State Chemistry” and 87/100 in“Solid State Optics and Spectroscopy”, among the top scores in class. Moreover,I have made effort to improve my ability in mathematics and computer sciencecautiously.

  My two years’ research in Structure Research Laboratory of USTC has broughtme to a more extensive and practical field of physics. Served as anundergraduate research assistant in Professor Xianhui Chen’s group, I havedevoted most of my time to the research and my knowledge in condensed matterphysics and its related fields have greatly increased. I have obtained all thebasic experimental skills in a very short time and in order to keep with thepace of the latest achievement in my research field, I have spent a large amountof time in reading related journals, such as Appl. Phys. Lett., J. Appl. Phys.,Phys. Rev. B, Phys. Rev. Lett., J. Solid State Chem. and so on.

  At the beginning of 2003, I began my systematical work in exploring thegrowing method and transport property investigations in hole-doped singlecrystal BSLCO (Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO4+y) series and electron-doped NCCO(Nd2-xCexCuO4-y) series. My work was focused on the single crystal preparationand physical property measurement, especially the transport property andmagnetic properties. After so many times of attempt in the melting range anddescending speed, I successfully grew a great deal of single crystals with highquality. Moreover, I have spent so many days and nights together with mycolleagues in lab measuring the resistance of the single crystals under zerofield and high field. Due to the high quality of the crystals and our hard work,we finally obtained plenty of meaningful data and by analyzing the normal stateproperty, I have submitted a paper titled “Field-induced log (1/T) divergingresistivity deviation from normal state in superconducting cuprates” to Phys.Rev. Lett. in 2003 as the third author. However, my work was not stopped andwith further investigation in the 2D weak localization system, I have submittedanother paper to Europhys. Lett. in October 2003 as a co-author.

  Besides, through the work, I obtained almost all the skills of manipulationof the corresponding instruments from physical preparation to characterization,such as M.Braum Glove-Box system (Germany), MORRIS High Pressure system(Berkeley), Rietveld and Lebail Refinement of crystal structure from XRDpattern, 17 T Ultra-High Magnetic Field system (Oxford Science), AC AssistanceBridge (Liner Research Inc.) sputtering and so on. What’s more, I can skillfullyuse software, (GSAS, FullProf, CELL PCPDFWIN and etc), to analyze the structureof the material through X-ray diffraction data.

  Beyond the achievement in research, the happiness I gained from thecooperation with others and the approach of the physics science was greater.Times of failure make me believe that the persistence is the only thing to makepeople gain their goals and the research work needs active and creativethinking. I often have discussion with other members in my group not only on thecurrent encountered problem but also on the some new ideas for research. Duringthe weekly group meeting, we often exchanged our views on our current researchproject and I have learned a lot through this communication.

  Meanwhile, I never give up searching for more extensive and challengingfield. Actually, some of my present work is from my own idea. Known the misfitlayer of CoO2, I have grown some single crystals of highly efficientthermoelectric materials, such as Bi2Sr2Co2O, Bi2Sr2CoO6+y, Ca3Co4O9....... Inorder to find the relationship between the misfit structure of CoO2 layer andthe high thermoelectricity, magneto-resistance and magneto-power, I haveinvestigated the low-temperature transport, thermal and magnetic properties. Byreading a number of related papers, I plan to take further investigation ofthese materials through their thermoelectric potential and other relatedmeasurements.

  With great interest in nano science, I have paid extra attention to thetechnique in synthesizing the nanowires and nanoparticles. Both from thecorresponding books in this field and experience of the PhD students in mygroup, I grasped a number of methods, such as micro-emulsion, hydrothermalmethod, sol-gel and other soft chemical ways to synthesize the nano scalematerials. Under the available condition, I am synthesizing the nano scalesuperconducting material YBCO and nanowires of magnetic materials, such asLa0.5Ba0.5MnO3.

  More and more do I realize the importance of collaboration, during myexploring of the novel polycrystalline Co1212 and Fe1212. The samples werereported by some group to be superconducting only if it is annealed under theextreme pressure. I have measured the transport property of the crystals andobserved some abnormal phase transition of superconductivity. However, becauseof the limitation of experimental condition, our samples cannot becomesuperconducting. In order to solve the problem, we cooperated with Institute ofPhysics of China Academic Science to obtain the extreme pressure. Two papers ofmy work on Co1212 have been submitted to the international journals late thisyear, and I was the second author. In this case, I realized the cooperationwithin and without a group is equally important, and sometimes accomplishment isgained under several groups of people. We also have done some work in YBCO thinfilm transport property, collaborated with professor C. L. Chen ofSuperconducting Center Texas, U.S.A.

  In addition, I have also attended some of other sub-group’s researchproject, such as using sol-gel method to grow Ru1212, NaCoO2 transport propertyinvestigation and colossal magneto resistance materials preparation. What’smore, I have also attended the 7th National Superconductivity Conference andNational Annual Conference of Physics in 2003. My ken was greatly enlarged byhearing the report of the attendance and my confidence in my research wasincreased at the same time.

  Research interest and future plan

  Material of science and engineering is concerned with the study ofstructure, properties and applications of materials. During my two years’research in Structure Research Laboratory, I have accumulated plenty ofknowledge in the related area of material science, and meanwhile my ability indoing research is greatly proved. In the past work, I have done quite a lot insynthesis as well as characterization, and I have also deal with differentclasses of materials, such as electronic, magnetic, superconducting and so on. Ibelieve, aimed with strong foundation of physics, the appropriate area for me totake research work will be more extensive.

  The area of interest is just as following:

  1. I have read a lot of corresponding papers in magnetic recordingresearch, and I have great interest in this kind of materials. I believeresearch in this area is important both for basic studies of the effects ofdimensionality and interactions, and for the future of magnetic recording.Hence, I wish to do some work in synthesis and processing of this kind ofmaterials.

  2. Because nano materials, such as carbon nanotubes, nano particles,quantum dots, nano-porous structures, and nano-electronics device materials, arethe essential part of the current and future nano-based technologies. I hopevery much to continue my future research work in this area.

  3. Moreover, I am also interested in the structural material, such asadvanced engineering materials, which characters may be changed responding tothe different mechanic condition. So I think I also hope to do the relatedresearch in analysis of materials property.

  My future plan is to pursue my PhD degree in material science andengineering. In fact, though the technology is developing at a tremendous speed,there is still a lot of progress remaining to be made. For instance, nanoscaledevices, either assembled lithographically or chemically, will have a highprobability of failure. Therefore, any architecture built from large numbers ofnano scale devices will necessarily contain a large number of defects, whichfluctuate on time scales comparable to the computation cycle. Furthermore,deeper insight should be given into the constraints imposed by nano-devices,especially carbon nanotube-based devices, by modeling the devices andcorresponding architectures. Such a framework can contribute towards buildingmore powerful nano-probes, nano-computer and efficient power fuel-cells.

  Why I Choose UCSD

  UCSD is world famous for its outstanding faculty and reputation. Though theeconomic condition in California is not so satisfying at the moment, I believeit will not impede the future development of UCSD.

  The Materials Science and Engineering Program at UCSD aims to providefundamental knowledge for understanding of materials with the objective ofpredicting, modifying, and tailoring the properties of materials to yield, atthe technology level, enhanced material performance. Also, I was greatlyimpressed by the great collaboration of different departments, which makes theMaterials Science department more competitive and attractive. With so manyoutstanding professors and so broad research areas, I was convinced that theMaterial Science and Engineering Department is always the best choice for me topursue my PhD degree.

Yours sincerely,


  國外研究生留學(xué)申請書 12

Dear x,

  There are a great deal of media and communication courses available, but adegree in public relations is something I could thrive on. I believe myestablished communication skills and enthusiasm for dealing with other peoplewould provide a solid foundation for which to further develop those skillsincorporated into this course. I relish the idea of a career working with thepublic, based on critical thinking and strategic planning, thus justifying myapplication for this course. My interest in current affairs has stemmed from theA Level politics course I am studying, which engrossed my from day one. Criticalanalysis and presentation of information plays an integral part of this subject,and consequently these skills I have gained from this would prove to be avaluable stepping stone into public relations.

  My interest in media and communications was fueled by a previous passion tostudy journalism. Work experience in a local newspaper office and at a Germanregional newspaper office provoked a desire to learn more about where ourinformation was coming from and who wrote the press releases that we based ourfront page articles on. Consequently, I carried out additional work experiencein a PR consultancy, whilst on a German exchange, and I am currently waitingfrom several consultancies in my area that I recently applied to.

  Since year 10, I have been an active member of my schools web team and havehad various articles published relating to subject departments and school tripsI have been on, such as the history-based trip to Eastern Europe. My spare timeinvolves reading books from contemporary authors (John Simpson, Michael Mooreetc) as well as more classic books, such as Catcher in the Rye, To Kill aMockingbird and Animal Farm. I enjoy many aspects of music. I have recentlystarted to teach myself to play the flute and I regularly attend various musicconcerts.

  At the weekend, I work for HMV (who I have enquired to about a summerplacement at their in-house PR office), which I thoroughly enjoy due to thecreative environment and strong emphasis on customer service. I have had parttime jobs for the last three years, thus allowing me to not only manage my timeefficiently, but to develop various skills in communication with the public andmy ability to work in a team.

  Evidently, my studies and interests to skills like teamwork, communicationand multi-tasking that I would develop in a public relations degree, hopefullygiving merit to my application for this course.

Yours sincerely,










