隨后,俄亥俄州立大學常務副校長兼教務長Joseph E. Steinmetz發(fā)表公開信,稱該報告的數(shù)據(jù)不準確,并公布2013-2014和2014-2015學年該校中國留學生被開除的具體數(shù)字。
Joseph E. Steinmetz, PhD, Executive Vice President and Provost, The Ohio State University.
The Ohio State University actively supports and is committed to our 3,800 Chinese students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs – and nearly 6,200 international students from over 100 countries.
In response to the recently released WholeRen study, The Ohio State University takes exception to its findings. For clarification, during the 2014-2015 academic year, 1.1 percent of Chinese students enrolled in our undergraduate or graduate programs were dismissed for academic or non-academic performance in comparison to approximately 1.7 percent of their domestic student counterparts during the same timeframe.
The Ohio State University's Student Life Student Conduct Office and the Office of Academic Affairs Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) are responsible for the administration of the Code of Student Conduct. The processes that are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct allow for a thorough and expedient review of the unique merits, circumstances and factors of each allegation of misconduct, both academic and non-academic in nature. Formal sanctions that may result after a Student Conduct or Committee on Academic Misconduct process may include a formal reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension or, in severe cases, dismissal from the university. For cases involving academic misconduct (e.g. plagiarism, cheating, unauthorized collaboration), the Committee on Academic Misconduct may issue a sanction that impacts a student’s academic standing within a course (e.g. grade reduction, failing grade on an assignment, test, or the entire course). Educational sanctions are typically and regularly used in addition to formal sanctions that result from cases of academic and non-academic misconduct.
If a student is permanently dismissed, university resources are no longer available. Periods of suspension may involve one or more semesters and conditions for re-enrollment may be required. It is important to note that not all students who go through a Student Conduct or Committee on Academic Misconduct process are found in violation, but all cases are investigated and resolved.
The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits us from sharing specific details about disciplinary actions resulting from instances of student misconduct.
年紀跟留學君差不多大的80后讀者或許還記得一部名為《聞香識女人》(Scent of a Woman) 的電影,這部片子給留學君最深的印象除了艾爾帕西諾的強大演技以外,就是美國學校會為了一場惡作劇召開類似于法庭的聽證會。校長雖然對做惡作劇的三人組心知肚明,但仍需要證人的證詞來對其三人進行指控,而主人公卻因為不想出賣同學而面臨被開除的境況。
在中國,可能只是被叫到教導處被批評的小事,到了美國很可能被開除。所以去美國前,中國學生一定要了解美國大學的榮譽制度(Honor Code)
美國大學新生報到的第一件事是做入校培訓(Orientation),而其中最為重要的一項就是宣講學生榮譽守則(Honor Code)。榮譽制度是美國大學生對學校的一種承諾制度,也是一種獨特的學生自我約束和自我管理的制度。其實質是信任學生的道德意識和責任感,讓學生在考試、課外作業(yè)、校園生活等方面進行自我管理。