ںܶԣиԇкܶm(yng)е÷^͵ľиZԇԭ(sh)иSpeak ing Sec tion@˸ߵҪˣҪ߿ZɿͱҪ
и֮ǰиԇһ헪иZԇTSE(Test of Spoken English)ԓZyԇԇ(w)ĞĸZӢZҵČWṩӢZZˮƽԇǴՈRA (Research As sis tant)TA(Teaching Assistant)Ŀ횅ӵһ헿ԇӋ605055DZ^fՈɿiBT Speak ingcTSEһijнP(gun)ϵF(xin) f@NC|(zh)ĿZʽ
iBT SpeakingcTSEܴIJiBT Speaking6}Ŀ12骚ش}34Ҫxһ֣Ȼ һcxڃ(ni)P(gun) ҪشP(gun)}քe龰}͌Wg(sh)}56 ϞA(ch)ҪشP(gun)}
ƿؕrgď@ֳɿĸߵֱӰǰɵ}Ĝʂrg15شrg45;34}Ĝʂrg30شrgt60;ɵ}ĿĜʂrg20شrg60ֿӳZֵĜʂrgЧʵ}12е}ĿճԒ}@ɵ}yȱ^СeҪעľǕrgķ䆖}@45һ56top ic sentence, 40둪(yng)ÿһdetailexample^34ԒҎ(gu)ԓԒ}Ҳf20һdetailexampleıڿǰMгֵĜʂ䣬呟ԼĿZ˼Se۳õde tailsexamplesԇr͕Sࡣ
Ҫ6}Ŀu֘˜ʺ}ĿҪоwJR(j)ԼĻA(ch)ڿǰᘌiBT Speak ing6NӖ
P(gun)u֘˜ʣOG (Official Guideٷָ) ϶ԔfETS3cԼu֜ʄt
1. Delivery: How clear your speech is. Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns.
2. Language Use: How effectively you use gram mar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be looking to see how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.
3. Topic Development: How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.