

l(f)rg:2017-06-22 ݋:


1. Your university cafeteria is planning to provide another type of food to attract more students. Which kind of food would you like to suggest the university cafeteria should add? Explains the reasons with examples and details

2. Which would you prefer, used books or new books?

3. W(xu)УҪstart a new mentoring program, let fourth grade students to mentor first year studentsЃɂ̎: to help 1st year studentsĵ֪ı^help 1st year student adapt to college life more quickly߀оhelp 1st year students to know some senior students to expand social connectionwomanͬ@plan, fһʲô֪fschedule change߀buildings’ locationЂܸV@ЩinformationԒЎһǣһĕrJ(rn)R˶ǴһĻסһܾޣJ(rn)R಻ͬ꼉˵Ԓ

4. һF(xin)outcome dependencyfһXһõԒfǂ˵ijɹЎԒб^õӡpeople will have a better impression on someone who helps them to achieve their goal. If people know that a person is part of your team, then people favor this person. eһfuoffice equipmentĹ˾sales groupsĪbonussalesкܴP(gun)ϵTwo groups were showed the same videoP(gun)һsales personwork experience, һM˾ֱӿԺ(sh)(yn)ˆʲô?ʲôҲ]ǂ˛]ӡڶM˿Ժ^focus on personalitydescribe the character as a likable personX@˺qualified, will be an excellent sales person.

5. ŮҪpaper——do the assignment for business classLһmagazineĄ(chung)ʼˡˌW(xu)(x)P(gun)how to start up business, but the businessman called to cancel the interview because he has to attend a last-minute conference and will not be able to be back(out of town) until next week. Q1‚ڲLǂŮless time to write paper2Leinterview another person from the list given by the professorareaһӣŮǂmagazineܸdȤ

6. Two advantages of crop rotation. One is to restore the nutrients in soil. Wheat uses up nitrogen, but planting bean will restore nitrogen. The other is to decrease insects. Some insects eat wheat, so planting beans reduces this kind of insects.
