ժҪиl~Rıb܉ЧҌиµ̶ȣߴ}ٶи}ʴ_ԣиl~Rķeۺ\ǴұҪҕģîI(y)иԇW(wng)ҽB“и ly~60”ϣ
1 acrophobia ָ߰Y Acro-;phobia-֑
2 affiliate ֧;֕;ӹ˾
3 aperitif ǰ Aperient aˎ
4 appetizer _θ
5 ASAP =as soon as possible ԽԽ
6 baggage claim I̎
7 banner Z; ֹ(ban)NZ
8 bill of lading ؛
9 billiards _ײ BillionMilliard“ʮ|”˼
10 boarding pass ǙC
11 bond ȯ
12 brainstorm Xʎ˼V
13 brochure С Broke+“”ӼƾͿԷС
14 buckle up ϵȫ
15 buffet
16 burglar `\;ҹgи`С͵ Burgle-“”I\hM
17 buyout/buy out IMȫaə;ُȫ
18 checkout Y˷ĕrg check out k˷;Yx_
19 chef N;N עxc“W”F(xin)BNҪWv
20 choreography 赸OӋ; Chore ҄ܽؽ^ɼ҄ջ赸
21 circular V;;ͨ ε̎l(f)̫Mԓѭh(hun)(circulate)
22 commitment Z;SZ
23 concierge T;T “K”ȥˎƱTĔr
24 consignee ռ;
25 contagious |Ⱦ
26 contractor s;а
27 convertible ܇ɸ׃
28 conveyance \ݔ;ͨ Convey \_
29 cost-effective ϳɱЧ
30 courier fͼŲ;]f˾ Carrier ]fT
31 crash landing Ƚ
32 crave “”Lúܿ
33 cross-reference ǰ;(ʹ)ǰ
34 cruise ˴[
35 cuisine {
36 curriculum vitae Ěv Vita v?Ļ
38 cutting edge ;J;hλ ˵
39 default `s;
40 delicacy ;
41 depreciation r;Hֵ
42 dissuade Dissuade sb. from = Persuade sb. not to do
43 down payment ^ڿ;A;
44 embezzle I;Ų;ռ() “Ӳ”
45 endorse ٝͬ;֧;;(c)
46 entice T;T
47 entree ˣS Entrance
48 etiquette Y(ji);Ҏ(gu)
49 excruciating Oʹ;Oȵ Ex + crucia+ting Exposed to ߀Ҫ“ͦ”
50 fancy OӋ;ؼ;ε;F
51 farfetched ;ŵ;Ȼ Far to fetch
52 ferry ݆
53 floppy(disk) ܛP Loppy o´
54 forfeit P;ʧ
55 forward ͵D̖
56 franchise (jng)N;˙ ꠵Francis̖ͽؙ
57 ground crew ˆT
58 haggle ӑr߀r e“ڹ”һӠr
59 hands-on ز;Hw
60 hilarious g; Ŀǰϣ(Hillary)֧ʱȌָ߳20ٷcֵȥg
и н(jng)F(xin)ĸl~RҲǴұ^yԹ˵иy~Ҫӛסƴ쾚\ã@Щи ly~