ZľĴǣThe difference is very obvious, so the modern people who have high technology would easier to be successful.who have high technology
ԶZľĴThe standard is very wide and abstract, which are against the standard of the students’ score’s narrowness and rigidity.which are against the standard of the students’ score’s narrowness and rigidity.
eZľĴǣWe have to admit that grandparents would not be able to give suggestions when we are in trouble with these new technologies or when we are in problems with specific characteristics of this generation.֮еthat grandparents would not be able to give suggestions when we are in trouble with these new technologies or when we are in problems with specific characteristics of this generation.
ͬλZThomas Jeffersonthe third president of the United Statesmay be less fa- mous than George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.the third president of the United States(Ԓȡľv)
eY(ji)(gu)Ĵǣ Also, in political negotiations, possessing of a solid oral expression would give the government more lead in negotiation and prevent possible misunderstandings when discussing specific details.@in political negotiations
нY(ji)(gu)ҪĴǣInternet, smart phones and computers are filled in every corner of our daily lives.Internet, smart phones and computers@ȻнY(ji)(gu)˸XՓCܳŷ
̶ĴǣFor instance, the computer plays an important role in our life in terms of efficiency.plays an important role
صı_(d)ĴtGiven the past, I had to go to the library and bury me a couple of days looking for the information on nuclear energy without the assistance of computers.Given the past
ǰ@ǵһ֣^f(sh)Ԓ@߀ǺW(xu)һЩ䌍(sh)Ҫ׃҂w˼Sʽɴˁ׃҂Čf_(d)ʽ䌍(sh)@һc(din)yȺܸߵf@ԒThe extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected, as well as from the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing the process.
䌍(sh)҂һ¾͕l(f)F(xin)҂Լܶr(sh)@ô҂ĺпThe desertification is extremely seriousness. Because the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people was affected, as well as reversing or even slowing the process is very difficulty.@䌍(sh)yȺܸߵҲ?yn)@(g)IJQһ(g)?jn)?sh)ϵIJe