

l(f)rg:2017-11-11 ݋:ٱ

иZԇУCϿZЕ漰 (ni)ݺx(ni)ֻ@2ֵc(ni)ݲܸõĴ}nj@2ֵc(ni)ݑԓΰ?СռP(gun)иCϿZTask4߷ַuPKͷַĵP(gun)uϣ


❶ Subliminal Perception 00:45 seconds

❷ Humans are constantly perceiving visual and auditory stimuli. Sometimes our perception of these stimuli occurs consciously ,we are aware of a stimulus and know that we are perceiving it. But our perception of a stimulus can also occur without our awareness: an image might appear and disappear before our eyes too quickly for us to notice that we saw it, or a sound might be too faint for us to realize that we heard it. ❸ This phenomenon – the perception of a stimulus just below the threshold of conscious awareness – is called subliminal perception. ❹ Experiments have shown that subliminally perceived stimuli can influence people’s thoughts and attitudes.



task 4xҪP(gun)ijһƌWg(sh)ZĽጺf_ʼxĵһ犾͑ԓѸڼϼox}Ŀ——ƌWg(sh)Z


Ҋıʾxʾ~ refer to, known as, is, is called, etc.



Task 4еĶx䲻һF(xin)ڶҲdzܳF(xin)ڶβ߶



Subliminal Perception



❸؏ͳF(xin)˘}subliminal perceptionзdz@ʾ~is calledY(ji)σ(ni)֪XǴ̼֪Rֵ֪֮µһNF(xin)ԓǶx䡣


ܶ࿼J鶨xһF(xin)ڶ_^❷ָ(jng)֪Ĵ̼ҕXҲ XЕr҂܉Rظ֪һЩ̼ЕrǟoR֪@ЩڱǶx



Subliminal Perception



below threshold

influence thought , attitude.


Consider this experiment. ❶ Two groups of people were asked to watch TV and while they are watching a picture flashed on the screen less than a second, very quickly so it was barely noticeable. The picture was a boy with a birthday cake. Now, like I said, there were two groups and each group saw a slightly different version of the picture. ❷ One group got the boy looking angry, in fact, he was actually throwing the cake on the floor. ❸ The other group got a picture of the boy smiling, happy, holding up the cake like he was offering it. Same boy, same cake but different emotions expressed in each picture.

❹ Everyone was then asked to look at a different image. Now, this is a third image, right? Again, it’s the boy and the cake, but this time the image stayed on the screen. In this picture, the boy’s just holding the cake basically no emotion on his face, everything very neutral. Now, remember, nobody knew they’d already seen a picture of this boy. After a minute, everyone was asked to describe the boy’s personality. ❺ Those who’d been exposed to the image of the angry boy, they generally described the boy’s personality negatively. Those who’d earlier seen the happy boy described him, well, positively.


1 Example :


2 Examples:



vvһһоձ؏Č򞌦^Y(ji)ȥՓxеacademic topic.


1 Example:

❶ нÃɽMͨ^ҕкõıfsubliminal perceptionĸ

❷ УָһM˂к،ڵϡ






1 Example:

boy cake

1 group: angry throwing

2 group: smile offering

all: X emotion neutral

1 group: negatively

2 group: positively

In the reading, the article talks about___❶___, (which means___❷___)

In the listening, the professor gives out one/ two example(s) to explain the title.

For instance, ___________❸____________.

The second is___________❹____________.

Therefore, by giving out this/these example(s), the professor tells us the meaning of ______❺______.(optional)


 vr“ώʲôӁMf”@}ȥ  ϵǰɾԒώo (ni)ݵĸԽBٽY(ji)xoĸ ef䷽ͨeUչeǶиČH

❸❹̎քevнһ߃ɂwfxеacademic topic


ͷַģ2.5 — 3

❶ The professor describes the subliminal perception ❷ that means people will percept something unconsciously will affect the attitude unconsciously. ❸There are two groups of people are watching TV. And there will be two different pictures will show in TV feeling in second. The second group ❹ will be show an angry boy found throwing a cake and the second group will be show a smiling boy are holding a cake. And then two of the group ❺ will be show the same picture that with a boy with no emotion and holding a cake.

❻ XXX he attitude of the boys. The first group says the boys holds a negative attitude and the second group says the boy holds positive attitude. That means subliminal perceptions can influence people’s attitude and awareness.

General Description (wӡ):

ܻxc еc(ni)ݣҪcղǺܵλЩطz©F(xin)ZA(ch)^_Еr

Topic Development (Ԓ}l(f)չ): ԓܺwҪIJփ(ni)ǃɽMˆTҪĵк@һc]ᵽԓҪõذ еc(ni)

Language Use (Z\): ❶e`The professor describes theԓȥsubliminal perceptionĸxеcprofessoroP(gun);❷~e`percept~ԓperceive. xӽhĞ飺Subliminal perception means the things people unconsciously perceive will affect their attitude unconsciously;❸Ze` There areԓȥЃɂ^Z~; will show in TV feeling in secondıҲe`;❹ Ze`ԸĞwill see an angry boy throwing;❺ Ze`will see;❻ _OԸĞ飺People were asked to describe the personality of the boy.

Delivery (ZԱ_): WwشȱZ{(dio)׃cԼ~c~֮gȱЧͣDԓWڰl(f)F(xin)һЩe`subliminal , perceive, flash, awarenessҲ]עl(f)rN࣬Bxx

߷ַģ3.5 — 4

Subliminal perception is a phenomenon  that the perception of stimulus is just below the threshold of conscious awareness and it can influence people’s thought and attitudes. The professor uses an experiment to illustrate this phenomenon. Two groups of people  were asked to watch TV. A picture flashed so fast that it was  barely noticeable. The picture was a boy with a birthday cake. But each group was shown to a different version of the picture. One group was shown to a picture  in which the boy was angry and trying to throw the cake. The other group was shown to a picture  where the boy was smiling and trying to offer the cake. Later, these two groups of people were shown to a third picture in which the boy was holding the cake  without any expressions. The people were then asked to describe the boy’s personality. The result was that the group seeing the angry boy described him negatively, but the other one  gave a description of the boy positively.

General Description (wӡ):


Topic Development (Ԓ}l(f)չ):ԓȌxog(sh)Zsubliminal perceptionĶxM˸֮ԔM، professorČ򞌦:two groups of people^̣ɽMIJͬrY(ji)ɽM˵urpositively߀negativelyo˸˼·Y(ji)(gu)

Language Use (Z\):  ̎thatͬλZBphenomenonă(ni) were asked toʹ҂ɰl(f)askZD(zhun)ƵɽMZB(ti)Խ(jng)ʹʹS  barelygɎ׺()ڲͬZпcan’t, not, won’tȵ in whichZľʹӽY(ji)(gu)o whereஔϾеin which, ʹwhereʹþӶӻ without any expressionswithoutڴ̎he doesn’t have, ֮withoutʹøӺ gave a description of cһdescribe໥Q͸S

Delivery (ZԱ_): ˌWĻشB؞ԺZԵ^ܶ~Mİl(f)кܺõİl(f)Tpeople ‘s thought, …xwatch TV, flashed on, birthday cake;Bxperception of, an experiment, groups of, asked to, version of  شZپҾc䡢~c~֮g@ͣD׌ ú
