
W(xu)W(wng) > иԇ > иZԇ߷ֹ






The intermediate speed of delivering the answer in English, not Chinglish, not Chinese-styled English. It has to be authentic British or American English.


The completeness and structure of English cross sentences.


The fluency and flowness of the language, English which means no too many sudden pauses and interruptions other you are very likely to lose score because of it.


The very clear logic structure of the answer which you are able to do through intentionally put into several words or phrases such as, Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly Or In the first place, In the second place and so on. Try it right in the middle of practcing prior to the TOEFL TEST.


A perfect command of a wide range of English frequently used words, such as, adjectives, proverbs, verbs, prepositions and conjunctions. If not, one thing is for sure that you are not able to get the ideal score that you really intend to get out of the TOEFL Ibt TEST. The grammar which implies the perfect command of a great number of frequently used grammar pattens especially for TOEFL Ibt Speaking Test part, such as, Attributive Clause Zľ䣬passive voice ZB(ti)And so on.


Pronunciation and tone is correct, clear, beautiful. The point is try to make these two sides correct and clear, not beautiful.

7.𰸽o wӡǷdzõ}r_mС

Try everything to be confident deep inside your heart first then your voice when you deliver the answer to answer the question. And also bear this in you mind, put the suitable emotion and mood into the words, the phrases inseide your answer. For example, to express your excitement, disappointment, joys,pains, regrets through the pitch of your voice. If so, one thing is for sure the rater can feel it correctly and clearly through the recording of your answer. Do remember to speak up English, to voice your viewpoint clearly, confidently and loudly right into the microphone.

