иԇCĵĿWx230-300ҵȻ ȡͬ}ĵ230-300ֵ
“ָ”_ᵽ}ϣ܉_ʼǰxx²ͨ^ PӛČȣһݺεVԲ(Before you start writing briefly reread the passage consult your notes and make a very brief outline of the points you wish to make.)҂܉}ڿĵһҪϣ܉oһƪYͺ@һc֮ķķ܉ĵõ϶“ָ”oַĵur_ıʾˌڹ½Yٝp(The writer is very specific and has organized his points so that they are parallel with one another in each of the supporting paragraphs the lecturer’s observation of what really happened is given first then explicitly connected to a theoretical point from the reading.)ܕֿ֮ԱǵČʽ“˹”½YtڿЄtǡǡwF˿˼·҂óһCόĵ÷c“Y”hڿǰҪڿܳF½Y( x^cƻ)ֵľʂʂÌԼĽYģ
“ָ”ͬr߀ᵽڿҪ еľw^cԼôӵķʽ^cMнጺf(The specific ideas explanations and arguments in the lecture that oppose or challenge points in the reading.)@һҪV҂˷ϣ܉ е^cl(f)cԔıcxϵĮͬc@һҪǾCόc“ָ”_߷(4-5)Ę˜Ҫ_ķ xе^cҲ^“co”ԣhעһ_ʼxxϕrҪAܕ гFϢc ϵĕrҪÿһPϢ“e^^”ȻҪע@Ҫ_м@Լ^cxäĿܔ е^c
мx“ָ”҂yCČZԵҪhhڌݺͽYҪ˷ҪHHľӱ_(Write in full English sentences)@һҪȻǞ˷ֹЂe}Ŀ˼ cxеPϢc_еķʽwFͬr҂ͨ^MһwҲyl(f)FھCIJ֣ϣ@ø߷ֵĿ˷Ĵ_δZԌI(y)O^ߵTϣ܉ɵǜʴ_B؞б_(Coherent and accurate presentations of each point that you make)ͬrSeČȫIJӰ푵ƴ~ʹúZe`(Occasional language errors will not count against you as long as they do not cause you to misrepresent the meaning of points from the reading and the lecture.)@һc“ָ”o5ַĵurͬӵõӡCͬr˷ƴʧ`䌒J鿼oČڳ弉e(first draft)Sִ^гFĹP`Fͬr“ָ”δἰڿ~yȵĿ˘˜ɴ˿ҊԓČ^“ʽZ”ҪܸʴѿZԱ_@һ÷cע“ZԵľ”“_B؞߉”ɂ