и }Ŀǹ̶漰ă(ni)݅sDzһӵǼʹ(j)vи C(j)(jng)ă(ni)Ҳyl(f)F(xin)и дһЩ“fܹʽ”˽@Щ(ni)ݿԎõA(y)y}c(din)ҵ÷c(din)һ
B.(dng)Ԓ(ni)漰ݳ(Ӱ)չ[r(sh)϶fdzʹ()p@Щչ[ݳҲ̓εf“It makes more sense next time”
У@龰ԒZ}ڌԒгF(xin)lʺܸߡҮ(dng)?sh)ڶ(g)˵fԒ(ni) r(sh)fԒĶفДB(ti)Ƿ϶Ǻ̵һ(g)ǿ϶Zyou can say that againǃɂ(g)ӻLͨǷZ
@Zֻؓ(f)֮֡ԇ֮ǰ֪@(g)y(tng)Ӌ(j)Y(ji)ʹڿԇr(sh)]ȫ Ԓă(ni)Ҳܵó_ĴmȻ҂C@Щ“Ҏ(gu)”njښvĿ}sIJ⡣(dng)Ȼ㌦Լ ˮƽur(ji)ܸߵԒԲð@(g)U(xin)һ(g)ķ
ϾǽСҷи еfܹʽϣиԇĿ
201649иԇ |
Cό 3 approaches to improve and extend the natural reserves for tortoise.
(d) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. |
wv_c(din)u |
Cό x 1. Establish the natural reserves through planting trees. ͨ^N佨Ȼo(h)^(q) 2. Raise the tortoises in the natural reserves for some period and then take them to emigrate to the wild. ڱo(h)^(q)B(yng)һЩȻwƵҰ 3. Choose some tortoises living with the more ones in the wild to move to the sites where are no tortoises but pleasant for survival. ҰĵطxһЩƵЩ]?sh)ǭh(hun)m˵ĵط g 1. It prevents the sunshine and the grass growing healthily to plant trees. As a result, the tortoises living there have no food chain resources. Nړꖹ, ڲݵL͛]гԵġ 2. The reserves have systematic techniques and approach to cure the disease from tortoises, but it is opposite in the wild. ڱo(h)^(q)ίļg(sh)ͷҰt]С 3. The tortoises come home because of homesick and they perhaps die on the way emigration. ?yn)ȥw·Ҳп (d) y^ֻҪxһfɼ˼· @^c(din) 1. The friends who are older than you can teach you many principles and rules because the majority of them have received more education than you.L˿Խܶ?yn)еĴ?sh)ܵĽиI(y)֪Rprofessional knowledgeQ}Ȼͬg˵֪RܸЩ}oQI܇ͬg˸Ŀܕ^appearanceo㽨hL˺ܿܣfunctionϣmateriall(f)әC(j)engineȷoI(y)Ľh 2. The friends who are older than you can strike your chord deeply in mind because they have more similar experiences like you who want to find a solution when you are in the confusion or dillema.LãeҪҵ·r(sh)l(f)ĹQeӿexW(xu)xI(y) 3. The friends who are older than you can help you grow mature because they have learnt how to face impulsion in your age. LѿԎ?yn)ѽ?jng)W(xu)@(g)o(j)挦_ӵđB(ti)n?yn)`ώubeing criticized by teacher because of some misunderstandingͬgܸܿһRcurseώ_ӵ£impulsivelygLһЩ˿ܕώ뷨Ȼ㽨_đB(ti)ȣestablish correct attitude and value |
ԇA(y)y |
1. Cόͪ(d)c(din)2012~2014ęC(j)(jng) 2. (d)P(gun)ע 3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? it is better to finish a project completely then to do another job than to do two or more projects at the same time. 4. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to spend money on travelling and vacation than save money for the future. |