1. n. + adj.Z(y)the jobs available to women
2. n. +~Z(y)a child with reading problem
3. adv. + v.-ed + n.seemingly limited number
4. n. + v.-edZ(y)-ingZ(y)
5. n. of sth
}1(19991¿})____in the desert is mainly due to the limited supply of desert water.
(A) Plants are widely spaced
(B) The spacing of plants is wide
(C) Plants to be spaced widely
(D) The wide spacing of plants
ȷӽY(ji)(gu)ԓǣis due to the limited supply.@ȱZ(y)ոБ(yng)ԓ~~~Mx(xing)AB^Y(ji)(gu)~~~M(j)due to÷҂ųC_D.
Most leaves are coated with a waterproof _____ or cuticle.
(A) that the covering
(B) and is covering
(C) covering
(D) by covering
@ѽ(jng)һ(g)(jin)εľӽY(ji)(gu)^J(rn)R(sh)waterproof@(g)~֪ո(yng)ԓ~?yn)waterproof~ֻ~߄(dng)~(@waterproofܱʾe~?yn)ǰĹ~athe)ҲԸ(j)ƽнY(ji)(gu)or cuticleДո(yng)ԓ~߄(dng)~(cuticleƤ)4(g)x(xing)ֻC~߄(dng)~
The term belles-lettres is used to denote literary forms that contain_____ such as drama poetry essays and novels.
(A) artistic creative writing
(B) writing that artistic creative
(C) artistic creative and writing
(D) them is artistic creative writing
ӽY(ji)(gu)ԓӵǣThe term belles-lettres is used to denote literary forms.that(do)ďľ~~Mliterary formscontainDŽ(dng)~()摪(yng)ԓ~~~Msuch as@(g)Z(y)drama poetry essays and novels(yng)ԓǿոͬλZ(y)ٴf(shu)ո(ni)(yng)~~~Mx(xing)AcontaineZ(y)~Z(y)~artisticcreative(dng)~writingM~~Mx(xing)Bеthatȱ(dng)~is.x(xing)DҲܘ(gu)һ(g)ľӽY(ji)(gu)DZ_(d)٘Ҵ~themָe(cu)`(themָforms)_A.
Paul Samuelson revolutionized _____by presenting his students with the most advanced economic thinking at an introductory level.
(A) to teach economics
(B) the teaching of economics
(C) teaching that economics is
(D) economics is taught
ӽY(ji)(gu)ոby(do)Ą(dng)ʽZ(y)(by presenting his students with the most advanced economic thinking as an introductory level)ӵPaul Samuelson revolutionized ______.Ʉ(dng)~revolutionized((du)……M(jn)и)÷ó(yng)ԓ~~~MԘ(gu)^eY(ji)(gu)(^Z(y)(dng)~(dng)~ӵY(ji)(gu)(yng)ԓ^eY(ji)(gu);^Z(y)(dng)~Ǽ(dng)~ӵY(ji)(gu)^Y(ji)(gu))(du)x(xing)A(dng)~revolutionize](mi)revolutionize to do sth÷Ҳf(shu)revolution(dng)~r(sh)revolutionizeǼ(dng)~Ӳʽx(xing)Bǿɘ(gu)eZ(y)~~M(du)x(xing)Cеthat economics is÷e(cu)`?yn)ܮ?dng)ľ~Ą(dng)~teaching.(du)x(xing)Dһ(g)^Y(ji)(gu)ոи](mi)γһ(g)Y(ji)(gu)ľ