

l(f)rg:2017-08-13 ݋:younian




[1] Z֪R(磺ZY~)Ժ󣬑øNֶŬU~R߳xдڵϵK

[2] xӖͨ^ٞg[会xl(f)F(xin)ּиxԇxwǶȿfwhՓwʽZ¡Zƪģʽһ錧}֧YՓIJÿһ_^ɰl(f)F(xin)}


[3] ߀Ը(j)иԇ}ᘌԵMһЩгF(xin)Ĵ~(he they that these it one others)ҳָ~;(j)ṩϢAy͚w{YՓ;xx֣(j)ǰZṩľœyx磺

Everyone faces times when one goal or another has to come first; deciding which goals are most important is setting priorities.((j)ZYֵxisʾָthe most important goals)

A skyscraper or building more than twenty stories high is built on a foundation of concrete supported by piles driven into the ground.(or@ʾ“f”ʾֵxbuilding more than twenty stories high)

Unlike her gregarious sister Jane is a shy unsociable person who does not like to go to parties or to make new friends. (UnlikeʾČPϵԴ_ֵxshy unsociableķ棬sociable friendly)

In spite of the fact that the beautiful egret is in danger of dying out completely many clothing manufacturers still offer handsome prices for their long elegant tail feathers which are used as decorations on ladies’ hats.(ȫ˼؄efeathers~Дָa type of bird)


[1] ӖxҪB(yng)ºxϢ⣬߀mעxϵĽMYַ磺ԓµĽMʽDZ^ijU^кá@ƒȺ͚w{Ҫ

[2] Ҫ^(q)ҪcҪݡ^̵ɾ򿂽YEҪ漰ϢɇLԇDPݷmȻиԇҪԼOӋD@헾ڼӏϢRԎm}Ҋ

Scholars’ opinion about why L. cave dwellers hid their art(WPL.βˇgl(f)^c) Reasons to substantiate this opinion Reasons to disprove this opinion

[3] (j)ҪD팦xMп^ĿYϿZ͌־CͿ}Ҫ

[4] xȡӻ侚x(paraphrase)һxyԇ錦ZıR;ڿZֵ͌ľCͿ}ҲҪ\ô헼
