
и ČW(xu)g(sh)Ͽc(din)Щ

l(f)rg:2017-01-08 ݋:1025

1. _^ᵽԭؿ(Ŀ}}})Y(ji)βĽhؿ(β})

2. _^ᵽı}ؿ(}})Y(ji)βıοY(ji)(Y(ji)Փ})

3. ؏(f)ɴεĵط(ͨ鱾nҪc(din)؏(f)һΣ}}/Y(ji)Փ})؏(f)ɴε~ؿ

4. Џ(qing){(dio)c(din)

(qing){(dio)СY(ji)(xZ)this is the first time…/ one thing important to remember is…/ It is/was …that…/ Not until…did/had…/ You are request to…

5. ᘌĵĿ/񶨻߻@ZĻشؿ(ץס{(dio)Z~B(ti)})

6. Փc(din)¸Փc(din)жxeؿ(䌦});fŒ(sh)ĵطP(Ƿͱ});fEıؿ(ͱ})

7. yc(din)Ľf(ĸؿ)

(do)~It refers to…; that is, that means, which means…; That is to say, in other words, by that he meant; Let me make it clear, let me make it simpler; Let’s put it in this way, let’s put it in another way

8. õ^c(din)ؿעbelieve(do)~

9. ~/~߼c(din)Ҫ磺the most important..; the biggest

10. Ԓ}D(zhun)Գ ش}(Ŀ})

11. ڌW(xu)ָ򾯸ľӱؿ(Ŀ/p(xing)x)

12. ڌW(xu)شĝM̶ȱ؆ɳ ش;W(xu)ڵĺ̶

13. β}(do)~(ͬrڿZ1, 2}}Y(ji)β)

In short, in conclusion, in a word, in a nutshell; to sum up, to wrap up, generally speaking; We may conclude that
