

l(f)r(sh)g:2017-12-19 ݋:1025



磺At this point in timewe should pull together for our goal. (F(xin)҂(yng)ԓ҂Ŀ(bio)F(tun)Y(ji)һ)@Ԓ“At this point in time”ʾ“F(xin)”҂ȫnow档

In the majority of caseshe likes to ride bike to the office. (ͨϲgT܇k)ܺεһԒȫԌ He usually likes to ride bike to the office


OriginalSolving trivial problems in the dorm will add your social experience and help you to understand other people‘s feelings and learn to be kind

Revised Solving trivial problems in the dorm will enrich your social experience and help you to understand other people’s feelings and learn to be considerate

addkind_(d)ĺx^ addָ(sh)ϵҲ̶ָȵļӏ(qing)“S(jng)(yn)֪R”@(g)˼enrichʹ_(d)(zhn)_ kindxv“õ”kind˟owرF(xin)һ(g)˵Ըԭ_(d)“]ܵwN΢”c(din)Ҫ(zhn)__(d)@(g)x(yng)xconsiderate

҂ҊһЩ٘~F(xin)ھϣ磺He has had many years of (actual) experience in business(ж꽛(jng)̵Ľ(jng)(yn))actualǶ?yn)experienceѽ(jng)actualζ

We assembled(together) all the parts for our radio. (҂bC(j))assembletogether˼togetherǶ“ƽ̎ԭt”˼IJF(xin)@ĎҕƫҊŮԄeҲҪ^(q)eʾ“ƽ”磺

Many businessmen(businesswomen) feel their jobs are very stressful. (SXùܴ) @Ԓ businessmenbusinesswomenDz׮(dng)?sh)ģԸĞ?business people business executivesbusiness managersͿ԰Ů

(dng)ȻһЩзNƫҊζ(insulting words slur)ҲҪMʹã[韩磺

˲Ҫ NegroNigger( Black ߀)Yòf Afro-American African-American;˲ҪHonky(@ǺR˵)_÷ Caucasian white people;q̫˲Ҫ Hymies(yng)ԓJewish Jewishpeople;Խ˲Ҫ GookҪ Vietnamese;ī˼ Puerto Rico_÷Hispanics Latins^(j)f˞˾So(h)ԼĻϲge˷Q Spaniard
