
и (tng)y(c)ԇߴԭt

r(sh)g2020-08-26 18:15:42 иԇ ҪͶ

и (tng)y(c)ԇߴԭt

(1) _(ki)^ͽY(ji)βԭt (The Beginning and Ending)

µĽY(ji)(gu)P(gun)_(ki)^ͽY(ji)βǕ(hu)}ĿY(ji)βһõ`ͣNext I would like to; Following this lecture; to end my lecture; to wrap up my lecture; to wind up my lecture; to put the finishing touch on my lecture

(2) ԭԭt (The Reasons and Results)

ʾԭP(gun)“(lin)~because (Z(y)нcause), for, since, thanks to, due to, attributedto, the reasonis; ʾY(ji)P(gun)“(lin)~so, therefore, thus, consequently, as a result, thats why

(3) D(zhun)ԭt (Turning Point)

but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, while, in fact , still, yet, unluckily, unfortunately, on the other hand, to tell you the truth, to be frank/honest, although, though, even if, even though.

(4) (qing){(dio)ԭt (Emphasis)

A. Z(y)⏊(qing){(dio) x(Stress) ͣD(Pause) `(Honest Mistake) ڳԵ

B. Z(y)x(qing){(dio)  (tng)ok, now, and, well, remember, surprise, Լonly, must Ƚ^(du)~ώf(shu)What I mean is; What I want you to do is ߲Ҳ~M(jn)Z(y)x(qing){(dio)硭is important/ fatal/ vital/ essential/ basic/ fundamental/ interesting/ necessary.

C. ^(qing){(dio) ͬ(j)^^(j)(Comparative)߼(j)(Superlative) Ǐ(qing){(dio)Ҫ磺һЩcompared to, in comparison߀(sh)~λ~һЩ~(qing){(dio)(Ordinal numbers, Prepositions)磺 first; last; also; before, after, by

D. Y(ji)Փ(qing){(dio)(Conclusions) 磺in conclusion, to conclude, in a word, all in all, last but not the least, to sum up.

E. e(qing){(dio)(Examples) 磺for example/ instanceӛP(gun)I~, such as/ like/ need/ include/ involveӛĸ, to demonstrate/ illustrate, to give you a clearer idea/ picture.

(5) (wn)ԭt (Questions and Answers)


(6) ԭt-¶x (Definitions)


(7) hԭt (Suggestions)


и (tng)y(c)ԇߴԭtP(gun)£

P(gun)и (tng)ߴԭt11-23

и (tng)ԭt11-23

и (tng)俼ԭt11-22

и (tng)ԇ~R08-19


ߴи (tng)E08-20

P(gun)и (tng)S08-21

и (tng)}ԭtͽ}˼·11-21
