

rg2023-06-28 11:33:14 иԇ ҪͶ
  • P]




1 abundant S plentiful S

2 accelerate increase

3 accessible _ reachable _

4 accordingly for that reason

5 account for f explain f

6 accumulate e collect ռ

7 acute Ե intense ҵ

8 adhere ճ stick ճ

9 adjunct o addition

10 adorn b decorate b

11 adverse ෴ negative ؓ

12 advocate ᳫ proponent ֧

13 aesthetical artistic ˇg

14 astound ˘O@Ӡ surprise @Ӡ

15 attachment(to) ϲ preference(for)ϲ

16 attain @ achieve @

17 attendant S accompanying S

18 attire clothing

19 attribute characteristic c

20 aviation navigation

21 barrenؚ infertile ؚ

22 bias ƫҊ prejudice ƫҊ

23 bizarre 殐 odd ֵ

24 boost M raise

25 bound limit

26 break (with) cx departure (from) cx

27 bring about cause

28 calculate Ӌ determine Q

29 carry ֧ support ֧

30 cast off G get rid off

31 cease Kֹ stop ֹͣ

32 celestial ϵ astronomical ĵ

33 chance żȻ unplanned δӋ

34 characterized ɫ distinguished ܳ

35 classify categorize

36 coarse ֲ rough ֲ

37 cohesion unity Yy(tng)һ

38 coin (chung)죬׫ create (chung)

39 collectively ͬ together һ

40 comparably similarly ͬӵ

41 compile ռ put together ռ

42 compose (chung) create (chung)(chung)

43 comprise ɡ.M consist of ɡ..M

44 conceal [ hide [

45 concentrate cluster

46 conclusive ģYՓԵ definitive _Ե

47 concomitant with c..һ in conjunction with c..һ

48 condone ˡ mercy ˡ

49 confined Ƶ limited Ƶ

50 conflict _ͻ opposition ෴

51 conjectural Ɯy based on guessing ڲœy

52 consciously R on purpose Ŀĵ

53 conserve retain

54 considerable (̶)޴ great ޴

55 considerable ޴ much S

56 considerable substantial Ԍ

57 consort ϻˣH associate ϻ

58 conspicuous @ noticeable @

59 constituent Mɲ component ɷ

60 constitute make up

61 consult counsel

62 consumption M eating

63 contemporary existing F

64 counteract negate ȡ

65 counterpart version 汾

66 crucial ҪģPI essential Ҫ

67 cumbersome 韩 burdensome 韩

68 customary ׵ usual һ







vи l~R03-09




2017и l~R03-09