и }е }¿ɷ֞飺1.Ɣһǣwhat does the professor mean when he says this-2.B(ti)һĆǣwhy does the professor say this-ڿ쿼ܷfԒfԒf@ԒԭĿĺ͑B(ti)ȣܷ˼
}ڴr¶ͨ^ֻ }Ŀ} ETSͨ^}Ŀڿ쌦fԒZİ }xȡr¿Էֲ̎1.fԒZZ{(dio)ӏ(qing)ĕr2.ᆖĕr3½Y(ji)(gu)D(zhun) ̎ ƪ µĕr fԒ˵Zeļӏ(qing)ĕrҪע㲻Ҫӛ@䱻ӏ(qing)˵Ԓwʲô˕rҪX ӡ fԒfԒrđB(ti)ʲôͿȻ^^ }քÆ@ԒĕrͿкܴİմ@}Ŀ
(Z)Student: Yeah, I never know how much to include. You know…where to draw the line-
Professor: Tell me about it!
What does the professor mean when she says this-
A. She understands the student's problem.
B. She wants the student to explain his comment.
C. She did not hear what the student said.
D. She does not accept the student's excuse.
ጣ@ ĆnjƔ}ӢZtell me about itһNܳҊĿZ_(d)ʾٝͬ˼ϵ"vv"˼fϤ@ӢZĹ̶_(d)ʽԒͿԺpɵ@}ĿxA
(Z)Student: I know people make utensils out of wood, but utensils out of tree bark-
why does the student say this -
A. To share what he knows about birch wood
B. To point out a misprint in the textbook
C. To bring up a point from a previous lecture
D. To request more explanation from the professor ጣ҂܉ W(xu)"utensils"@ԼȻɆ@Ոprofessor ĽጡBCǟoP(gun)x҂ųȻAxW(xu)@ԒLJ@"utensils"չ_IJwoodҲųxD
(Z)Student: Oh, I see. At first I wasn't sure what growing season meant, just from the reading. But now I get it. It's the amount of time it takes for them to grow, right- So it would be five months-
Professor: Umm- Oh, uh… I'm sorry but no. It has nothing to do with that.
Why does the professor say this -
A. To inform the student that his definition is incorrect
B. To suggest that the student did not do the reading
C. To encourage the student to try again
D. To change the topic of discussion
ጣՈעprofessor Z"Umm-Oh…I'm sorry but no."mȻ}Ŀc(din)ǺǾԒ"It has nothing to do with that" professorZԒ߀] Ǿĕr܉ǰZ֮ǰW(xu)v@ ԒđB(ti)ˡ@ȻڼmW(xu)e`Դxa
и ԇ÷}͵P(gun)Си ԇв}ͶǺyø߷ֵȥһЩҊyc(din)һЩԇ}ͨ^ԼƽյӖ(xn)܉푑(yng)ķ?jn)?sh)ԣǧfҪ`Ԟи ԇ}y