1. ҷdzϲg
I very like it.
I like it very much.
2. @(g)r(ji)(du)ͦmġ
The price is very suitable for me.
The price is right.
suitable(m)Ҋ(jin)÷ԷʽF(xin)ڸʾ֪ͨϣ磺й(ji)Ŀ?j)ͯThe following program is not suitable for children.@Múf(shu)(hu)m
3. ʲô?
What’s your job?
What’s your occupation?
What’s your job?@Nf(shu)yҲë?ǵ?yn)ՄԒ?du)ʧI(y)ֱӵĆ(wn)(hu)(du)ʧӣҪ(wn)Ŀǰϰ?Are you working at the moment?(li)ņ(wn)Ŀǰă?Where are you working these days?Ă(g)ИI(y)?What line of work are you in? صf(shu)Occupation. 혎f(shu)һش@(li)(wn)}r(sh)f(shu)þwһc(din)Ҫֻf(shu)(jng)ؕ(sh)
4. ӢZ(y)ôf(shu)?
How to say?
How do you say this in English?
NoteHow to sayЇ(gu)鷺Eɞ(zi)Ї(gu)ʽӢZ(y)֮һ@QǵصӢZ(y)f(shu)ͬӵľУՈ(qng)(wn)@(g)~ƴ(xi)?How do you spell that please?Ո(qng)(wn)@(g)~ôx?How do you pronounce this word?
5. Ҫ
I have something to do tomorrow?
Sorry but I am tied up all day tomorrow.
I have something to do(li)ʾæ@ҲȫЇ(gu)ʽf(shu)?yn)ÿr(sh)ÿ҂Ҫ˯X(ju)Ҳ顣f(shu)ҺæÓ_(ki)I’m tied up.߀f(shu)I’m I can’t make it at that time. I’d love to, but I can’t, I haveto stay at home.
6. қ](mi)Ӣ
I haven’t English name.
I don’t have an English name.
һ(x)TһՈ(qng)f(shu)Ԓқ](mi)X(qin);I don’thave any money.қ](mi)ֵܽ;I don’thave any brothers or sisters.қ](mi)܇(ch)I don’t have a car.
7. ҲС
I think I can’t.
I don’t think I can.
8. ҵҲò
I don’t dance well too.
I am not a very good dancer either.
(dng)҂f(shu)L(zhng)ʲôĕr(sh)ӢZ(y)ͨnot good atsomethingӢZ(y)˼SֱxSҲһ(g)õ
9. F(xin)ڎc(din)?
What time is it now?
What time is it, please?
What time is it now@һ(g)ֱӏĝhZ(y)g^(gu)ľӣvӢZ(y)ĕr(sh)](mi)бҪf(shu)now,?yn)܆?wn)whattime was it yesterday, what time is it tomorrow?ԷӢZ(y)(x)Tf(shu)ǣՈ(qng)(wn)F(xin)ڎc(din)?߀һNf(shu)ǣHoware we doing for time?@ԒЕr(sh)gƵĕr(sh)em
10. ҵӢZ(y)⡣
My English is poor.
I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving.
_(ki)Цf(shu)ȫЇ(gu)L(zhng)һӢǣMy English ispoor(sh)Ԓf(shu)ҏā(li)](mi)һ(g)(gu)ˌ(du)f(shu)My Chinese is poor. o(w)ՓĝhZ(y)Ǻljģ(hu)f(shu) I am still having a few problem, but I getting better
(dng)V(gu)ˣӢZ(y)poorso what(ô)Ҫeˮ(dng)(chng)ʩo҂һЩӢZ(y)߀f(shu)ҵӢZ(y)ãۂՄ˰
11. ԸⅢ҂(hu)?
Would you like to join our party on Friday?
Would you like to come to our party on Friday night?
joinָӾ㘷(l)߅f(xi)(hu)磺join a health club; join the Communist Party.(sh)cpartyĄ(dng)~come go.go a wild partycome to a Christmas Party.
12. қ](mi)н(jng)(yn)
I have no experience.
I don’t know much about that.
I have no experience@Ԓ (tng)(li)Ź?yn)ֻҪf(shu)ǷҶò࣬@ҲI am not really an expert in this area.
13. қ](mi)
I have no boyfriend.
I don’t have a boyfriend.
14. wܽ
His body is healthy.
He is in good health. You can also say: He’s healthy.
15. r(ji)X(qin)ܰF/ˡ
The price is too expensive/cheap.
The price is too high/ rather low.
16. ҂܇(ch)
We got off the car.
We got out of the car.
17. ܇(ch)ٿ
The speed of the car is fast.
The car is speeding. Or “The car is going too fast.”
18. @(g)(ji)ؼ҆?
Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival?
ǵһȥOf course! (@һe(cu))
(dng)ȻSure. / Certainly(@Nf(shu)_)
ӢZ(y)ĸZ(y)ʹof courselҪЇ(gu)ČW(xu)͵öֻ࣬ڻشһЩ֪Ć(wn)}r(sh)f(shu)ofcourse?yn)of course[һԒ“(dng)Ȼ֪!yһ(g)ɵφ?”of courseᅵζڽՄr(sh)surecertainlyЧ(hu)õöͬr(sh)of course notҲᅵζrZ(y)غ͵f(shu)certainly not.
19. X(ju)ֺ
I feel very painful in my right hand.
My right hand is very painful. Or “ My right hand hurts(aches).”
20. @Ӡ
He looked at her and felt surprised.
He looked at her in surprise.
21. x^(gu)Сf(shu)Ǜ](mi)ϵ@ôp
I have read your novels but I didn't think you could be so young.
After having read your novel, I expected that you would be older.
22. Ętҿ˼
Her red face made me see through her mind.
Correct: Her red face told me what she was thinking.
24. e
Don't pay attention to her.
Leave her alone.
25. ڴW(xu)W(xu)S֪R(sh)
I get a lot of knowledge in the university.
I learned a lot in university.
26. Sɽx(sh)
Samuel is reading a book.
Samuel is reading.
27. ɼD(zhun)ʧ
She was so jealous that she became desperate.
Jealousy drove her to despair.